1,134 research outputs found

    On the Mass-Period Distributions and Correlations of Extrasolar Planets

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    In addition to fitting the data of 233 extra-solar planets with power laws, we construct a correlated mass-period distribution function of extrasolar planets, as the first time in this field. The algorithm to generate a pair of positively correlated beta-distributed random variables is introduced and used for the construction of correlated distribution functions. We investigate the mass-period correlations of extrasolar planets both in the linear and logarithm spaces, determine the confidence intervals of the correlation coefficients, and confirm that there is a positive mass-period correlation for the extrasolar planets. In addition to the paucity of massive close-in planets, which makes the main contribution on this correlation, there are other fine structures for the data in the mass-period plane.Comment: to be published in AJ, tentatively in December 200

    Evaluation of agricultural ecosystem services in fallowing land based on farmers' participation and model simulation

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    Fallowing with green fertilizer can benefit agricultural ecosystem services (AES). Farmers in Taiwan do not implement fallow practices and plant green fertilizer because the current subsidy level (46,000 NTperha)istoolowtomanagefallowing.Thispaperdefinestheobjectiveofgovernmentagriculturepolicyorthefarmer’sobjectiveasmaximizationoffarmproductivity,approximatedtothevalueofsocialwelfareandAES.Farms,whichdonotfollowproperfallowingpractices,oftenhavepoorlymaintainedfallowlandorleftfarmlandabandoned.Thisresultsinnegativeenvironmentalconsequencessuchascutworminfestationsinabandonedland,whichinturncanaffectcropsinadjacentfarmlands.Theobjectivesofthisstudyaretwofold.First,itdeterminestheproperfallowingsubsidybasedontheconceptofpaymentforecosystemservicestoenticemorefarmerstoparticipateinfallowing.Second,itsimulatesthebenefitofplantinggreenmanureinfallowlandtothesupplyofAESbasedontherateoffarmerswhoarewillingtoparticipateinfallowlandpracticesandessentialparametersthatcanaffectsoilfertilitychange.Theapproachinvolvesaseriesofinterviewsandadevelopedempiricalmodel.ThevalueofAESwhentherateoffarmerparticipationis100 per ha) is too low to manage fallowing. This paper defines the objective of government agriculture policy or the farmer’s objective as maximization of farm productivity, approximated to the value of social welfare and AES. Farms, which do not follow proper fallowing practices, often have poorly maintained fallow land or left farmland abandoned. This results in negative environmental consequences such as cutworm infestations in abandoned land, which in turn can affect crops in adjacent farmlands. The objectives of this study are twofold. First, it determines the proper fallowing subsidy based on the concept of payment for ecosystem services to entice more farmers to participate in fallowing. Second, it simulates the benefit of planting green manure in fallow land to the supply of AES based on the rate of farmers who are willing to participate in fallow land practices and essential parameters that can affect soil fertility change. The approach involves a series of interviews and a developed empirical model. The value of AES when the rate of farmer participation is 100% represents a 1.5% increase in AES (448,317,000 NTperha)istoolowtomanagefallowingThispaperdefinestheobjectiveofgovernmentagriculturepolicyorthefarmer’sobjectiveasmaximizationoffarmproductivityapproximatedtothevalueofsocialwelfareandAESFarmswhichdonotfollowproperfallowingpracticesoftenhavepoorlymaintainedfallowlandorleftfarmlandabandonedThisresultsinnegativeenvironmentalconsequencessuchascutworminfestationsinabandonedlandwhichinturncanaffectcropsinadjacentfarmlandsTheobjectivesofthisstudyaretwofoldFirstitdeterminestheproperfallowingsubsidybasedontheconceptofpaymentforecosystemservicestoenticemorefarmerstoparticipateinfallowingSeconditsimulatesthebenefitofplantinggreenmanureinfallowlandtothesupplyofAESbasedontherateoffarmerswhoarewillingtoparticipateinfallowlandpracticesandessentialparametersthatcanaffectsoilfertilitychangeTheapproachinvolvesaseriesofinterviewsandadevelopedempiricalmodelThevalueofAESwhentherateoffarmerparticipationis100 ) over the value at the current participation rate of 14%. This study further concludes that the appropriate fallowing subsidy has a large positive impact on AES and social welfare (e.g., benefit from food and biofuel supplies) and is seen as a basis of ecological governance for sustainable agro-ecosystems

    On the Distribution of Neutral Tone in Southern Min: LCC and Beyond

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    The aim of this paper is to address an often-overlooked topic in Southern Min tonology: neutral tone. We show that the tone sandhi domain in Southern Min is not always isomorphic with an XP in syntax or a phonological phrase. In fact, this domain may be smaller than what has been predicted, as evidenced in the phrase-final functional morphemes as well as in the rhythmic effect. We propose that the tone sandhi domain in Southern Min is defined by a constituent Tone Sandhi Domain (TSD, τ) between the p-phrase and the p-word. A TSD is required to bear a final prominence, and only a p-word, mapped from a contentive or focused element in syntax, can be a “prominence-bearing unit.

    Effects of natto extract on endothelial injury in a rat model

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    Vascular endothelial damage has been found to be associated with thrombus formation, which is considered to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. A diet of natto leads to a low prevalence of cardiovascular disease. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of natto extract on vascular endothelia damage with exposure to laser irradiation. Endothelial damage both in vitro and in vivo was induced by irradiation of rose bengal using a DPSS green laser. Cell viability was determined by MTS assay, and the intimal thickening was verified by a histological approach. The antioxidant content of natto extract was determined for the free radical scavenging activity. Endothelial cells were injured in the presence of rose bengal irradiated in a dose-dependent manner. Natto extract exhibits high levels of antioxidant activity compared with purified natto kinase. Apoptosis of laser-injured endothelial cells was significantly reduced in the presence of natto extract. Both the natto extract and natto kinase suppressed intimal thickening in rats with endothelial injury. The present findings suggest that natto extract suppresses vessel thickening as a synergic effect attributed to its antioxidant and anti-apoptosis properties

    Intra-abdominal abscess caused by toothpick injury

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    SummaryWe present the case of a 42-year-old female who presented to our emergency department (ED) complaining of epigastric pain for four days. She had been seen in the outpatient department and ED previously for evaluation, but continued to experience epigastric pain with fever. Emergency panendoscopy was performed and a toothpick was discovered impacted in the duodenal bulb. The gastroenterologist was unable to remove the toothpick endoscopically. Computed tomography of the abdomen revealed a long and straight hyperdense foreign body, and intra-abdominal abscess formation. An emergency laparotomy was performed. The patient recovered gradually and was discharged 11 days later. She could not remember when she swallowed the wooden toothpick, but guessed that it was while out drinking. There is an old wives’ tale in Taiwan that putting a toothpick in the cup while drinking beer reduces the likelihood of abdominal distention from the carbonation of the beer

    Microfluidic Mixing: A Review

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    The aim of microfluidic mixing is to achieve a thorough and rapid mixing of multiple samples in microscale devices. In such devices, sample mixing is essentially achieved by enhancing the diffusion effect between the different species flows. Broadly speaking, microfluidic mixing schemes can be categorized as either “active”, where an external energy force is applied to perturb the sample species, or “passive”, where the contact area and contact time of the species samples are increased through specially-designed microchannel configurations. Many mixers have been proposed to facilitate this task over the past 10 years. Accordingly, this paper commences by providing a high level overview of the field of microfluidic mixing devices before describing some of the more significant proposals for active and passive mixers
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