13 research outputs found

    Performance limitations of bilateral force reflection imposed by operator dynamic characteristics

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    A linearized, single-axis model is presented for bilateral force reflection which facilitates investigation into the effects of manipulator, operator, and task dynamics, as well as time delay and gain scaling. Structural similarities are noted between this model and impedance control. Stability results based upon this model impose requirements upon operator dynamic characteristics as functions of system time delay and environmental stiffness. An experimental characterization reveals the limited capabilities of the human operator to meet these requirements. A procedure is presented for determining the force reflection gain scaling required to provide stability and acceptable operator workload. This procedure is applied to a system with dynamics typical of a space manipulator, and the required gain scaling is presented as a function of environmental stiffness

    Interaction dynamics and control for orbital assembly

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    The topics are presented in viewgraph form and include the following: dynamics and control problems of joining structures in orbit; spring-and-mass models; and a simple example

    GOES-R Dual Isolation

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    The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series (GOES-R) is the first of the next generation geostationary weather satellites, scheduled for delivery in late 2015. GOES-R represents a quantum increase in Earth and solar weather observation capabilities, with 4 times the resolution, 5 times the observation rate, and 3 times the number of spectral bands for Earth observations. With the improved resolution, comes the instrument suite's increased sensitive to disturbances over a broad spectrum 0-512 Hz. Sources of disturbance include reaction wheels, thruster firings for station keeping and momentum management, gimbal motion, and internal instrument disturbances. To minimize the impact of these disturbances, the baseline design includes an Earth Pointed Platform (EPP), a stiff optical bench to which the two nadir pointed instruments are collocated together with the Guidance Navigation & Control (GN&C) star trackers and Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs). The EPP is passively isolated from the spacecraft bus with Honeywell D-Strut isolators providing attenuation for frequencies above approximately 5 Hz in all six degrees-of-freedom. A change in Reaction Wheel Assembly (RWA) vendors occurred very late in the program. To reduce the risk of RWA disturbances impacting performance, a secondary passive isolation system manufactured by Moog CSA Engineering was incorporated under each of the six 160 Nms RWAs, tuned to provide attenuation at frequencies above approximately 50 Hz. Integrated wheel and isolator testing was performed on a Kistler table at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. High fidelity simulations were conducted to evaluate jitter performance for four topologies: 1) hard mounted no isolation, 2) EPP isolation only, 2) RWA isolation only, and 4) dual isolation. Simulation results demonstrate excellent performance relative to the pointing stability requirements, with dual isolated Line of Sight (LOS) jitter less than 1 micron rad

    GOES-R Series GEO Side-Lobe Capable GPSR Post-Launch Refinements and Operational Capabilities

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    This paper addresses three topics: 1) EOPP (EOP (Earth Orientation Prediction) Parameters) file modification, 2) Kalman filter parameter tuning regarding maneuvers and 3) off-pointing GPS (Global Positioning System) tracking capability. GOES-R (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series) is the first in a 4-part series of new weather satellites set to replace and upgrade the older GOES constellation. Two GOES-R series have been launched to date, GOES-S and GOES-R. GOES-R is operational over the Eastern United States and GOES-S over the West. The Global Positioning System Receiver (GPSR) on board this geostationary weather satellite is a mission critical enabling technology which has been both tested on the ground and evaluated on-orbit to verify its effectivity. Since becoming operational in November 2016, the GPSR onboard has performed extremely well under nominal circumstances. Further refinements regarding a variety of facets have taken place since the launch of GOES-R. One such refinement was the implementation of a modified EOP (Earth Orientation Prediction) parameter set to improve ECEF (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) to ECI (Earth Centered Inertial) transformation by restoring zonal tides removed from the EOP parameter fit per tech note 36. Another relevant refinement combined thermal consideration with Kalman filter tuning to improve orbit determination performance during maneuvers. Now with two years of data and two vehicles in orbit many capabilities of the GPSR have been identified and defined to a higher degree. For example, metrics on side-lobe tracking and off-Nadir tracking capabilities have been quantified to a high degree. This paper will seek to supplement the ESA (European Space Agency) GNC 2017 GOES-R GPSR performance paper as a deeper dive on specific tracking capabilities and performance improvements now implemented on the GOES-R and GOES-S vehicles

    GOES-R Spacecraft Verification and Validation Compared with Flight Results

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    The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, R-Series (GOES-R) represents a dramatic improvement in GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit) weather observation capabilities over the previous generation. To provide these new capabilities, GOES-R incorporates a number of new technologies flying for the first time. As with any new spacecraft design, extensive ground testing was performed to validate the vehicle performance. In this paper, we present several successes and several lessons-learned from the GOES-R verification and validation (V&V) efforts. Included are the Dynamic Interaction Test (DIT) results for jitter assessment, and comparison to flight results. Also included are the effects of thermally-induced alignment perturbations, along with post-launch mitigations. Finally, we discuss unexpected GOES-17 gyro performance, which caused a Safe Mode entry shortly after launch. V&V mitigations are presented, which will be used for the next two GOES-R vehicles

