234 research outputs found


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    Streams draining coniferous plantations contain higher loadings of hydrogen ion, aluminium, sulphate and nitrate, in comparison with streams in adjacent grasslands. Almost all of this ion-load is transported to streams via subsurface water-pathways. An incontrovertible, physical characterization of these pathways within a natural, layered hillslope, has yet to be presented. This research has sought to provide such a characterization for two hillslopes - one afforested with conifers, the other an improved grassland. Much of the uncertainty associated with the identification of soil-water-pathways stems from an inadequate characterization of the errors imposed by the use of each measurement technique. This research has, therefore, compared the predictions of a number of quasi-independent field and analytical techniques, to attempt to lessen the impact of measurement error upon the observed response of the true hydrological system. The impact of conifers upon the detailed water-pathways and lumped catchment response was monitored to educe any changes in the hydrological response which could account for the increased loading of acidic solutes within forest streams. The results of the analysis, indicated that the pathways of water through hillslopes could be predicted from the response of hydrological properties averaged over control volumes of soil-pores. The accuracy of these solutions was proven by the concordance of the response of all of the properties contained within the Darcy-Richards equation. The marked horizon development within the ferric podzol soil of the instrumented forest hillslope, in particular the presence of an indurated B horizon, deflects most percolation laterally within the 0/A and A/E horizons. This pathway was indicted by the results of techniques which included numerical and approximative calculations, discontinuities between the state-dependent hydraulic conductivity of each soil horizon, and the generation of steep, vertical potential gradients in layered porous media. The instrumented grassland hillslope was ploughed 11 years prior to instrumentation. This greatly increased the conductivity of the controlling B horizon, allowing almost all flow to percolate to depth. During winter-storms, the forest hillslope generated flows smaller than those within the grassland hillslope, concomitant with the 29 percent difference in the rainfall-runoff behaviour of the catchment areas. This increased loss of runoff within the afforested areas, may result from the high losses of wetted-canopy-evaporation (39 percent of gross-precipitation) from the Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis. Bong. Carr.) trees. Individual conifer trees growing on the steep, ferric podzol hillslope appeared to enhance the lateral deflection of flow within the O/A and A/E horizons, probably as a result of their platy root systems, and the high rates of precipitation input to soil at the stem-base. The enhancement of both lateral near-surface flow and below-canopy ion concentrations could, therefore, generate the chemical signatures characteristic of streams draining coniferous forests.Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (NERC)and Institute of Hydrology (NERC

    Scale‐invariance of albedo‐based wind friction velocity

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    Obtaining reliable estimates of aerodynamic roughness is necessary to interpret and accurately predict aeolian sediment transport dynamics. However, inherent uncertainties in field measurements and models of surface aerodynamic properties continue to undermine aeolian research, monitoring, and dust modeling. A new relation between aerodynamic shelter and land surface shadow has been established at the wind tunnel scale, enabling the potential for estimates of wind erosion and dust emission to be obtained across scales from albedo data. Here, we compare estimates of wind friction velocity (u * ) derived from traditional methods (wind speed profiles) with those derived from the albedo model at two separate scales using bare soil patch (via net radiometers) and landscape (via MODIS 500 m) datasets. Results show that profile‐derived estimates of u * are highly variable in anisotropic surface roughness due to changes in wind direction and fetch. Wind speed profiles poorly estimate soil surface (bed) wind friction velocities necessary for aeolian sediment transport research and modeling. Albedo‐based estimates of u * at both scales have small variability because the estimate is integrated over a defined, fixed area and resolves the partition of wind momentum between roughness elements and the soil surface. We demonstrate that the wind tunnel‐based calibration of albedo for predicting wind friction velocities at the soil surface (u s* ) is applicable across scales. The albedo‐based approach enables consistent and reliable drag partition correction across scales for model and field estimates of u s* necessary for wind erosion and dust emission modeling

