622 research outputs found

    Metamorphism of cordierite gneisses from Eastern Ghat Granulite Terrain, Andhra Pradesh, South India

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    Cordierite-bearing metapelites of the Eastern Ghat granulite terrain occur in close association of Khondalites, quartzites, calc-silicate rocks and charnockites. Rocks occurring between Bobbili in the north and Guntur in the south of Andhra Pradesh are studied. The association of the mineral and textural relationships suggest the following metamorphic reactions: Garnet + sillimanite + quartz = cordierite, hypersthene + sillimanite + quartz = cordierite, sillimanite + spinel = cordierite + corundum, and biotite + quartz + sillimanite = cordierite + K=feldspar. Generally the minerals are not chemically zoned except garnet-biotite showing zoning when they come in close contact with one another. The potential thermometers are provided by the Fe-Mg distribution of coexisting biotite-garnet and cordierite-garnet. Conflicting interpretation of the P/T dependence of these reactions involving cordierite are due to H2O in the cordierite. The presence of alkali feldspar-quartz assemblage which is common in these gneisses will be constrained from melting only if H2O activity is less than 0.5. The piezometric array inferred is convex towards the temperature array, indicating a rapid and isothermal crustal uplift probably aided by thrust tectonics

    Thanatophoric dysplasia: A case report with probable recurrence

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    Thanatophoric dysplasia (TD) is a congenital, sporadic, and the most lethal skeletal dysplasia caused by new mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene. At birth, it is characterized by shortening of the limbs (micromelia), small conical thorax, platyspondyly (flat vertebral bodies), and macrocephaly. TD is divided into two clinically defined subtypes: Type I and II which can be differentiated by the skull shape and femur morphology. Ultrasound examination in the second trimester is often straight forward in diagnosing the congenital anomaly. We report a case of preterm stillborn female baby with dysmorphic facies, macrocephaly, micromelia with short stubby fingers and deep skin creases, short limbs, narrow thorax, and protuberant abdomen delivered at our hospital to a 24-year-old multigravida mother with the previous history of first-trimester abortion. The antenatal ultrasound examination showed shortening of long bones with femur-shaped like a telephone receiver. Dysmorphic facial feature, skeletal abnormalities, and histopathological examination lead us to make the diagnosis of TD Type I. We report this case of TD in view of recurrence risk of around 1%, occurring mostly through autosomal dominant mode of inheritance, which may be the possibility in this case

    Pathological study of elective nephrectomies for a two year period

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    Background: Nephrectomies whether partial, total or radical are common surgical procedures these days with trauma being the most common cause of an emergency nephrectomy. The indications of elective nephrectomies vary with different age groups- malignancies being common in the elderly age group and non-neoplastic indications of nephrectomy may present in any age group. The present study was undertaken in view of the increasing elective nephrectomies in our area thus analyzing the common causes requiring nephrectomy as a treatment. The present study also aimed at determining the age and sex distribution of various renal lesions requiring a nephrectomy.Methods: It was a prospective study for a period of 2 years - January 2013 to December 2014. A total of 45 nephrectomies were included in the study. Detailed clinical, biochemical and imaging findings were taken into consideration before analyzing each case. Results: There was a male predominance(64.4%) and 26.6% of the cases were in the age group of 40-50 years. 95.5% of the nephrectomies were performed for a non-neoplastic indication. Involvement of the right and left kidney was almost equal in the study. Chronic pyelonephritis was the most common histopathological diagnosis(68.8%).Conclusion: Inflammatory causes more commonly required a nephrectomy in the study population.  Chronic calculous pyelonephritis was the most common underlying pathophysiology leading to a nonfunctioning kidney thus highlighting the early treatment of renal calculi.

    Cloud Based Student Repository System

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    Learning through research brings better outcome. In this project, our main motive is to provide a flexible web developed OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) for users to gain allusion of projects which is already being exist in the Catalogue. For a developer learning with references helps to design desired outcome for that we are providing a complete erudition of the enduring project by the organization through OPAC. The users are able to upload the video and documents related to the project and also can scrutinize the existed projects. For that different framework are used such as python flask, Azure cloud, Collaborative Filtering etc. These frameworks are able to store and provide better methodology of learning. Therefore, this paper aim-at providing simple interface for gathering information regarding designing of project
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