2,629 research outputs found

    The relationship between work and non-work support and work-life balance in Taiwan

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    The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between employees' supportive resource (workplace support and non-work support) and their work-life balance in Taiwan. The roles of work-life balance's four components (work-to-life conflict, life-to-work conflict, work-to-life facilitation, and life-to-work facilitation) in the relationship between support and employee outcomes (psychological wellbeing, turnover intention, affective- and continuance organizational commitment) were examined. Eight-hundred surveys were distributed to for-profit and non-profit sectors. After eliminating the invalid questionnaires, 658 valid questionnaires were used for further analysis. The findings of this study suggested that three kinds of support (organizational support, supervisor support, and non-work support) were positively related to employees' work-life balance. However, no significant relationship was found between the availability and usage of the work-life balance policies and employees' work-life balance. More importantly, it was found that work-life balance and four components mediate the relationship between supervisor support and all employee outcomes. The relationship between employees' awareness of the policies that organization offered and favourable employee outcomes is also mediated by work-life balance. Interestingly, the availability and usage of the policies were not found to be related to either employees' better work-life balance or favourable employee outcomes. It is thus recommended that emphasizing supervisor support might be a better option than introducing various work-life balance policies for employees to achieve a better work-life balance. Otherwise, the work-life balance policies offered have to meet employees' needs

    Prevention of OLED display damage due to charge accumulation

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    The disclosure describes techniques to protect an organic light emitting diode (OLED) display by discharging excess charge that gets accumulated on a display module. A conductive coating material is applied from the backside of a cover glass to a metal layer on the backside of the display. With the addition of the conductive coating material, excess charge is discharged through the system ground to avoid damage to the display panel

    Light-Guiding Structure For Under-Display Sensor Modules

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    This publication describes techniques and apparatuses for the use of a light-guiding structure to route electromagnetic signals emitted by an under-display sensor module to a bezel area of a mobile device for transmission and, likewise, route electromagnetic signals received in a bezel area to an under-display sensor module. In aspects, the light-guiding structure is a light guide plate, a curved light-guiding body, or optical fibers. The techniques and apparatuses provide increased efficiency of under-display sensor modules by avoiding signal loss caused by eliminating the need to transmit and receive electrical signals through the display panel structure of a display panel module


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    Reaction, coordination and speed ability are essential for success in a variety of sports. Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) is related to all of these abilities. Previous studies had investigated power and endurance type athletes, but there is less research in athletes who are skilled in coordinated lower extremity movements requiring more neural adaptation for nerve conduction velocity after specific exercise training. The purpose of this study is to investigate nerve conduction velocity of soccer, sanshou players and untrained subjects. Results show that NCV was significantly different among the 3 groups (p < .05) for the femoral and tibal nerves. For both femoral and tibial nerve.§, results showed that the soccer players had significantly faster NCV than the other groups (p < .05). According to the results, faster NCV adaptation from long term training in soccer players may be relate to their movement requirement of changing their movement direction quickly and skillfully

    The Non-linear Relationship between Muscle Voluntary Activation Level and Voluntary Force Measured by the Interpolated Twitch Technique

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    Interpolated twitch technique (ITT) is a non-invasive method for assessing the completeness of muscle activation in clinical settings. Voluntary activation level (VA), measured by ITT and estimated by a conventional linear model, was reported to have a non-linear relationship with true voluntary contraction force at higher activation levels. The relationship needs to be further clarified for the correct use by clinicians and researchers. This study was to established a modified voluntary activation (modified VA) and define a valid range by fitting a non-linear logistic growth model. Eight healthy male adults participated in this study. Each subject performed three sets of voluntary isometric ankle plantar flexions at 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) with real-time feedback on a computer screen. A supramaximal electrical stimulation was applied on tibia nerve at rest and during contractions. The estimated VA was calculated for each contraction. The relationship between the estimated VA and the actual voluntary contraction force was fitted by a logistic growth model. The result showed that according to the upper and lower limit points of the logistic curve, the valid range was between the 95.16% and 10.55% MVC. The modified VA estimated by this logistic growth model demonstrated less error than the conventional model. This study provided a transfer function for the voluntary activation level and defined the valid range which would provide useful information in clinical applications