    Model-based Bayesian inference of brain oxygenation using quantitative BOLD

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    © 2019 The Authors Streamlined Quantitative BOLD (sqBOLD) is an MR technique that can non-invasively measure physiological parameters including Oxygen Extraction Fraction (OEF) and deoxygenated blood volume (DBV) in the brain. Current sqBOLD methodology rely on fitting a linear model to log-transformed data acquired using an Asymmetric Spin Echo (ASE) pulse sequence. In this paper, a non-linear model implemented in a Bayesian framework was used to fit physiological parameters to ASE data. This model makes use of the full range of available ASE data, and incorporates the signal contribution from venous blood, which was ignored in previous analyses. Simulated data are used to demonstrate the intrinsic difficulty in estimating OEF and DBV simultaneously, and the benefits of the proposed non-linear model are shown. In vivo data are used to show that this model improves parameter estimation when compared with literature values. The model and analysis framework can be extended in a number of ways, and can incorporate prior information from external sources, so it has the potential to further improve OEF estimation using sqBOLD

    Modelled direct causes of dust emission change (2001?2020) in southwestern USA and implications for management

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    North American observed atmospheric dust has shown large variability over the last two decades, coinciding with regional patterns of vegetation and wind speed changes. Dust emission models provide the potential to explain how these direct causes of vegetation and wind speed changes are related to changing dust emission. However, those dust models which assume land cover types are homogeneous over vegetation classes and fixed over time, are unlikely to adequately represent changing aerodynamic roughness of herbaceous cover, woody cover, and litter. To overcome these model limitations and explain changing (2001–2020) dust emission, we used a new MODIS albedo-based dust emission model calibrated to satellite-observed magnitude and frequency of dust emission point source (DPS) data. We focused our work on four regions of southwestern USA, identified previously as the main dust emission sources. We classified the interplay of controlling factors (wind speed and aerodynamic roughness) which created disturbance regimes with dust emission change consistent with diverse land use and management drivers. Our calibrated model results show that dust emission is increasing or decreasing, in different regions, at different times, for different reasons, consistent with the absence of a secular change of observed atmospheric dust. Our work demonstrates that using this calibrated dust emission model, sensitive to changing vegetation structure and configuration and wind speeds, provides new insights to the contemporary factors controlling dust emission. With this same approach, the prospect is promising for modelling historical and future dust emission responses using prognostic albedo in Earth System Modelling

    Resonancia magnética versus tomografía computada para la detección de lesiones vasculares agudas en pacientes que consultan por síntomas de accidente cerebrovascular

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    ResumenAntecedentesLa resonancia magnética (RM) se utiliza cada vez con mayor frecuencia para el diagnóstico del accidente cerebrovascular isquémico agudo aunque ha sido debatida su sensibilidad para la detección precoz de la hemorragia intracerebral. La tomografía computada (TC) se usa ampliamente en el tratamiento clínico del accidente cerebrovascular agudo, especialmente para la exclusión rápida de la hemorragia intracerebral.ObjetivosComparar la precisión diagnóstica de la RM de difusión (RMD) y la CT para el accidente cerebrovascular isquémico agudo, y estimar la precisión diagnóstica de la RMD para el accidente cerebrovascular hemorrágico agudo.Estrategia de búsquedaSe efectuaron búsquedas en MEDLINE y EMBASE (enero de 1995 hasta marzo de 2009) y se examinó la bibliografía de los estudios pertinentes en busca de otras referencias.Criterios de selecciónSe seleccionaron los estudios que compararon RMD y TC en los mismos pacientes para la detección del accidente cerebrovascular isquémico o examinaron la utilidad de la RM para la detección del accidente cerebrovascular hemorrágico, que realizaron la imaginología dentro de las 12 horas de la aparición de los síntomas de accidente cerebrovascular y presentaron datos suficientes como para construir tablas de contingencia.Obtención y análisis de los datosTres autores de forma independiente extrajeron los datos de las características del estudio y las medidas de precisión. Los datos sobre el accidente cerebrovascular isquémico se evaluaron mediante metanálisis de efectos aleatorios y de efectos fijos.Resultados principalesOcho estudios, con un total de 308 participantes, cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Siete estudios contribuyeron a la evaluación del accidente cerebrovascular isquémico y dos estudios a la evaluación del accidente cerebrovascular hemorrágico. El espectro de pacientes fue relativamente limitado en todos los estudios, los tamaños de las muestras fueron pequeños, hubo un significativo sesgo de incorporación y los procedimientos de cegamiento fueron a menudo incompletos. Entre los pacientes en quienes posteriormente se confirmó el diagnóstico de accidente cerebrovascular isquémico agudo (161/226), las estimaciones de resumen para la RMD fueron: sensibilidad 0,99 (IC del 95%: 0,23 a 1,00), especificidad 0,92 (IC del 95%: 0,83 a 0,97). Las estimaciones de resumen para la TC fueron: sensibilidad 0,39 (IC del 95%: 0,16 a 0,69), especificidad 1,00 (IC del 95%: 0,94 a 1,00).Los dos estudios sobre accidente cerebrovascular hemorrágico informaron estimaciones altas para las secuencias de difusión y ecogradiente pero tenían estándares de referencia inconsistentes. No se calcularon las estimaciones generales para estos dos estudios. No fue posible evaluar la practicidad o los temas relativos a la relación entre costo y efectividad.Conclusiones de los autoresLa RMD parece ser más sensible que la TC para la detección precoz del accidente cerebrovascular isquémico en pacientes sumamente seleccionados. Sin embargo, la variabilidad en la calidad de los estudios incluidos y la presencia de los sesgos de espectro e incorporación tornan dudosa la confiabilidad y la posibilidad de generalizar los resultados observados. Se requieren estudios adicionales bien diseñados, sin sesgos metodológicos, con muestras de pacientes más representativas y estimaciones de la practicidad y los costos, a fin de determinar qué pacientes deben ser sometidos a RM y qué pacientes a TC en el caso de presunto accidente cerebrovascular agudo

