105 research outputs found

    Evolutionarily Conserved Allosteric Network In The Cys Loop Family Of Ligand-Gated Ion Channels Revealed By Statistical Covariance Analyses

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    The Cys loop family of ligand-gated ion channels mediate fast synaptic transmission for communication between neurons. They are allosteric proteins, in which binding of a neurotransmitter to its binding site in the extracellular amino-terminal domain triggers structural changes in distant transmembrane domains to open a channel for ion flow. Although the locations of binding site and channel gating machinery are well defined, the structural basis of the activation pathway coupling binding and channel opening remains to be determined. In this paper, by analyzing amino acid covariance in a multiple sequence alignment, we have identified an energetically interconnected network in the Cys loop family of ligand-gated ion channels. Statistical coupling and correlated mutational analyses along with clustering revealed a highly coupled cluster. Mapping the positions in the cluster onto a three-dimensional structural model demonstrated that these highly coupled positions form an interconnected network linking experimentally identified binding domains through the coupling region to the gating machinery. In addition, these highly coupled positions are also condensed in the transmembrane domains, which are a recent focus for the sites of action of many allosteric modulators. Thus, our results revealed a genetically interconnected network that potentially plays an important role in the allosteric activation and modulation of the Cys loop family of ligand-gated ion channels. © 2006 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    Mechanism Of Allosteric Modulation Of The Cys-Loop Receptors

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    The cys-loop receptor family is a major family of neurotransmitter-operated ion channels. They play important roles in fast synaptic transmission, controlling neuronal excitability, and brain function. These receptors are allosteric proteins, in that binding of a neurotransmitter to its binding site remotely controls the channel function. The cys-loop receptors also are subject to allosteric modulation by many pharmaceutical agents and endogenous modulators. By binding to a site of the receptor distinct from the neurotransmitter binding site, allosteric modulators alter the response of the receptors to their agonists. The mechanism of allosteric modulation is traditionally believed to be that allosteric modulators directly change the binding affinity of receptors for their agonists. More recent studies support the notion that these allosteric modulators are very weak agonists or antagonists by themselves. They directly alter channel gating, and thus change the distribution of the receptor across multiple different affinity states, indirectly influencing receptors\u27 sensitivity to agonists. There are two major locations of allosteric modulator binding sites. One is in subunit interfaces of the amino-terminal domain. The other is in the transmembrane domain close to the channel gating machinery. In this review, we also give some examples of well characterized allosteric binding pockets. © 2010 by the authors

    Reporter Mutation Studies Show That Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (Nachr) α5 Subunits And/Or Variants Modulate Function Of α6*-Nachr

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    To further the understanding of functional α6α5*- nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR; the asterisk (*) indicates known or possible presence of other subunits), we have heterologously expressed in oocytes different, mouse or human, nAChR subunit combinations. Coexpression with wild-type α5 subunits or chimeric α5/β3 subunits (in which the human α5 subunit N-terminal, extracellular domain is linked to the remaining domains of the human β3 subunit) almost completely abolishes the very small amount of function seen for α6β4*-nAChR and does not induce function of α6β2*-nAChR. Coexpression with human α5 V9,S subunits bearing a valine 290 to serine mutation in the 9′ position of the second transmembrane domain does not rescue the function of α6β4*-nAChR or induce function of α6β2*-nAChR. However, coexpression with mutant chimeric α5/β3 V9,S subunits has a gain-of-function effect (higher functional expression and agonist sensitivity and spontaneous opening inhibited by mecamylamine) on α6β4*- nAChR. Moreover, N143D + M145V mutations in the α6 subunit N-terminal domain enable α5/β3 V9,S subunits to have a gain-of-function effect on α6β2*-nAChR. nAChR containing chimeric α6/α3 subunits plus either β2 or β4 subunits have some function that is modulated in the presence of α5 or α5/β3 subunits. Coexpression with α5/β3 V9,S subunits has a gain-of-function effect more pronounced than that in the presence of α5 V9,S subunits. Gain-of-function effects are dependent, sometimes subtly, on the nature and apparently the extracellular, cytoplasmic, and/or transmembrane domain topology of partner subunits. These studies yield insight into assembly of functional α6α5*-nAChR and provide tools for development of α6*- nAChR-selective ligands that could be important in the treatment of nicotine dependence, and perhaps other neurological diseases. © 2011 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    Identification Of N-Terminal Extracellular Domain Determinants In Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (Nachr) α6 Subunits That Influence Effects Of Wild-Type Or Mutant β3 Subunits On Function Of α6β2*- Or α6β4*-Nachr