    Using Pattern Recognition for Investment Decision Support in Taiwan Stock Market

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    In Taiwan stock market, it has been accumulated large amounts of time series stock data and successful investment strategies. The stock price, which is impacted by various factors, is the result of buyer-seller investment strategies. Since the stock price reflects numerous factors, its pattern can be described as the strategies of investors. In this paper, pattern recognition concept is adapted to match the current stock price trend with the repeatedly appearing past price data. Accordingly, a new method is introduced in this research that extracting features quickly from stock time series chart to find out the most critical feature points. The matching can be processed via the corresponding information of the feature points. In other words, the goal is to seek for the historical repeatedly appearing patterns, namely the similar trend, offering the investors to make investment strategies


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    Ballistic and accurately control of a targeted fast contraction relies on phasic activations of the agonist and antagonist muscles. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of tibialis anterior (TA) fatigue on the systematic bias and the consistence of the net dorsiflexion torque generation and the controlling pattern of the agonist-antagonist muscles. Ten subjects were tested twice with a week apart. Fast and slow dorsiflexion at 40%-MVG were measured before and after fatigue of the TA by voluntary isometric dorsiflexions. The EMG of the TA and soleus (Sol) were recorded. The results revealed that more post-fatigue increment of the systematic error was in the fast dorsiflexions, random error increment were similar in both speeds of isometric dorsiflexions, the cocontraction ratio increased after fatigue only in the slow dorsiflexions. Our results suggested that precision of the fast targeted isometric contractions was reduced after fatigue because of unvaried agonist-antagonist control strategy


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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the training effect of three-month group exercise program using stability ball. Ten female subjects were recruited to join this group exercise class for three months. The biomechanical parameters of counter-movement jump were collected before and after class. The average of maximal jumping height and the take-off velocity have significantly increased after three months. The group exercise program accoring American College of Sport Medicine trainig guideline which was designed in this study was helpful to increase the jump height of counter movement jump and to improve the biomechanical parameters of the landing

    Associations of road traffic noise and its frequency spectrum with prevalent depression in Taichung, Taiwan

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    IntroductionExposure to road traffic noise has been reported to be associated with depression in many epidemiological studies, but the association between noise frequency spectrum and depression remains unclear. This community-based study investigated the associations between road traffic noise exposure and its frequency components with prevalent depression.MethodsA total of 3,191 residents living in Taichung who participated in the Taiwan Biobank between 2010 and 2017, were included as study participants. The land-use regression models were used to evaluate individual annual average values of A-weighted equivalent sound level over 24 h (Leq,24h) and particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter &lt;2.5 μm (PM2.5) using the geographic information system. Multiple logistic regression was applied to estimate the odds ratios (ORs) for depression after adjusting for potential risk factors and PM2.5.ResultsAn interquartile range increase in Leq,24h at full frequency (4.7 dBA), 1,000 Hz (5.2 dB), and 2,000 Hz (4.8 dB) was significantly associated with an elevated risk for depression with ORs of 1.62 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.03, 2.55), 1.58 (95% CI: 1.05, 2.37), and 1.58 (95% CI:1.03, 2.43), respectively, by controlling for PM2.5. The high-exposure group (≥3rd quartile median of noise levels) at full frequency, 1,000 Hz, and 2,000 Hz had an increased risk for depression with ORs of 2.65 (95% CI: 1.16–6.05), 2.47 (95% CI: 1.07–5.70), and 2.60 (95% CI: 1.10–6.12), respectively, compared with the reference group (&lt;1st quartile of noise levels) after adjustment for PM2.5. Significant exposure-response trends were observed between the prevalent depression and noise exposure by quartiles at full frequency, 1,000 Hz, and 2,000 Hz (all p &lt; 0.05).ConclusionExposure to road traffic noise may be associated with an increased prevalence of depression, particularly at 1,000 and 2,000 Hz