41 research outputs found

    Working conditions and risk exposure of employees whose occupations require driving on public roads - Factorial analysis and classification

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    Several studies of the working conditions of drivers, and in particular on their pace of work, have enabled a better understanding of the risk factors for road accidents that occur during work. However, few studies are available on the risk exposure and working conditions of employees whose occupations involve driving. The purpose of this paper is to identify the different groups of employees occupationally exposed to road risk and to classify them according to working conditions. Methodology A Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) was implemented on the 41,727 individuals from the SUMER 2010 survey (Medical Monitoring of Occupational Risk Exposure: SUrveillance Médicale des Expositions aux Risques professionnels) and for 45 variables about working conditions. The analysis used 5 categories of weekly driving exposure as a supplementary variable (variable which is not used to perform the MCA): Non-exposure; Exposed 20?h. The results of the MCA were used to construct an ascending hierarchical classification. Results The first factorial axis differentiates between conventional and unconventional work schedules. Axis 2 differentiates modalities corresponding to the working hours of the most recent working week. The third axis chiefly contrasts persons who have rules to follow with those who have none. An ascending hierarchical classification distinguishes 10 clusters of individuals according to working conditions. Four clusters of employees were excessively exposed to occupational driving. Clusters also have distinct demographic, occupational and psychosocial characteristics. Conclusion Analysis of data from the SUMER survey confirms that employees exposed to road risk are particularly affected by atypical work time characteristics, but can be found in all activity sectors and in all types of job

    Interacting with the public as a risk factor for employee psychological distress

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    Background: The 1-month prevalence of any mental disorder in employees ranges from 10.5% to 18.5%. Mental disorders are responsible for substantial losses in employee productivity in both absenteeism and presenteeism. Potential work related factors contributing to mental difficulties are of increasing interest to employers. Some data suggests that being sales staff, call centre operator, nurse or teacher increases psychological distress. One aspect of these occupations is that there is an interaction with the public. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether employees who interact with the public are at greater risk of psychological distress

    Recognition of COVID-19 with occupational origin: a comparison between European countries

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    Objectives This study aims to present an overview of the formal recognition of COVID-19 as occupational disease (OD) or injury (OI) across Europe. Methods A COVID-19 questionnaire was designed by a task group within COST-funded OMEGA-NET and sent to occupational health experts of 37 countries in WHO European region, with a last update in April 2022. Results The questionnaire was filled out by experts from 35 countries. There are large differences between national systems regarding the recognition of OD and OI: 40% of countries have a list system, 57% a mixed system and one country an open system. In most countries, COVID-19 can be recognised as an OD (57%). In four countries, COVID-19 can be recognised as OI (11%) and in seven countries as either OD or OI (20%). In two countries, there is no recognition possible to date. Thirty-two countries (91%) recognise COVID-19 as OD/OI among healthcare workers. Working in certain jobs is considered proof of occupational exposure in 25 countries, contact with a colleague with confirmed infection in 19 countries, and contact with clients with confirmed infection in 21 countries. In most countries (57%), a positive PCR test is considered proof of disease. The three most common compensation benefits for COVID-19 as OI/OD are disability pension, treatment and rehabilitation. Long COVID is included in 26 countries. Conclusions COVID-19 can be recognised as OD or OI in 94% of the European countries completing this survey, across different social security and embedded occupational health systems.This publication is based on work from COST Action CA16216 (OMEGA-NET), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)

    Case-control study on renal cell cancer and occupational trichloroethylene exposure, in the Arve valley (France). Final report

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    Rapport de rechercheA case-control study was performed in a geographic area with a high frequency and degree of exposure to trichloroethylene (TRI), to test the effect of such exposure on Renal Cell Cancer (RCC) risk. A method for a semi quantitative retrospective assessment of exposure to trichloroethylene (TRI) was implemented using the large quantity of well-documented measurements collected by teams of occupational physicians from the Arve Valle

    Évaluation des conditions de travail et de l’état de santé des travailleurs en entrepôts et plateformes logistiques

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    International audienceIndustrie en plein essor, le secteur de la logistique est soumis à une forte sinistralité en termes d’accidents du travail et de maladies professionnelles. Notre objectif était de décrire les conditions de travail et l’état de santé des travailleurs du secteur de la logistique en les comparant avec les salariés des autres secteurs professionnels