111 research outputs found

    Flow mechanisms and numerical simulation of gas production from shale reservoirs

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    Shale gas is one kind of the unconventional resources which is becoming an ever increasing component to secure the natural gas supply in U.S. Different from conventional hydrocarbon formations, shale gas reservoirs (SGRs) present numerous challenges to modeling and understanding due to complex pore structure, ultra-low permeability, and multiple transport mechanisms. In this study, the deviation against conventional gas flow have been detected in the lab experiments for gas flow through nano membranes. Based on the experimental results, a new apparent permeability expression is proposed with considering viscous flow, Knudsen diffusion, and slip flow. The gas flow mechanisms of gas flow in the SGRs have been studied using well test method with considering multiple flow mechanisms including desorption, diffusive flow, Darcy flow and stress-sensitivity. Type curves were plotted and different flow regimes were identified. Sensitivity analysis of adsorption and fracturing parameters on gas production performance have been analyzed. Then, numerical simulation study have been conducted for the SGRs with considering multiple mechanisms, including viscous flow, Knudsen diffusion, Klinkenberg effect, pore radius change, gas desorption, and gas viscosity change. Results show that adsorption and gas viscosity change will have a great impact on gas production. At last, the numerical simulation model for SGRs with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing horizontal well has been constructed. Sensitivity analysis for reservoir and fracturing parameters on gas production performance have been conducted. Results show that hydraulic fracture parameters are more sensitive compared with reservoir parameters. The study in this project can contribute to the understanding and simulation of SGRs --Abstract, page iv

    Study of Gas Production from Shale Reservoirs with Multi-Stage Hydraulic Fracturing Horizontal Well Considering Multiple Transport Mechanisms

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    Development of unconventional shale gas reservoirs (SGRs) has been boosted by the advancements in two key technologies: horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing. A large number of multi-stage fractured horizontal wells (MsFHW) have been drilled to enhance reservoir production performance. Gas flow in SGRs is a multi-mechanism process, including: desorption, diffusion, and non-Darcy flow. The productivity of the SGRs with MsFHW is influenced by both reservoir conditions and hydraulic fracture properties. However, rare simulation work has been conducted for multi-stage hydraulic fractured SGRs. Most of them use well testing methods, which have too many unrealistic simplifications and assumptions. Also, no systematical work has been conducted considering all reasonable transport mechanisms. And there are very few works on sensitivity studies of uncertain parameters using real parameter ranges. Hence, a detailed and systematic study of reservoir simulation with MsFHW is still necessary. In this paper, a dual porosity model was constructed to estimate the effect of parameters on shale gas production with MsFHW. The simulation model was verified with the available field data from the Barnett Shale. The following mechanisms have been considered in this model: viscous flow, slip flow, Knudsen diffusion, and gas desorption. Langmuir isotherm was used to simulate the gas desorption process. Sensitivity analysis on SGRs\u27 production performance with MsFHW has been conducted. Parameters influencing shale gas production were classified into two categories: reservoir parameters including matrix permeability, matrix porosity; and hydraulic fracture parameters including hydraulic fracture spacing, and fracture half-length. Typical ranges of matrix parameters have been reviewed. Sensitivity analysis have been conducted to analyze the effect of the above factors on the production performance of SGRs. Through comparison, it can be found that hydraulic fracture parameters are more sensitive compared with reservoir parameters. And reservoirs parameters mainly affect the later production period. However, the hydraulic fracture parameters have a significant effect on gas production from the early period. The results of this study can be used to improve the efficiency of history matching process. Also, it can contribute to the design and optimization of hydraulic fracture treatment design in unconventional SGRs

    A real-time control approach based on intelligent video surveillance for violations by construction workers

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    The unsafe behavior of workers is the main object of construction safety management, in which violations require increased attention due to their pernicious consequences. However, existing studies have merely discussed violations separately from unsafe behaviors. To respond quickly to workers’ violations on site, this study proposes a real-time control approach based on intelligent video surveillance. First, scenes reflecting unsafe behaviors are automatically acquired through camera-based behavior analysis technology. Meanwhile, the time corresponding to the construction phase is recorded. Second, the temporal association rule model of worker’s unsafe behavior is constructed, and the rule “construction phase→unsafe behavior” is determined by the Apriori algorithm to identify target behaviors necessary for critical control in different construction phases. Finally, statistical process control is used to find the trends of violations with frequency and mass characteristics through the dynamic monitoring of target behavior. In addition, real-time alerts of these unsafe acts are produced simultaneously. A pilot study is conducted on the cross-river tunnel project in Wuhan city, Hubei, China, and the violations related to construction machineries is proven to be controllable. Thus, the proposed approach promotes behavioral safety management on construction since it effectively controls workers’ violations by real-time monitoring and analysis

