23 research outputs found

    Impulsive displacement of a quasi-linear viscoelastic material through accurate numerical inversion of the Laplace transform

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    AbstractAn analytical model for the one-dimensional, impulsive displacement of a quasi-linear viscoelastic material has been developed. The quasi-linear model of Fung [1] has been used successfully for a wide range of soft biological tissues. Due to the integral definition of linear viscoelastic materials, solutions are conveniently performed in the Laplace transform plane. Complex kernels like the quasilinear model are challenging to invert back to the real plane. Here, the method of Gaver [2] and Stehfest [3] is used to numerically carry Laplace space solutions to the real plane. Parametric results for a basic impulsive disturbance problem are presented. Results indicate that stress wave propagation is weakly dependent on the fast time, slow time ratio and more strongly dependent on the logarithmic damping parameter. Limitations of the numerical inversion method in the face of discontinuities are discussed as well using asymptotic methods. As an alternative to the numerical/polynomial-based Gaver-Stehfest method, a semianalytical regularization function useful near large gradient regions method is developed. A composite method that utilizes both the fully numerical and semianalytical convolution-based method is also described. The composite model provides improved results in terms of reducing computational undershoot and overshoot (wiggles) which limit both the fully numerical and the semianalytical models alone

    Sit down at the ballgame; How export barriers make the world less food secure

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    If countries - after a shortfall in wheat harvests - impose export restrictions, African countries such as Tanzania will be especially hit; export restrictions push up global wheat prices

    Ex-Ante Impact Assessment of Water Policy Reform in South-Eastern Tunisia: A CGE Approach

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    Localizada no sudeste da Tunísia, o território Medenine é caracterizado por um clima árido. A escassez de água foi acentuada pela crescente demanda de diferentes setores econômicos. A competição inter-setorial pela água, principalmente entre o turismo e a agricultura, representa um grande problema. Esta área de interesse socioeconômico e geopolítico foi alvo de diversos programas de desenvolvimento, em particular várias reformas na política da água. Apesar da intervenção pública já nos anos 1980, a avaliação integrada ex-ante de impacto (IIA) da reforma da política da água necessita de mais atenção em regiões áridas da Tunísia. Usando um modelo de equilíbrio geral computacional foi avaliado o impacto em toda a economia, resultante da reforma das políticas de água, que consistem em fornecer maior quantidade de água para os diferentes setores econômicos. Os objetivos centrais foram delinear um procedimento de construção de uma Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), descrever as opções políticas e apresentar os resultados preliminares. Os resultados do modelo mostram que o fornecimento de água segundo práticas não-convencionais para setores do turismo e da agricultura tem um impacto positivo na economia regional. Os resultados devem ser analisados com cautela, dada as várias limitações do trabalho que devem ser superadas. Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do Projeto Políticas de Uso da Terra e Desenvolvimento Sustentável em Países em Desenvolvimento (Lupis) (Reidsma et al., 2011)

    Influence of the biobased economy on agricultural markets. Preperation of a modelling approach

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    This report is the conclusion of research undertaken to better understand the impact of the developing biobased economy on agricultural land markets. This has involved understanding the true dimension of the biobased economy, namely the large range of products for which a biobased component exists or could exist, and in this regard the likely evolution in the substitution of elements produced from fossil oil. This research is also a first step to determine whether the overall result of the development of the biobased economy will be positive, negative or neutral for the Dutch economy as a whole