3,063 research outputs found

    Matter Power Spectra in Viable f(R)f(R) Gravity Models with Massive Neutrinos

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    We investigate the matter power spectra in the power law and exponential types of viable f(R)f(R) theories along with massive neutrinos. The enhancement of the matter power spectrum is found to be a generic feature in these models. In particular, we show that in the former type, such as the Starobinsky model, the spectrum is magnified much larger than the latter one, such as the exponential model. A greater scale of the total neutrino mass, Σmν\Sigma m_{\nu}, is allowed in the viable f(R)f(R) models than that in the Λ\LambdaCDM one. We obtain the constraints on the neutrino masses by using the CosmoMC package with the modified MGCAMB. Explicitly, we get $\Sigma m_{\nu} < 0.451 \ (0.214)\ \mathrm{eV}at95thecorrespondingoneforthe at 95% C.L. in the Starobinsky (exponential) model, while the corresponding one for the \LambdaCDMmodelisCDM model is \Sigma m_{\nu} < 0.200\ \mathrm{eV}.Furthermore,bytreatingtheeffectivenumberofneutrinospecies. Furthermore, by treating the effective number of neutrino species N_{\mathrm{eff}}asafreeparameteralongwith as a free parameter along with \Sigma m_{\nu},wefindthat, we find that N_{\mathrm{eff}} = 3.78^{+0.64}_{-0.84} (3.47^{+0.74}_{-0.60})and and \Sigma m_{\nu} = 0.533^{+0.254}_{-0.411}( (< 0.386) \ \mathrm{eV}$ at 95% C.L. in the Starobinsky (exponential) model.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, updated version accepted by PL

    Interaction of Psychological Factors in Shaping Entrepreneurial Intention Among Computer and Electrical Engineering Students

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    Numerous technopreneurs start their ventures at college age, but the entrepreneurship of computer and electrical engineering (CEE) students remains under-studied. This study analysed both the combined and interactive effects of psychological factors on the entrepreneurial intentions of CEE students. In this study, entrepreneurial intention comprised two dimensions, conviction and preparation. Regarding the direct effects, the results indicated that self-efficacy affected entrepreneurial conviction the most, followed by negative emotion, intrinsic motivation, and metacognition. Negative emotion affected entrepreneurial preparation the most, followed by self-efficacy and positive emotion. The results also revealed several crucial interactive effects resulting from psychological factors. An increase in cognitive load increased the entrepreneurial intention of students exhibiting high intrinsic motivation and reduced the intention of students exhibiting low intrinsic motivation. An increase in metacognition increased the entrepreneurial conviction of students exhibiting either high or low intrinsic motivation. An increase in positive emotion reduced the entrepreneurial intention of students exhibiting high negative emotion and increased the intention of students exhibiting low negative emotion. An increase in self-efficacy increased the entrepreneurial intention of students exhibiting either high or low negative emotion.Przedsiębiorcy w dziedzinie zaawansowanych technologii (techno-przedsiębiorcy) często rozpoczynają aktywność już w okresie studiów, jednak działalność przedsiębiorcza studentów wydziałów elektronicznych i informatycznych nie została do tej pory dostatecznie zbadana. W tym badaniu analizowano wpływ czynników psychologicznych na intencje przedsiębiorcze tych studentów w oparciu o dwa wymiary, przekonanie i przygotowanie. W odniesieniu do skutków bezpośrednich, wyniki wskazują, że poczucie własnej skuteczności wpływa najbardziej na przekonanie o przedsiębiorczości, a kolejnymi czynnikami są negatywne emocje, motywacja wewnętrzna oraz meta-poznanie. Negatywne emocje najmocniej wpłynęły na przygotowanie do podjęcia działań przedsiębiorczych, a następnie na poczucie własnej skuteczności i na pozytywne emocje. Wyniki wykazały również kilka ważnych efektów interakcji wynikających z czynników psychologicznych. Wzrost obciążenia poznawczego wzmocnił intencje przedsiębiorcze studentów, którzy wykazywali znaczącą motywację wewnętrzną, a osłabił intencje studentów ze słabą wewnętrzną motywacją. Wzrost meta-poznania zwiększył intencje przedsiębiorcze zarówno studentów wykazujących mocną jak i słabą motywację wewnętrzną. Wzrost pozytywnych emocji wpłynął na osłabienie intencji przedsiębiorczości u studentów wykazujących wysoki poziom emocji negatywnych oraz podniósł intencję u studentów z niskim poziomem negatywnych emocji. Wzrost poczucia własnej skuteczności wzmocnił intencje przedsiębiorczości u studentów wykazujących zarówno wysoki jak i niski poziom negatywnych emocji

    Effects of natto extract on endothelial injury in a rat model

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    Vascular endothelial damage has been found to be associated with thrombus formation, which is considered to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. A diet of natto leads to a low prevalence of cardiovascular disease. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of natto extract on vascular endothelia damage with exposure to laser irradiation. Endothelial damage both in vitro and in vivo was induced by irradiation of rose bengal using a DPSS green laser. Cell viability was determined by MTS assay, and the intimal thickening was verified by a histological approach. The antioxidant content of natto extract was determined for the free radical scavenging activity. Endothelial cells were injured in the presence of rose bengal irradiated in a dose-dependent manner. Natto extract exhibits high levels of antioxidant activity compared with purified natto kinase. Apoptosis of laser-injured endothelial cells was significantly reduced in the presence of natto extract. Both the natto extract and natto kinase suppressed intimal thickening in rats with endothelial injury. The present findings suggest that natto extract suppresses vessel thickening as a synergic effect attributed to its antioxidant and anti-apoptosis properties

    Pancreatic Tail Cancer with Sole Manifestation of Left Flank Pain: A Very Rare Presentation

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    Pancreatic cancer is sometimes called a “silent disease” because it often causes no symptoms in the early stage. The symptoms can be quite vague and various depending on the location of cancer in the pancreas. The anatomic site distribution is 78% in the head of the pancreas, 11% in the body, and 11% in the tail. Pancreatic cancer is rarely detected in the early stage, and it is very uncommon to diagnose pancreatic tail cancer during an emergency department visit. The manifestation of pancreatic tail cancer as left flank pain is very rare and has seldom been identified in the literature. We present a case of pancreatic tail cancer with the sole manifestation of dull left flank pain. Having negative findings on an ultrasound study initially, this female patient was misdiagnosed as having possible acute gastritis, urolithiasis or muscle strain after she received gastroendoscopy and colonofiberscopy. Her symptoms persisted for several months and she visited our emergency department due to an acute exacerbation of a persistent dull pain in the left flank area. Radiographic evaluation with computed tomography was performed, and pancreatic tail tumor with multiple metastases was found unexpectedly. We review the literature and discuss this rare presentation of pancreatic tail cancer