128 research outputs found

    Le processus symbolique de l'attractivité touristique d'une ville à travers la notion d'empowerment: un atout du tourisme communautaire

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    This research note analyzes the interpretative permanent process of the symbolism through the spaces in community-based tourism and local development. The goal of this tourism processes is to empower the local community as a major player in sociocultural solutions. The empowerment becomes a central element of mediation, of tourist regulation and participates to the success of projects based on sustainable tourism in rural environment

    Etude Mineralogique Des Fractions Sableuse Et Argileuse Du Remplissage Du Gisement De Montgaudier, Charente, France

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    The mineralogical investigation of sand fraction of different sectors of filling of Montgaudier deposit revealed that heavy minerals are mainly composed of amphiboles and disthene in all analyzed samples. The other mineralogical species encountered appear having only a secondary role in the composition of heavy mineral processions. These minerals are: Andalusite, brookite, chlorite, epidote, garnet, pyroxene, rutile, sillimanite and sphene. The opaque minerals are relatively numerous in all the studied samples which they are in different stages of alteration, associated with other minerals presenting a fresh appearance. The light minerals consist mainly of hyaline or translucent quartz grains and milky or opalescent grains. The study of clay minerals generally showed a predominance of kaolinite in all sectors, followed by illite and chlorite. Smectite comes in only fourth place. This cortege is complemented by interstratified smectite-chlorite, which are very poorly represented. The mineralogical study of the deposits at the different parts of the layers filling of the Montgaudier deposit and the sediments in the immediate vicinity permitted to determine the origin of these deposits. Their procession is largely influenced by the geological nature of the Tardoire watershed but also of the mineralogical composition of the surrounding rock in which this cave was

    Etude Sedimentologique Et Stratigraphique Du Remplissage Du Grand Porche Du Gisement De Montgaudier, Charente, France

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    The sedimentological study of the deposits accumulated at the level of the two sectors of the Grand Porche of Montgaudier allowed establishing a stratigraphic synthesis of the deposits in this part of the filling of this deposit and the paleoclimatic conditions of the establishment of the different types of sediments. The systematic analyzes carried out on samples taken from the two sectors I and II revealed their origins: allochthonous and autochthonous. The data from these sedimentological analyzes of this filling also revealed the conditions and the factors which led to the establishment of these deposits. Finally, these stratigraphic studies allowed establishing a chronological framework relative to the chronology of the deposits of the adjacent loci, 8 and 6, attributed to the old würm and the Riss-würm

    Le contexte de recouvrement des taxes locales au Maroc

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    Les taxes locales constituent une importante ressource financière des collectivités territoriales et donc une variable importante dans l’économie du pays. Afin de collecter lesdites taxes, les organismes de recouvrements au Maroc mettent en œuvre des stratégies et techniques innovantes dans le but d’assurer une performance remarquable dans un contexte où les collectivités, dans le cadre des lois organiques 111-12-13-14 relatives aux collectivités territoriales, bénéficient de plus d’autonomie de gestion et libre champs de décision. Les recettes fiscales locales connaissent une stagnation importante (2011-2016) malgré que ces dernières constituent une source de financement importante pour l’état. L’objectif de cet article est de présenter une idée globale sur les conditions externes et processus de recouvrement des taxes locales par les organismes de recouvrement qui doivent justifier une forte performance en termes de collecte de ces ressources

    Elaboration d’un modèle théorique de la contribution de la gestion axée sur les résultats dans l’amélioration de la performance de l’administration publique

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    La gestion axée sur les résultats représente une importante approche novatrice du New Public Management qui concrétise l’institutionnalisation des pratiques privées au sein du secteur public. Dans notre recherche nous nous sommes intéressés à la pratique de ce nouveau mode de gestion au sein de l’administration publique, en tant qu’acteur public représentant le principal intermédiaire entre les décideurs publics et les citoyens dans le but de garantir un service public à la hauteur des attentes des citoyens et assurer l’amélioration de la performance de l’action publique. L’objectif principal de cet article consiste à présenter un modèle théorique issu de nos lectures qui synthétise la contribution du dispositif de la gestion axée sur les résultats dans l’amélioration de la performance de l’administration publique et qui met en valeur les variables qui conditionnent cette relation et influence la pratique de ce nouveau mode de gestion au sein de ces organisations