    Study on Apparent Permeability Model for Gas Transport in Shale Inorganic Nanopores

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    Inorganic nanopores occurring in the shale matrix have strong hydrophilicity and irreducible water (IW) film can be formed on the inner surface of the pores making gas flow mechanisms in the pores more complex. In this paper, the existence of irreducible water (IW) in inorganic pores is considered, and, based on the Knudsen number (K (Formula presented.)) correction in shale pores, a shale gas apparent permeability model of inorganic nano-pores is established. The effect of the K (Formula presented.) correction on the apparent permeability, the ratio of flow with pore radius and the effect of IW on the apparent permeability are assessed. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) at low pressure (less than 10 MPa) and for medium pore size (pore radius range of 10 nm–60 nm), the effect of the K (Formula presented.) correction should be considered; (2) considering the effect of the K (Formula presented.) correction, bulk phase transport replaces surface diffusion more slowly; considering the existence of IW, bulk phase transport replaces surface diffusion more slowly; (3) with increase in pressure, the IW effect on gas apparent permeability decreases. Under low pressure, the IW, where pore size is small, promotes fluid flow, while the IW in the large pores hinders fluid flow. In conditions of ultra-high pressure, the IW promotes gas flow

    A Dual-Porosity-Stokes Model and Finite Element Method for Coupling Dual-Porosity Flow and Free Flow

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    In this paper, we propose and numerically solve a new model considering confined flow in dual-porosity media coupled with free flow in embedded macrofractures and conduits. Such situation arises, for example, for fluid flows in hydraulic fractured tight/shale oil/gas reservoirs. The flow in dual-porosity media, which consists of both matrix and microfractures, is described by a dual-porosity model. And the flow in the macrofractures and conduits is governed by the Stokes equation. Then the two models are coupled through four physically valid interface conditions on the interface between dual-porosity media and macrofractures/conduits, which play a key role in a physically faithful simulation with high accuracy. All the four interface conditions are constructed based on fundamental properties of the traditional dual-porosity model and the well-known Stokes-Darcy model. The weak formulation is derived for the proposed model, and the well-posedness of the model is analyzed. A finite element semidiscretization in space is presented based on the weak formulation, and four different schemes are then utilized for the full discretization. The convergence of the full discretization with the backward Euler scheme is analyzed. Four numerical experiments are presented to validate the proposed model and demonstrate the features of both the model and the numerical method, such as the optimal convergence rate of the numerical solution, the detail flow characteristics around macrofractures and conduits, and the applicability to the real world problems

    Parameter estimation and output feedback stabilization for the linear Korteweg-de Vries equation with disturbed boundary measurement

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    This paper is concerned with the parameter estimation and boundary feedback stabilization for the linear Korteweg-de Vries equation posed on a finite interval with the boundary observation at the right end and the non-collocated control at the left end. The boundary observation suffers from some unknown disturbance. An adaptive observer is designed and the adaptive laws of the parameters are obtained by the Lyapunov method. The resulted closed-loop system is proved to be well-posed and asymptotically stable in case that the length of the interval is not critical. Moreover, it is shown that the estimated parameter converges to the unknown parameter. As a by-product, a hidden regularity result is proved

    Pore Structure Characteristics of Marine Silurian Shales in the Sichuan Basin, China: Insights to Reserve Assessment and Production Design