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    Despite the apparent function of naturally expressed mammalian α6*-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (α6*-nAChR; where*indicates the known or possible presence of additional subunits), their functional and heterologous expression has been difficult. Here, we report that coexpression with wild-type β3 subunits abolishes the small amount of function typically seen for all-human or all-mouse α6β4*-nAChR expressed in Xenopus oocytes. However, levels of function and agonist potencies are markedly increased, and there is atropine-sensitive blockade of spontaneous channel opening upon coexpression of α6 and β4 subunits with mutant β3 subunits harboring valine-to-serine mutations at 9′- or 13′-positions. There is no function when α6 and β2 subunits are expressed alone or in the presence of wild-type or mutant β3 subunits. Interestingly, hybrid nAChR containing mouse α6 and human (h) β4 subunits have function potentiated rather than suppressed by coexpression with wild-type hβ3 subunits and potentiated further upon coexpression with hβ3 V9,S subunits. Studies using nAChR chimeric mouse/human α6 subunits indicated that residues involved in effects seen with hybrid nAChR are located in the α6 subunit N-terminal domain. More specifically, nAChR hα6 subunit residues Asn-143 and Met-145 are important for dominant-negative effects of nAChR hβ3 subunits on hα6hβ4-nAChR function. Asn-143 and additional residues in the N-terminal domain of nAChR hα6 subunits are involved in the gain-of-function effects of nAChR hβ3 V9,S subunits on α6β2*-nAChR function. These studies illuminate the structural bases for effects of β3 subunits on α6*-nAChR function and suggest that unique subunit interfaces involving the complementary rather than the primary face of α6 subunits are involved. © 2011 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    Fastcloning: A Highly Simplified Purification-Free Sequence- And Ligation-Independent Pcr Cloning Method

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    Background: Although a variety of methods and expensive kits are available, molecular cloning can be a timeconsuming and frustrating process. Results: Here we report a highly simplified, reliable, and efficient PCR-based cloning technique to insert any DNA fragment into a plasmid vector or into a gene (cDNA) in a vector at any desired position. With this method, the vector and insert are PCR amplified separately, with only 18 cycles, using a high fidelity DNA polymerase. The amplified insert has the ends with ~16-base overlapping with the ends of the amplified vector. After DpnI digestion of the mixture of the amplified vector and insert to eliminate the DNA templates used in PCR reactions, the mixture is directly transformed into competent E. coli cells to obtain the desired clones. This technique has many advantages over other cloning methods. First, it does not need gel purification of the PCR product or linearized vector. Second, there is no need of any cloning kit or specialized enzyme for cloning. Furthermore, with reduced number of PCR cycles, it also decreases the chance of random mutations. In addition, this method is highly effective and reproducible. Finally, since this cloning method is also sequence independent, we demonstrated that it can be used for chimera construction, insertion, and multiple mutations spanning a stretch of DNA up to 120 bp. Conclusion: Our FastCloning technique provides a very simple, effective, reliable, and versatile tool for molecular cloning, chimera construction, insertion of any DNA sequences of interest and also for multiple mutations in a short stretch of a cDNA

    Transcriptome And Expression Profiling Analysis Link Patterns Of Gene Expression To Antennal Responses In Spodoptera Litura

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    Background: The study of olfaction is key to understanding the interaction of insects with their environment and provides opportunities to develop novel tactics for control of pest species. Recent developments in transcriptomic approaches enable the molecular basis of olfaction to be studied even in species with limited genomic information. Here we use transcriptome and expression profiling analysis to characterize the antennal transcriptome of the noctuid moth and polyphagous pest Spodoptera litura. Results: We identify 74 candidate genes involved in odor detection and recognition, encoding 26 ORs, 21 OBPs, 18 CSPs and 9 IRs. We examine their expression levels in both sexes and seek evidence for their function by relating their expression with levels of EAG response in male and female antennae to 58 host and non-host plant volatiles and sex pheromone components. The majority of olfactory genes showed sex-biased expression, usually male-biased in ORs. A link between OR gene expression and antennal responses to odors was evident, a third of the compounds tested evoking a sex-biased response, in every case also male-biased. Two candidate pheromone receptors, OR14 and OR23 were especially strongly expressed and male-biased and we suggest that these may respond to the two female sex pheromone components of S. litura, Z9E11-14:OAc and Z9E12-14:OAc, which evoked strongly male-biased EAG responses. Conclusions: Our results provide the molecular basis for elucidating the olfactory profile of moths and the sexual divergence of their behavior and could enable the targeting of particular genes, and behaviors for pest management

