6,799 research outputs found

    Solid-state NMR Analysis of Adhesive Bondlines in Pilot Scale Flakeboards

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    This work demonstrates the application of solid-state NMR to the analysis of adhesive bondlines in pilot scale flakeboards. A comparison to laboratory scale experiments is also made. Phenol-formaldehyde resin is easily detected by using labeled formaldehyde. However, resin washout can occasionally prevent detection in pilot scale composites. The relative degree of resin cure is determined by measuring corrected signal areas and also by measuring proton longitudinal relaxation in the rotating frame. Such relaxation measurements were effective in laboratory scale experiments, but were much less useful for pilot scale tests. The degree of phenol-formaldehyde polymerization was not affected by changes in wood furnish moisture content; the range of furnish moisture was 13 and 24%. This suggests that phenol-formaldehyde moisture intolerance is not related to polymerization retardation by water. This work demonstrates the feasibility of performing detailed bondline analyses on pilot and possibly industrial scale composites

    Interstitial stem cells in Hydra

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    Modelling cell motility and chemotaxis with evolving surface finite elements

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    We present a mathematical and a computational framework for the modelling of cell motility. The cell membrane is represented by an evolving surface, with the movement of the cell determined by the interaction of various forces that act normal to the surface. We consider external forces such as those that may arise owing to inhomogeneities in the medium and a pressure that constrains the enclosed volume, as well as internal forces that arise from the reaction of the cells' surface to stretching and bending. We also consider a protrusive force associated with a reaction-diffusion system (RDS) posed on the cell membrane, with cell polarization modelled by this surface RDS. The computational method is based on an evolving surface finite-element method. The general method can account for the large deformations that arise in cell motility and allows the simulation of cell migration in three dimensions. We illustrate applications of the proposed modelling framework and numerical method by reporting on numerical simulations of a model for eukaryotic chemotaxis and a model for the persistent movement of keratocytes in two and three space dimensions. Movies of the simulated cells can be obtained from http://homepages.warwick.ac.uk/maskae/CV_Warwick/Chemotaxis.html

    Criminal Penalties Under the Sherman Act: A Study of Law and Economics

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    This paper presents an empirical analysis of criminal antitrust prosecutions undertaken by the Department of Justice during the period 1955-1993. The authors report data on the number of criminal cases, the type of offense alleged, whether the defendants were individuals or firms, the position individual defendants held in their firm, the Department of Justice\u27s won/lost record and the nature and amount of any sanctions imposed. A brief discussion of whether the reported sanctions have been adequate to promote efficient deterrence is also presented

    Criminal Penalties Under the Sherman Act: A Study of Law and Economics

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    This paper presents an empirical analysis of criminal antitrust prosecutions undertaken by the Department of Justice during the period 1955-1993. The authors report data on the number of criminal cases, the type of offense alleged, whether the defendants were individuals or firms, the position individual defendants held in their firm, the Department of Justice\u27s won/lost record and the nature and amount of any sanctions imposed. A brief discussion of whether the reported sanctions have been adequate to promote efficient deterrence is also presented

    Coherent Population Trapping of Electron Spins in a Semiconductor

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    In high-purity n-type GaAs under strong magnetic field, we are able to isolate a lambda system composed of two Zeeman states of neutral-donor bound electrons and the lowest Zeeman state of bound excitons. When the two-photon detuning of this system is zero, we observe a pronounced dip in the excited-state photoluminescence indicating the creation of the coherent population-trapped state. Our data are consistent with a steady-state three-level density-matrix model. The observation of coherent population trapping in GaAs indicates that this and similar semiconductor systems could be used for various EIT-type experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures replaced 6/25/2007 with PRL versio