    Satellites reveal Earth's seasonally shifting dust emission sources

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    Establishing mineral dust impacts on Earth's systems requires numerical models of the dust cycle. Differences between dust optical depth (DOD) measurements and modelling the cycle of dust emission, atmospheric transport, and deposition of dust indicate large model uncertainty due partially to unrealistic model assumptions about dust emission frequency. Calibrating dust cycle models to DOD measurements typically in North Africa, are routinely used to reduce dust model magnitude. This calibration forces modelled dust emissions to match atmospheric DOD but may hide the correct magnitude and frequency of dust emission events at source, compensating biases in other modelled processes of the dust cycle. Therefore, it is essential to improve physically based dust emission modules. Here we use a global collation of satellite observations from previous studies of dust emission point source (DPS) dichotomous frequency data. We show that these DPS data have little-to-no relation with MODIS DOD frequency. We calibrate the albedo-based dust emission model using the frequency distribution of those DPS data. The global dust emission uncertainty constrained by DPS data (±3.8 kg m−2 y−1) provides a benchmark for dust emission model development. Our calibrated model results reveal much less global dust emission (29.1 ± 14.9 Tg y−1) than previous estimates, and show seasonally shifting dust emission predominance within and between hemispheres, as opposed to a persistent North African dust emission primacy widely interpreted from DOD measurements. Earth's largest dust emissions, proceed seasonally from East Asian deserts in boreal spring, to Middle Eastern and North African deserts in boreal summer and then Australian shrublands in boreal autumn-winter. This new analysis of dust emissions, from global sources of varying geochemical properties, have far-reaching implications for current and future dust-climate effects. For more reliable coupled representation of dust-climate projections, our findings suggest the need to re-evaluate dust cycle modelling and benefit from the albedo-based parameterisation

    The VEGF receptor Flt-1 spatially modulates Flk-1 signaling and blood vessel branching

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    Blood vessel formation requires the integrated regulation of endothelial cell proliferation and branching morphogenesis, but how this coordinated regulation is achieved is not well understood. Flt-1 (vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF] receptor 1) is a high affinity VEGF-A receptor whose loss leads to vessel overgrowth and dysmorphogenesis. We examined the ability of Flt-1 isoform transgenes to rescue the vascular development of embryonic stem cell–derived flt-1−/− mutant vessels. Endothelial proliferation was equivalently rescued by both soluble (sFlt-1) and membrane-tethered (mFlt-1) isoforms, but only sFlt-1 rescued vessel branching. Flk-1 Tyr-1173 phosphorylation was increased in flt-1−/− mutant vessels and partially rescued by the Flt-1 isoform transgenes. sFlt-1–rescued vessels exhibited more heterogeneous levels of pFlk than did mFlt-1–rescued vessels, and reporter gene expression from the flt-1 locus was also heterogeneous in developing vessels. Our data support a model whereby sFlt-1 protein is more efficient than mFlt-1 at amplifying initial expression differences, and these amplified differences set up local discontinuities in VEGF-A ligand availability that are important for proper vessel branching