    La réforme administrative au Maroc à la lumière des exigences de la nouvelle gestion publique

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    La nouvelle gestion publique est un paradigme qui a touché l’action publique dans le monde entier. C’est une nouvelle approche qui a suscité l’attention des gestionnaires publics afin de faciliter leurs taches en intégrant les dispositifs du secteur privé et qui leur a permis de mieux appréhender les résultats réalisés par les responsables de la sphère publique. L’administration publique marocaine étant le principal acteur intermédiaire entre l’état et les citoyens a était amplement touché par les dispositions de la nouvelle gestion publique ce qui a marqué une révolution importante en termes de la manière de faire chez ces dernières dans le but d’être plus efficace et répondre convenablement aux attentes des citoyens qui devinrent de plus en plus exigeants. L’objectif principal de l’article est de mettre la lumière sur la réforme administrative marocaine en l’évaluant en rapport aux exigences de la nouvelle gestion publique. &nbsp

    Modélisation hydraulique du système Sebou-Fouarat, ville de Kenitra, Maroc - Cas des inondations de 2010

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    The city of Kenitra, located in the extreme downstream of the Sebou basin, is threatened by floods caused by the overflowing of the Oued Sebou and the rise of Oued Fouarat. The hydraulic modeling study of the Sebou Fouarat system in transient mode is carried out by the HEC-RAS software and has implicated the two rivers. Two geometric models were constructed on the basis of a digital terrain model (DTM) using the Arc-GIS and HECGeoRAS softwares after processing the collected topographic data. The first model, of which the areas of Merja Fouarat and Al Assam have been represented by cross-section, is one-dimensional. The second one is also onedimensional in which the two areas of Merja Fouarat and Al Assam are introduced as water storage zones. The components of these models are the stream sections, lateral links, storage areas and junctions between the branches of each model. The flood hydrographs of the Sebou and Fouarat rivers are introduced as conditions at the upstream limits of the models while the tidal is introduced as a downstream condition. After the stability and calibration of the models, the results of the consulted hydraulic simulations are the variations of the water levels as well as the temporal variations of the flow rates for each section, the maximum flow velocities and the propagation times of the flood waves. The analysis and comparisons of these results strongly suggest using the second model for the treatment of the flood issues as a decision-making tool helping to manage floods during times of crisis

    Apport De La Stratigraphie Sequentielle Dans L’evolution Jurassique Du Moyen Atlas Central (Maroc)

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    The Jurassic evolution of the central Middle Atlas is governed by various factors (climate and eustatism). The use of the concepts of sequential stratigraphy in the regions of Tagnamas and Boulemane allowed to interpret the geometry and the vertical sequence of sedimentary sets. Twelve sequences are identified and delimited by sedimentary discontinuities. The lithostratigraphic division adopted in this study is synchronous with the coastal aggradation charter of Haq & al. (1987 & 1988) and Rioult & al. (1991). The correlations on a regional scale, between different Jurassic lithostratigraphic units is possible, whose the major factors controlling the evolution of intraplate basins are climate and eustatism

    Ant colony algorithm and new pheromone to adapt units sequence to learners' profiles

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    The use of new information and communication technology is increasingly common nowadays. Content adaptation of learner’s profile is an issue that concerns many researchers in education field. Several studies have been conducted to achieve high quality learning and adapt the content to learners ' profiles. Some researchers have properly applied the ant colony algorithm to the field of e-learning. In this work we are interested in the improvement of ant colony algorithm for scheduling units of courses (e.g., a Java course). We follow a pedagogical way to establish units. We define five concepts to maintain learners ' motivation and adapt the algorithm behavior to our context. So our contribution is a new pheromone that influences the algorithm to choose the right unit in a pedagogical sequence. Many changes are taken into consideration to implement the new version of ant colony algorithm. The trainers apply weights to each arc that are linking two units of the course. The profile definition is a part that was preliminary defined in previous work using fuzzy logic method. Method Roulette Weel is applied for the selection part. This method is interested in finding the final state. It is used in addition to the ant colony algorithm for the path exploration and optimal learning path
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