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    Due to shortage of conventional resources, tight/shale oil/gas reservoirs have become increasingly important in balancing the energy consumption in China. As the most important shale reservoirs in China, marine Silurian shales in the Sichuan Basin have received intensive investigation during recent years in the area of pore structure characterization and reserve assessment. However, no work has been conducted to compare the China shale plays with other mature shale plays in the North America using multiple experimental methods based on the mineralogy analysis and organic geochemistry. In this paper, pore structure, formation porosity, total organic carbon (TOC), thermal maturity, and mineralogy of 36 samples in Longmaxi shale and 7 samples in Qiongzhusi shale have been investigated using multiple experimental methods. FIB-SEM imaging results show that Longmaxi shale gas reservoir include primary pores, residual intergranular pores, dissolution pores, and intergranular pores. The majority of the pores are distributed in residual intergranular pores, secondary dissolution pores, and intercrystalline pores, but less in primary intergranular pores. X-ray diffraction analysis shows that the clay minerals of Longmaxi shale reservoir mainly consist of illite and kaolinite, then followed by chlorite. The content of kaolinite is from 7.2% to 16.87%, and the average is 12.21%. The content of illite is from 8.03% to 26.8%, with the average of 16.1%. TOC tests show that most of the samples have their TOC more than 0.5%, which means Longmaxi formation has a potential to produce shale gas. Clay minerals mainly include quartz, K-feldspar, calcite, dolomite, anorthose, and pyrite. The quartz has the highest content value, followed by calcite, which are 29% and 22% average respectively. The content of pyrite and anorthose are less than 10%. The average content of brittle minerals of Longmaxi formation samples is 66% ( \u3e 50%), which is suitable for hydraulic fracturing. Thermal maturity tests show that Vitrinite reflectance of each sample is more than 2.0%, which indicates that it is high enough to generate shale gas in the formation. Comparing with other mature shale plays, the Longmaxi and Qiongzhusi shale plays have lower porosity and lower TOC than that of the U.S. shale plays, and the quartz content and thermal maturity are similar. The Qiongzhusi shale and Longmaxi shale are over-mature (Ro \u3e 2.5%) compared with U.S. shale plays. The results of this study will contribute to the formation characteristics understanding and reserve assessment of China shale plays. Also, it will facilitate the development of suitable and efficient production plan for China shale plays

    Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Removing Water Blocking by Hot-Gas Injection in Tight Cores

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    Compared with oil, natural gas has been the focus of the energy industry in recent years. Renewable energy is the goal and trend of future developments, and it has made considerable progress; however, it has not reached the ideal popularization rate. Therefore, natural gas is still very important so far. In this paper, the influence of thermal gas injection and room temperature gas injection on gas reservoir recovery is analyzed, and the method of water plugging by hot gas injection in tight gas reservoir is put forward. Indoor simulation experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of hot-gas injection in cut pore water and the degree of water blockage. On this basis, the numerical simulation of removing water blockage by hot-gas injection was carried out. The changes in core temperature and remaining water saturation were discussed by using simulation models. Results of this study can provide a theoretical basis for removing water blockage in actual oil and gas reservoirs

    Pressure Transient and Rate Decline Analysis for Hydraulic Fractured Vertical Wells with Finite Conductivity in Shale Gas Reservoirs

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    Producing gas from shale strata has become an increasingly important factor to secure energy over recent years for the considerable volume of natural gas stored. Unlike conventional gas reservoirs, gas transport in shale reservoirs is a complex process. In the organic nano pores, slippage effect, gas diffusion along the wall, viscous flow due to pressure gradient, and desorption from Kerogen coexist; while in the micro fractures, there exist viscous flow and slippage. Hydraulic fracturing is commonly used to enhance the recovery from these ultra-tight gas reservoirs. It is important to clearly understand the effect of known mechanisms on shale gas reservoir performance. This article presents the pressure transient analysis (PTA) and rate decline analysis (RDA) on the hydraulic fractured vertical wells with finite conductivity in shale gas reservoirs considering multiple flow mechanisms including desorption, diffusive flow, Darcy flow and stress sensitivity. The PTA and RDA models were established firstly. Then, the source function, Laplace transform, and the numerical discrete methods were employed to solve the mathematical model. At last the type curves were plotted and different flow regimes were identified. The sensitivity of adsorption coefficient, storage capacity ratio, inter-porosity flow coefficient, fracture conductivity, fracture skin factor, and stress sensitivity were analyzed. This work is important to understand the transient pressure and rate decline behaviors of hydraulic fractured vertical wells with finite conductivity in shale gas reservoirs

    Study on Relative Permeability Characteristics Affected by Displacement Pressure Gradient: Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation

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    The relative permeability is a key parameter for describing multiphase flow in porous media. In this paper, a series of experiments were conducted to study the impact of displacement pressure gradient (DPG) to relative permeability curves using five cores from Shengli Oilfield. Then, an empirical model was proposed to consider the impact of DPG. Finally, the numerical simulation model was established by introducing empirical correction formula into the traditional black oil model, and the effect of DPG on reservoir performance was analyzed. Result shows that with the increase of the DPG (in a range of 0.125-0.498 MPa/m), the residual oil saturation decreases, the cross point of water and oil relative permeability curves moves to the right, and the relative permeability for water phase increases under the same water saturation. In the type III relative permeability curve, with the decrease of DPG, the water relative permeability decrease and the oil relative permeability keeps the same. With considering correction of relative permeability will improve the recovery factor and simulation accuracy
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