105,014 research outputs found

    Building a Cleaner World

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    Korupsi dalam artian luas telah menembus semua zona dan lapisan hidup sosialmasyarakat. Suburnya korupsi mencerminkan lemahnya suatu sistem pemerintahan yangmemungkinkan tindakan koruptif yang merugikan banyak orang. Ketidakadilan dalamdunia hukum memperlebar peluang untuk berkorupsi. Apakah korupsi memasukilembaga-lembaga keagamaan? Apakah mereka yang terjun dalam dunia keagamaan(departemen pemerintah dan non-pemerintah) juga terlibat dalam dunia korupsi? Tulisanini berusaha menggali Kenyataan dalam dunia keagamaan

    Mean lives of some astrophysically important excited levels in carbon, nitrogen and oxygen

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    A number of astrophysically important mean lives of levels in carbon, nitrogen and oxygen were measured with the beam-foil technique. New values are reported and compared with earlier theoretical and experimental values. Direct references to astrophysical applications are listed

    Laboratory simulation of the Mars atmosphere. A feasibility study

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    Feasibility of simulation of Martian atmospheric processes - atmospheric transportation and deposition of dust and sand, absorption properties, and thermodynamic propertie

    Articulated elastic-loop roving vehicles

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    Prototype vehicle features exceptional obstacle-negotiating and slope-climbing capabilities plus high propulsive efficiency. Concept should interest designers of polar or ocean-bottom research vehicles. Also, its large footprint and low ground pressure will minimize ecological damage on terrain with low bearing strength, as in off-the-road application