    Elucidating Hidden and Enduring Weaknesses in Dust Emission Modeling

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    Large-scale classical dust cycle models, developed more than two decades ago, assume for simplicity that the Earth's land surface is devoid of vegetation, reduce dust emission estimates using a vegetation cover complement, and calibrate estimates to observed atmospheric dust optical depth (DOD). Consequently, these models are expected to be valid for use with dust-climate projections in Earth System Models. We reveal little spatial relation between DOD frequency and satellite observed dust emission from point sources (DPS) and a difference of up to 2 orders of magnitude. We compared DPS data to an exemplar traditional dust emission model (TEM) and the albedo-based dust emission model (AEM) which represents aerodynamic roughness over space and time. Both models overestimated dust emission probability but showed strong spatial relations to DPS, suitable for calibration. Relative to the AEM calibrated to the DPS, the TEM overestimated large dust emission over vast vegetated areas and produced considerable false change in dust emission. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that calibrating dust cycle models to DOD has hidden for more than two decades, these TEM modeling weaknesses. The AEM overcomes these weaknesses without using masks or vegetation cover data. Considerable potential therefore exists for ESMs driven by prognostic albedo, to reveal new insights of aerosol effects on, and responses to, contemporary and environmental change projections

    A note on the use of drag partition in aeolian transport models

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    Sediment transport equations used in wind erosion and dust emission models generally incorporate a threshold for particle motion (u*t) with a correction function to account for roughness-induced momentum reduction and aerodynamic sheltering. The prevailing approach is to adjust u*t by the drag partition R, estimated as the ratio of the bare soil threshold (u*ts) to that of the surface in the presence of roughness elements (u*tr). Here, we show that application of R to adjust only the entrainment threshold (u*t = u*ts/R) is physically inconsistent with the effect of roughness on the momentum partition as represented in models and produces overestimates of the sediment flux density (Q). Equations for Q typically include a friction velocity scaling term (u*n). As Q scales with friction velocity at the soil surface (us*), rather than total friction velocity (u*) acting over the roughness layer, u*n must be also adjusted for roughness effects. Modelling aeolian transport as a function of us* represents a different way of thinking about the application of some drag partition schemes but is consistent with understanding of aeolian transport physics. We further note that the practice of reducing Q by the vegetation cover fraction to account for the physically-protected surface area constitutes double accounting of the surface protection when R is represented through the basal-to-frontal area ratio of roughness elements (σ) and roughness density (λ). If the drag partition is implemented fully, additional adjustment for surface protection is unnecessary to produce more accurate aeolian transport estimates. These findings apply equally to models of the vertical dust flux

    Water balance in a neotropical forest catchment of southeastern Brazil

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    Brazilian Atlantic Forest is recognized by the UNESCO as one of the most important biosphere reserves on the planet but is threatened by extinction. The objective of this study was to analyze the main components of the water balance in an Atlantic Forest (Neotropical Forest) catchment in the Mantiqueira Range, Brazil, which is a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest. The main focuses was to analyze baseflow, evapotranspiration, soil moisture, and canopy rainfall interception to understand the hydrologic dynamics in this specially important montane forest. On average from the two studied hydrological years (2009/2010 and 2010/2011), evapotranspiration (ET), streamflow (SF), and water storage in the catchment at the end of hydrological year corresponded, respectively, to 50%, 34.8% and 15.2% of total gross precipitation (P). On average, baseflow corresponded to 73.5% of SF. The estimated potential groundwater recharge during the wet seasons was 403.8mm (21.7% of P observed in the wet season) and 710.5mm (28.5% of P observed in the wet season), respectively, for 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 hydrological years, showing that the catchment is able to store groundwater to provide the maintenance of the streamflow during early recessions and drought periods. Therefore, the baseflow is important in mountainous catchments in the tropical regions to provide important ecological functions, mainly as freshwater reserve