289 research outputs found

    A Process Capability Analysis Method Using Adjusted Modified Sample Entropy

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    Citation: Koppel, S., & Chang, S. I. (2016). A Process Capability Analysis Method Using Adjusted Modified Sample Entropy. Procedia Manufacturing, 5, 122-131. doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2016.08.012The evolution of sensors and data storage possibilities has created possibilities for more precise data collection in processes. However, process capability analysis has become more difficult. Traditional methods, such as process capability ratios, cannot handle large volumes of process data over time because these methods assume normal process distribution that is not changing. Entropy methods have been proposed for process capability studies because entropy is not dependent on distribution and can therefore provide accurate readings in changing distribution environments. The goal of this paper is to explore the use of entropy-based methods, specifically modified Sample Entropy to identify process variations over time. A study based on simulated data sets showed that the proposed method provides process capability information. © 2016 The Author

    On monitoring of multiple non-linear profiles

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    Most state-of-the-art profile monitoring methods involve studies of one profile. However, a process may contain several sensors or probes that generate multiple profiles over time. Quality characteristics presented in multiple profiles may be related multiple aspects of product or process quality. Existing charting methods for simultaneous monitoring of each multiple profile may result in high false alarm rates. Or worse, they cannot correctly detect potential relationship changes among profiles. In this study, we propose two approaches to detect process shifts in multiple non-linear profiles. A simulation study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed approaches in terms of average run length under different process shift scenarios. Pros and cons of the proposed methods are discussed. A guideline for choosing the proposed methods is introduced. In addition, a hybrid method combining the salient points of both approaches is explored. Finally, a real-world data-set from a vulcanisation process is used to demonstrate the implementation of the proposed methods


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    [[abstract]]In this article, a new profit function based on a surrogate variable of its performance variable is provided to develop an optimum screening procedure for manufacturing. The optimum screening procedure helps producers set up the mean level of manufacturing and the screening limits of a surrogate variable to reach a maximum expected profit per unit. The proposed method is useful when the products in the manufacturing process are classified into different grades and sold in two alternate markets. A cement-packing example is used to illustrate the proposed method, and a numerical study is conducted to evaluate the effects of cost components and distribution parameters on the expected profit per unit. The proposed screening procedure provides a significant improvement over existing methods in term of higher expected profit per unit.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]SG

    Integrated Water Resources Management in Cities in the World: Global Challenges

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    Water scarcity and accessibility remain persistently amongst the most prominent global challenges. Although there is a wide agreement among international organizations that Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and water governance are key to overcome water-related challenges, global assessments of the progress made by cities is lacking. This paper for the first time analyses the challenges of water, wastewater, municipal solid waste and climate change in cities. We used empirical studies (125 cities) based on the City Blueprint Approach and developed a statistical estimation model to estimate IWRM performances of another 75 cities. These 200 cities in total represent more than 95% of the global urban population. This comprehensive global picture enables us to evaluate the existing gaps in achieving water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation) and SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities). The best performing cities were Amsterdam and Singapore. Unfortunately, most cities do not yet manage their water resources wisely and are far from achieving the SDGs. For instance, targets regarding drinking water supply are still a challenge for many cities in Africa and Asia and challenges regarding sanitation are high in cities in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The same holds for solid waste management, climate adaptation, and people living in informal settlements. In another paper we will address the solution pathways to these global challenges

    Establishment of a Knock-In Mouse Model with the SLC26A4 c.919-2A>G Mutation and Characterization of Its Pathology

