2,444 research outputs found

    Report from ionospheric science

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    The general strategy to advance knowledge of the ionospheric component of the solar terrestrial system should consist of a three pronged attack on the problem. Ionospheric models should be refined by utilization of existing and new data bases. The data generated in the future should emphasize spatial and temporal gradients and their relation to other events in the solar terrestrial system. In parallel with the improvement in modeling, it will be necessary to initiate a program of advanced instrument development. In particular, emphasis should be placed on the area of improved imaging techniques. The third general activity to be supported should be active experiments related to a better understanding of the basic physics of interactions occurring in the ionospheric environment. These strategies are briefly discussed

    LTV beta-bremsstrahlung spectrometer for Gemini 12 Final report

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    Design and operation of combination bremsstrahlung spectrometer and data processor for radiation monitoring during Gemini 7 fligh

    Report from magnetospheric science

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    By the early 1990s, magnetospheric physics will have progressed primarily through observations made from Explorer-class spacecraft, sounding rockets, ground based facilities, and shuttle based experiments. The global geospace science (GGS) element of the International Solar Terrestrial Physics program, when combined with contributions to the ESA Cluster mission and ground based and computer modeling programs, will form the basis for a major U.S. initiative in magnetospheric physics. The scientific objectives of the GGS program involve the study of energy transport throughout geospace. The Cluster mission will investigate turbulence and boundary phenomena in geospace, particularly at high latitudes on the dayside and in the region of the neutral sheet at geocentric distances of about 20 earth radii on the night side of the earth. The current state of knowledge is reviewed and the goals of these missions are briefly discussed

    Instrument manual for the retarding ion mass spectrometer on Dynamics Explorer-1

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    The retarding ion mass spectrometer (RIMS) for Dynamics Explorer-1 is an instrument designed to measure the details of the thermal plasma distribution. It combines the ion temperature determining capability of the retarding potential analyzer with the compositional capabilities of the mass spectrometer and adds multiple sensor heads to sample all directions relative to the spacecraft ram direction. This manual provides a functional description of the RIMS, the instrument calibration, and a description of the commands which can be stored in the instrument logic to control its operation

    The swept angle retarding mass spectrometer: Initial results from the Michigan auroral probe sounding rocket

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    Data from a sounding rocket flight of the swept angle retarding ion mass spectrometer (SARIMS) are presented to demonstrate the capability of the instrument to make measurements of thermal ions which are differential in angle, energy, and mass. The SARIMS was flown on the Michigan auroral probe over regions characterized first by discrete auroral arcs and later by diffuse precipitation. The instrument measured the temperature, densities, and flow velocities of the ions NO(+) and O(+). Measured NO(+) densities ranged from 10 to the 5th power up to 3 x 10 to the 5th power ions/cu cm, while the measured O(+) densities were a factor of 5-10 less. Ion temperatures ranged from 0.15 up to 0.33 eV. Eastward ion flows approximately 0.5 km/sec were measured near the arcs, and the observed flow magnitude decreased markedly inside the arcs

    San Jacinto Intrusive Complex: 2. Geochemistry

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    Rocks from three large (>100^2 km) tonalitic intrusions exposed in the San Jacinto Mountains of southern California show a restricted compositional range of between 63 and 68 wt % SiO_2 for all but volumetrically minor felsic differentiates (with Si0_2≈70 wt %). All rocks with less than 65.5 wt % SiO_2 show linear element-element covariation. Felsic differentiates have characteristics (higher SiO_2, K_2O, Rb, Ba, U; higher and variable rare earth elements) consistent with derivation by in situ fractionation; rocks with between 65.5 and 70 wt % SiO_2 have intermediate characteristics and are interpreted as derived from liquids formed by mixing “primitive” liquids with fractionated liquids within an intermittently recharged, continuously solidifying magma chamber. Mafic inclusions extend the compositional trends of the mafic tonalites to 55 wt % SiO_2. The chemical variations of both inclusions and more mafic tonalites are interpreted as resulting from processes acting before injection of their parental liquids into the observed crustal magma chambers. Effects of chamber processes are minor for all but the most felsic rocks. The major effect of recharge is to buffer the thermal and chemical properties of liquids within the magma chambers, yielding large volumes of relatively homogeneous tonalite. For those elements where the bulk distribution coefficient is between about 0.5 and 2, concurrent recharge and solidification produces rocks that closely approximate the composition of the added liquids. Estimated Rayleigh numbers for these liquids are high (>10^(10)), implying convection throughout much of the solidification history of each chamber. Existence of trace element variations within analyzed rocks imply that convection was not totally efficient at homogenizing the various batches of liquid added to each chamber

    The retarding ion mass spectrometer on dynamics Explorer-A

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    An instrument designed to measure the details of the thermal plasma distribution combines the ion temperature-determining capability of the retarding potential analyzer with the compositional capabilities of the mass spectrometer and adds multiple sensor heads to sample all directions relative to the spacecraft ram directions. The retarding ion mass spectrometer, its operational modes and calibration are described as well as the data reduction plan, and the anticipated results

    The analysis of a generic air-to-air missile simulation model

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    A generic missile model was developed to evaluate the benefits of using a dynamic missile fly-out simulation system versus a static missile launch envelope system for air-to-air combat simulation. This paper examines the performance of a launch envelope model and a missile fly-out model. The launch envelope model bases its probability of killing the target aircraft on the target aircraft's position at the launch time of the weapon. The benefits gained from a launch envelope model are the simplicity of implementation and the minimal computational overhead required. A missile fly-out model takes into account the physical characteristics of the missile as it simulates the guidance, propulsion, and movement of the missile. The missile's probability of kill is based on the missile miss distance (or the minimum distance between the missile and the target aircraft). The problems associated with this method of modeling are a larger computational overhead, the additional complexity required to determine the missile miss distance, and the additional complexity of determining the reason(s) the missile missed the target. This paper evaluates the two methods and compares the results of running each method on a comprehensive set of test conditions