    Department of Justice Antitrust Enforcement, 1955-1997: An Empirical Study

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    This is an empirical study of Department of Justice (DOJ) enforcement of the antitrust laws. Its purpose is fourfold: 1.To update Posner\u27s study A Statistical Study of Antitrust Enforcement (Posner, 1970, pp. 365-419). 2.To provide consistent and comparable measures of antitrust enforcement effort by the Department of Justice. 3.To report these measurements in a concise and systematic way in order to encourage empirical studies of antitrust issues. 4.To explore some implications for antitrust issues. The purpose is to present the overall historical record of DOJ antitrust activity as well as some patterns in that history. More detailed analysis is left for future work. The following information for cases undertaken by the DOJ are reported: number of cases, choice of civil or criminal remedies, alleged violations, corporate officials prosecuted, won-loss record, civil and criminal sanctions imposed, and length of the proceedings. The principal source of data is the CCH Trade Regulation Reporter, commonly referred to as the CCH Bluebook which contains brief summaries of all DOJ antitrust cases in order of their filing

    Economic development, human development, and the pursuit of happiness, April 1, 2, and 3, 2004

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    This repository item contains a single issue of the Pardee Conference Series, a publication series that began publishing in 2006 by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future. This was the Center's spring conference, which took place during April 1, 2, and 3, 2004.The conference asks the questions, how can we make sure that the benefits of economic growth flow into health, education, welfare, and other aspects of human development; and what is the relationship between human development and economic development? Speakers and participants discuss the role that culture, legal and political institutions, the UN Developmental Goals, the level of decision-making, and ethics, play in development

    Attosecond vortex pulse trains

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    The landscape of ultrafast structured light pulses has recently evolved driven by the capability of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) to up-convert orbital angular momentum (OAM) from the infrared to the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) spectral regime. Accordingly, HHG has been proven to produce EUV vortex pulses at the femtosecond timescale. Here we demonstrate the generation of attosecond vortex pulse trains, i.e. a succession of attosecond pulses with a helical wavefront, resulting from the synthesis of a comb of EUV high-order harmonics with the same OAM. By driving HHG with a polarization tilt-angle fork grating, two spatially separated circularly polarized high-order harmonic beams with order-independent OAM are created. Our work opens the route towards attosecond-resolved OAM light-matter interactions.Comment: Main text (1-14 pages) and supplemental material (14-16 pages

    The Farthest Known Supernova: Support for an Accelerating Universe and a Glimpse of the Epoch of Deceleration

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    We present photometric observations of an apparent Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) at a redshift of ~1.7, the farthest SN observed to date. SN 1997ff, was discovered in a repeat observation by the HST of the HDF-), and serendipitously monitored with NICMOS on HST throughout the GTO campaign. The SN type can be determined from the host galaxy type:an evolved, red elliptical lacking enough recent star formation to provide a significant population of core-collapse SNe. The class- ification is further supported by diagnostics available from the observed colors and temporal behavior of the SN, both of which match a typical SN Ia. The photo- metric record of the SN includes a dozen flux measurements in the I, J, and H bands spanning 35 days in the observed frame. The redshift derived from the SN photometry, z=1.7+/-0.1, is in excellent agreement with the redshift estimate of z=1.65+/-0.15 derived from the U_300,B_450,V_606,I_814,J_110,J_125,H_160, H_165,K_s photometry of the galaxy. Optical and near-infrared spectra of the host provide a very tentative spectroscopic redshift of 1.755. Fits to observations of the SN provide constraints for the redshift-distance relation of SNe~Ia and a powerful test of the current accelerating Universe hypothesis. The apparent SN brightness is consistent with that expected in the decelerating phase of the preferred cosmological model, Omega_M~1/3, Omega_Lambda~2/3. It is inconsistent with grey dust or simple luminosity evolution, candidate astro- physical effects which could mimic past evidence for an accelerating Universe from SNe Ia at z~0.5.We consider several sources of possible systematic error including lensing, SN misclassification, selection bias, and calibration errors. Currently, none of these effects appears likely to challenge our conclusions.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal 38 pages, 15 figures, Pretty version available at http://icarus.stsci.edu/~stefano/ariess.tar.g