    Cpt-Cgmp Is A New Ligand Of Epithelial Sodium Channels

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    Epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) are localized at the apical membrane of the epithelium, and are responsible for salt and fluid reabsorption. Renal ENaC takes up salt, thereby controlling salt content in serum. Loss-of-function ENaC mutations lead to low blood pressure due to salt-wasting, while gain-of-function mutations cause impaired sodium excretion and subsequent hypertension as well as hypokalemia. ENaC activity is regulated by intracellular and extracellular signals, including hormones, neurotransmitters, protein kinases, and small compounds. Cyclic nucleotides are broadly involved in stimulating protein kinase A and protein kinase G signaling pathways, and, surprisingly, also appear to have a role in regulating ENaC. Increasing evidence suggests that the cGMP analog, CPT-cGMP, activates αβγ-ENaC activity reversibly through an extracellular pathway in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, the parachlorophenylthio moiety and ribose 2’-hydroxy group of CPT-cGMP are essential for facilitating the opening of ENaC channels by this compound. Serving as an extracellular ligand, CPT-cGMP eliminates sodium self-inhibition, which is a novel mechanism for stimulating salt reabsorption in parallel to the traditional NO/cGMP/PKG signal pathway. In conclusion, ENaC may be a druggable target for CPT-cGMP, leading to treatments for kidney malfunctions in salt reabsorption

    Mapping the ρ1 GABAC Receptor Agonist Binding Pocket

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    γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain. The GABA receptor type C (GABAC) is a ligand-gated ion channel with pharmacological properties distinct from the GABAA receptor. To date, only three binding domains in the recombinant ρ1 GABAC receptor have been recognized among six potential regions. In this report, using the substituted cysteine accessibility method, we scanned three potential regions previously unexplored in the ρ1 GABAC receptor, corresponding to the binding loops A, E, and F in the structural model for ligand-gated ion channels. The cysteine accessibility scanning and agonist/antagonist protection tests have resulted in the identification of residues in loops A and E, but not F, involved in forming the GABAC receptor agonist binding pocket. Three of these newly identified residues are in a novel region corresponding to the extended stretch of loop E. In addition, the cysteine accessibility pattern suggests that part of loop A and part of loop E have a β-strand structure, whereas loop F is a random coil. Finally, when all of the identified ligand binding residues are mapped onto a three-dimensional homology model of the amino-terminal domain of the ρ1 GABAC receptor, they are facing toward the putative binding pocket. Combined with previous findings, a complete model of the GABAC receptor binding pocket was proposed and discussed in comparison with the GABAA receptor binding pocket

    Proteolytic Regulation Of Epithelial Sodium Channels By Urokinase Plasminogen Activator: Cutting Edge And Cleavage Sites

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    Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) level is extremely elevated in the edematous fluid of acutely injured lungs and pleurae. Elevated PAI-1 specifically inactivates pulmonary urokinase-type (uPA) and tissue-type plasminogen activators (tPA). We hypothesized that plasminogen activation and fibrinolysis may alter epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) activity, a key player in clearing edematous fluid. Two-chain urokinase (tcuPA) has been found to strongly stimulate heterologous human αβγ ENaC activity in a dose- and time-dependent manner. This activity of tcuPA was completely ablated by PAI-1. Furthermore, a mutation (S195A) of the active site of the enzyme also prevented ENaC activation. By comparison, three truncation mutants of the amino-terminal fragment of tcuPA still activated ENaC. uPA enzymatic activity was positively correlated with ENaC current amplitude prior to reaching the maximal level. In sharp contrast to uPA, neither single-chain tPA nor derivatives, including two-chain tPA and tenecteplase, affected ENaC activity. Furthermore, γ but not α subunit of ENaC was proteolytically cleaved at (177GR↓KR180) by tcuPA. In summary, the underlying mechanisms of urokinase-mediated activation of ENaC include release of self-inhibition, proteolysis of γ ENaC, incremental increase in opening rate, and activation of closed (electrically \ silent\ ) channels. This study for the first time demonstrates multifaceted mechanisms for uPA-mediated up-regulation of ENaC, which form the cellular and molecular rationale for the beneficial effects of urokinase in mitigating mortal pulmonary edema and pleural effusions