    Guidance, Navigation, and Control Performance for the GOES-R Spacecraft

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    The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series (GOES-R) is the first of the next generation geostationary weather satellites. The series represents a dramatic increase in Earth observation capabilities, with 4 times the resolution, 5 times the observation rate, and 3 times the number of spectral bands. GOES-R also provides unprecedented availability, with less than 120 minutes per year of lost observation time. This paper presents the Guidance Navigation & Control (GN&C) requirements necessary to realize the ambitious pointing, knowledge, and Image Navigation and Registration (INR) objectives of GOES-R. Because the suite of instruments is sensitive to disturbances over a broad spectral range, a high fidelity simulation of the vehicle has been created with modal content over 500 Hz to assess the pointing stability requirements. Simulation results are presented showing acceleration, shock response spectra (SRS), and line of sight (LOS) responses for various disturbances from 0 Hz to 512 Hz. Simulation results demonstrate excellent performance relative to the pointing and pointing stability requirements, with LOS jitter for the isolated instrument platform of approximately 1 micro-rad. Attitude and attitude rate knowledge are provided directly to the instrument with an accuracy defined by the Integrated Rate Error (IRE) requirements. The data are used internally for motion compensation. The final piece of the INR performance is orbit knowledge, which GOES-R achieves with GPS navigation. Performance results are shown demonstrating compliance with the 50 to 75 m orbit position accuracy requirements. As presented in this paper, the GN&C performance supports the challenging mission objectives of GOES-R

    Guidance, Navigation, and Control Performance for the GOES-R Spacecraft

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    The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series (GOES-R) is the first of the next generation geostationary weather satellites, scheduled for delivery in late 2015 and launch in early 2016. Relative to the current generation of GOES satellites, GOES-R represents a dramatic increase in Earth and solar weather observation capabilities, with 4 times the resolution, 5 times the observation rate, and 3 times the number of spectral bands for Earth observations. GOES-R will also provide unprecedented availability, with less than 120 minutes per year of lost observation time. The Guidance Navigation & Control (GN&C) design requirements to achieve these expanded capabilities are extremely demanding. This paper first presents the pointing control, pointing stability, attitude knowledge, and orbit knowledge requirements necessary to realize the ambitious Image Navigation and Registration (INR) objectives of GOES-R. Because the GOES-R suite of instruments is sensitive to disturbances over a broad spectral range, a high fidelity simulation of the vehicle has been created with modal content over 500 Hz to assess the pointing stability requirements. Simulation results are presented showing acceleration, shock response spectrum (SRS), and line of sight responses for various disturbances from 0 Hz to 512 Hz. These disturbances include gimbal motion, reaction wheel disturbances, thruster firings for station keeping and momentum management, and internal instrument disturbances. Simulation results demonstrate excellent performance relative to the pointing and pointing stability requirements, with line of sight jitter of the isolated instrument platform of approximately 1 micro-rad. Low frequency motion of the isolated instrument platform is internally compensated within the primary instrument. Attitude knowledge and rate are provided directly to the instrument with an accuracy defined by the Integrated Rate Error (IRE) requirements. The allowable IRE ranges from 1 to 18.5 micro-rad, depending upon the time window of interest. The final piece of the INR performance is orbit knowledge. Extremely accurate orbital position is achieved by GPS navigation at Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO). Performance results are shown demonstrating compliance with the 50 to 75 m orbit position accuracy requirements of GOES-R, including during station-keeping and momentum management maneuvers. As shown in this paper, the GN&C performance for the GOES-R series of spacecraft supports the challenging mission objectives of the next generation GEO Earth-observation satellites

    Statistical Validation of Ionospheric Electron Density Profiles Retrievals from GOES Geosynchronous Satellites

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    In this paper, we discuss a novel retrieval of ionospheric electron density profiles using the Radio Occultation (RO) technique applied to measurements captured by the GPS receivers on-board two Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES). The GOES satellites operate at ~35800 km altitude and are primarily weather satellites that operationally contribute continuous remote-sensing data for real-time weather forecasting, as well as near Earth environment monitoring and Sun observations. The GPS receivers onboard GOES-16 and GOES-17 satellites can track GPS signals propagated through the Earth’s atmosphere, and although the receivers are primarily designed for navigation and station-keeping maneuvers, these GPS measurements that traverse the Earth’s atmosphere can be used to retrieve the ionospheric electron density profiles. This process poses a range of technical challenges. GOES RO links are different from the traditional low Earth orbit (LEO) RO geometry since the receiver is located in an orbit that is higher in altitude than the GPS constellation of transmitters. Additionally, the GPS receivers onboard GOES satellites provide only single frequency GPS L1 observations and have clocks much less stable than those typically used for RO measurements. The geographical distribution of the retrieved GEO-based RO profiles was found to be uniquely constrained and repeatable based on the relative geo-stationary fixed positions in the Earth Centered Earth Fixed reference frame with respect to the GPS constellation orbiting at lower altitude, and significantly different from the coverage patterns of LEO-based RO missions. We demonstrate the successful application of the proposed RO profiling technique with a statistically significant set of GPS observations from GOES-16 and GOES-17 satellites over several years of data collection. This enabled us to retrieve more than 10K ionospheric electron density profiles with a maximum altitude up to 1000–2000 km, much higher than any existing LEO-based RO mission. We demonstrate good performance of GEO-based RO measurements for properly specifying the vertical distribution of ionospheric plasma density by comparing the profiles dataset from the GOES RO experiment with independent reference observations—ground-based ionosondes and LEO-based RO missions, as well as model simulation results provided by the empirical International Reference Ionosphere model. Over multiple years of observations, statistical analysis of discrepancies between the ionospheric F2 layer peak parameters (peak density and height) derived from geosynchronous GOES observations and reference measurements was conducted. This analysis reveals a very good agreement between GOES RO electron density profiles and independent types of measurements in both the F2 peak and in the profile shape