76 research outputs found

    PMS17 Burden of Ankylosing Spondylitis in Urban China

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    Child dietary patterns in Homo sapiens evolution: A systematic review

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    Dietary patterns spanning millennia could inform contemporary public health nutrition. Children are largely absent from evidence describing diets throughout human evolution, despite prevalent malnutrition today signaling a potential genome-environment divergence. This systematic review aimed to identify dietary patterns of children ages 6 months to 10 years consumed before the widespread adoption of agriculture. Metrics of mention frequency (counts of food types reported) and food groups (globally standardized categories) were applied to: compare diets across subsistence modes [gatherer-hunter-fisher (GHF), early agriculture (EA) groups]; examine diet quality and diversity; and characterize differences by life course phase and environmental context defined using Köppen-Geiger climate zones. The review yielded child diet information from 95 cultural groups (52 from GHF; 43 from EA/mixed subsistence groups). Animal foods (terrestrial and aquatic) were the most frequently mentioned food groups in dietary patterns across subsistence modes, though at higher frequencies in GHF than in EA. A broad range of fruits, vegetables, roots and tubers were more common in GHF, while children from EA groups consumed more cereals than GHF, associated with poor health consequences as reported in some studies. Forty-eight studies compared diets across life course phases: 28 showed differences and 20 demonstrated similarities in child versus adult diets. Climate zone was a driver of food patterns provisioned from local ecosystems. Evidence fro

    Egg intervention effect on linear growth no longer present after two years.

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    The Lulun Project, a randomized controlled trial conducted in 2015, found that one egg per day for 6 months during early complementary feeding reduced stunting by 47% and increased linear growth by 0.63 length-for-age Z (LAZ). This follow-up cohort study (Lulun Project II) aimed to test whether the growth effect remained in the egg intervention group compared with the control group after approximately 2 years. Mothers or caregivers from the Lulun Project were recontacted and recruited for this study. Enumerators collected data on socio-economic and demographic factors, 24-hr frequency of dietary intakes, morbidities, and anthropometric measures of height, weight, and head circumference using World Health Organization protocols. Statistical analyses followed the same analytical plan as Lulun Project, applying generalized linear models and regression modelling to test group differences in height-for-age z (HAZ) from LAZ at Lulun Project endline, and structural equation modelling for mediation. One hundred thirty-five mother-child dyads were included in Lulun II, with 11% losses to follow-up from endline Lulun Project. Growth faltering across all children was evident with HAZ -2.07 ± 0.91 and a stunting prevelance of 50%. Regression modelling showed no difference between egg and control groups for the HAZ outcome and other anthropometric outcomes, and significant declines in HAZ from endline Lulun Project in the egg intervention are compared with control groups. Current dietary egg intake, however, was associated with reduced growth faltering in HAZ from Lulun Project endline to Lulun Project II, independent of group assignment and through mediation, explaining 8.8% of the total effect. Findings suggest the need for a longer intervention period and ongoing nutrition support to young children during early childhood

    Grandi Byen-supporting child growth and development through integrated, responsive parenting, nutrition and hygiene: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Poor child growth and development outcomes stem from complex relationships encompassing biological, behavioral, social, and environmental conditions. However, there is a dearth of research on integrated approaches targeting these interwoven factors. The Grandi Byen study seeks to fill this research gap through a three-arm longitudinal randomized controlled trial which will evaluate the impact of an integrated nutrition, responsive parenting, and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) intervention on holistic child growth and development. METHODS: We will recruit 600 mother-infant dyads living in Cap-Haitien, Haiti and randomize them equally into one of the following groups: 1) standard well-baby care; 2) nutritional intervention (one egg per day for 6 months); and 3) multicomponent Grandi Byen intervention (responsive parenting, nutrition, WASH + one egg per day for 6 months). Primary outcomes include child growth as well as cognitive, language, motor, and social-emotional development. The study also assesses other indicators of child health (bone maturation, brain growth, diarrheal morbidity and allergies, dietary intake, nutrient biomarkers) along with responsive parenting as mediating factors influencing the primary outcomes. An economic evaluation will assess the feasibility of large-scale implementation of the interventions. DISCUSSION: This study builds on research highlighting the importance of responsive parenting interventions on overall child health, as well as evidence demonstrating that providing an egg daily to infants during the complementary feeding period can prevent stunted growth. The multicomponent Grandi Byen intervention may provide evidence of synergistic or mediating effects of an egg intervention with instruction on psychoeducational parenting and WASH on child growth and development. Grandi Byen presents key innovations with implications for the well-being of children living in poverty globally. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT04785352 . Registered March 5, 2021 at https://clinicaltrials.gov/

    Samaki Salama - Promoting healthy child growth and sustainable fisheries in coastal Kenya: A study protocol

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    Background: One in five young children globally suffer the consequences of stunted growth and development and millions experience deficiencies in zinc, iron, iodine, vitamins A and B12, nutrients found bioavailable in fish foods. Small-scale fisheries have the potential to generate income and augment fish consumption while being environmentally sustainable if appropriately managed. However, those engaged in small-scale fisheries are often marginalized, poor, and malnourished. The Samaki Salama project seeks to better understand and address these challenges through a three-arm, longitudinal matched cluster study which evaluates the impact of an integrated nutrition social marketing and modified fishing trap intervention. Methods: here will be 400 small-scale fisher households enrolled from Kilifi County, Kenya and residing in communities matched on location (rural), livelihoods, and child nutritional status. The sample will include mothers and other caregivers, children 6–60 months, and fishers in the family. Applying a cluster design, the matched communities will be divided into three groups: (1) control (n = 200); (2) multi-component nutrition social marketing intervention to fishers, mothers, and health workers (n = 100); and (3) multi-component nutrition social marketing intervention plus modified fishing traps and training (n = 100). Primary outcomes include child growth, fish food intakes, and fisheries yield of mature fish. Secondary outcomes are diet diversity, child diarrheal morbidity, and fisheries revenue. A process evaluation will be used to monitor and ensure fidelity of intervention delivery. Discussion: This study builds on a growing body of literature illustrating the effectiveness of nutrition focused social marketing campaigns to promote active engagement of participants, high compliance to the intervention, and sustained behavior change. The second intervention element of modified fishing traps that allow immature fish to escape enables participants to act on the messaging they receive and promotes sustainable fishing through increased harvest efficiency and reduced catch of immature fish. The integrated approach of the Samaki Salama intervention provides an example of how to leverage multiple disciplines to address key challenges to human and environmental health and illustrates a pathway for scaling study innovations to other small-scale fisheries systems

    Proteogenomic convergence for understanding cancer pathways and networks

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