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    Recessive mutations in the SLC26A4 gene are a common cause of hereditary hearing impairment worldwide. Previous studies have demonstrated that different SLC26A4 mutations may have different pathogenetic mechanisms. In the present study, we established a knock-in mouse model (i.e., Slc26a4tm1Dontuh/tm1Dontuh mice) homozygous for the c.919-2A>G mutation, which is a common mutation in East Asians. Mice were then subjected to audiologic assessment, a battery of vestibular evaluations, and inner ear morphological studies. All Slc26a4tm1Dontuh/tm1Dontuh mice revealed profound hearing loss, whereas 46% mice demonstrated pronounced head tilting and circling behaviors. There was a significant difference in the vestibular performance between wild-type and Slc26a4tm1Dontuh/tm1Dontuh mice, especially those exhibiting circling behavior. Inner ear morphological examination of Slc26a4tm1Dontuh/tm1Dontuh mice revealed an enlarged endolymphatic duct, vestibular aqueduct and sac, atrophy of stria vascularis, deformity of otoconia in the vestibular organs, consistent degeneration of cochlear hair cells, and variable degeneration of vestibular hair cells. Audiologic and inner ear morphological features of Slc26a4tm1Dontuh/tm1Dontuh mice were reminiscent of those observed in humans. These features were also similar to those previously reported in both knock-out Slc26a4−/− mice and Slc26a4loop/loop mice with the Slc26a4 p.S408F mutation, albeit the severity of vestibular hair cell degeneration appeared different among the three mouse strains

    Statewide Implementation of the Surface Performance Graded (SPG) Specification for Chip Seal Binders in Service: Implementation Report

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    Project 5-6616-01Over the past almost 20 years, a Surface Performance-Graded (SPG) specification for chip seal binders was developed and validated using laboratory measurements and visual field performance of 141 highway sections. This SPG specification was established in an effort to extend the service life of chip seals and save approximately $9 million per year by providing a binder grading system and associated selection guidelines that: (1) accounts for differences in climate and (2) uses existing equipment and performance-based properties that preclude bleeding and aggregate loss in the critical first year of service after construction. This report documents a multi-year implementation effort that includes: (1) further validation and (2) industry interaction including outreach, state round robin testing programs, laboratory characterization efforts with private laboratories, and associated work with a national task force. The SPG specification now available as a special provision to Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Item 300 (SP 300-011) will replace the TxDOT Chip Seal Binder Material Selection Table with the tiered system and conventional chip seal binder specifications for materials in service provided in TxDOT Item 300

    Genetic Elimination of Connective Tissue Growth Factor in the Forebrain Affects Subplate Neurons in the Cortex and Oligodendrocytes in the Underlying White Matter

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    Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) is a secreted extracellular matrix-associated protein, which play a role in regulating various cellular functions. Although the expression of CTGF has been reported in the cortical subplate, its function is still not clear. Thus, to explore the significance of CTGF in the brain, we created a forebrain-specific Ctgf knockout (FbCtgf KO) mouse model. By crossing Ctgffl/fl mice with Emx1-Cre transgenic mice, in which the expression of Cre is prenatally initiated, the full length Ctgf is removed in the forebrain structures. In young adult (2–3 months old) FbCtgf KO mice, subplate markers such as Nurr1 and Cplx3 are still expressed in the cortical layer VIb; however, the density of the subplate neurons is increased. Interestingly, in these mutants, we found a reduced structural complexity in the subplate neurons. The distribution patterns of neurons and glial cells, examined by immunohistochemistry, are comparable between genotypes in the somatosensory cortex. However, increased densities of mature oligodendrocytes, but not immature ones, were noticed in the external capsule underneath the cortical layer VIb in young adult FbCtgf KO mice. The features of myelinated axons in the external capsule were then examined using electron microscopy. Unexpectedly, the thickness of the myelin sheath was reduced in middle-aged (>12 months old), but not young adult FbCtgf KO mice. Our results suggest a secretory function of the subplate neurons, through the release of CTGF, which regulates the density and dendritic branching of subplate neurons as well as the maturation and function of nearby oligodendrocytes in the white matter

    Serine Protease PRSS23 Is Upregulated by Estrogen Receptor α and Associated with Proliferation of Breast Cancer Cells

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    Serine protease PRSS23 is a newly discovered protein that has been associated with tumor progression in various types of cancers. Interestingly, PRSS23 is coexpressed with estrogen receptor α (ERα), which is a prominent biomarker and therapeutic target for human breast cancer. Estrogen signaling through ERα is also known to affect cell proliferation, apoptosis, and survival, which promotes tumorigenesis by regulating the production of numerous downstream effector proteins
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