69 research outputs found

    Dynamic Smagorinsky Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulence Using Tetrahedral Meshes

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    Eddy-resolving numerical computations of turbulent flows are emerging as viable alternatives to Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) calculations for flows with an intrinsically steady mean state due to the advances in large-scale parallel computing. In these computations, medium to large turbulent eddies are resolved by the numerics while the smaller or subgrid scales are either modeled or taken care of by the inherent numerical dissipation. To advance the state of the art of unstructured-mesh turbulence simulation capabilities, large eddy simulations (LES) using the dynamic Smagorinsky model (DSM) on tetrahedral meshes are carried out with the space-time conservation element, solution element (CESE) method. In contrast to what has been reported in the literature, the present implementation of dynamic models allows for active backscattering without any ad-hoc limiting of the eddy viscosity calculated from the subgrid-scale model. For the benchmark problems involving compressible isotropic turbulence decay as well as the shock/turbulent boundary layer interaction benchmark problems, no numerical instability associated with kinetic energy growth is observed and the volume percentage of the backscattering portion accounts for about 38-40% of the simulation domain. A slip-wall model in conjunction with the implemented DSM is used to simulate a relatively high Reynolds number Mach 2.85 turbulent boundary layer over a 30 ramp with several tetrahedral meshes and a wall-normal spacing of either & = 10 or & = 20. The computed mean wall pressure distribution, separation region size, mean velocity profiles, and Reynolds stress agree reasonably well with experimental data

    Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Calculations Using the Modified Space-Time CESE Method

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    The space-time conservation element solution element (CESE) method is modified to address the robustness issues of high-aspect-ratio, viscous, near-wall meshes. In this new approach, the dependent variable gradients are evaluated using element edges and the corresponding neighboring solution elements while keeping the original flux integration procedure intact. As such, the excellent flux conservation property is retained and the new edge-based gradients evaluation significantly improves the robustness for high-aspect ratio meshes frequently encountered in three-dimensional, Navier-Stokes calculations. The order of accuracy of the proposed method is demonstrated for oblique acoustic wave propagation, shock-wave interaction, and hypersonic flows over a blunt body. The confirmed second-order convergence along with the enhanced robustness in handling hypersonic blunt body flow calculations makes the proposed approach a very competitive CFD framework for 3D Navier-Stokes simulations

    Time-Accurate, Unstructured-Mesh Navier-Stokes Computations with the Space-Time CESE Method

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    Application of the newly emerged space-time conservation element solution element (CESE) method to compressible Navier-Stokes equations is studied. In contrast to Euler equations solvers, several issues such as boundary conditions, numerical dissipation, and grid stiffness warrant systematic investigations and validations. Non-reflecting boundary conditions applied at the truncated boundary are also investigated from the stand point of acoustic wave propagation. Validations of the numerical solutions are performed by comparing with exact solutions for steady-state as well as time-accurate viscous flow problems. The test cases cover a broad speed regime for problems ranging from acoustic wave propagation to 3D hypersonic configurations. Model problems pertinent to hypersonic configurations demonstrate the effectiveness of the CESE method in treating flows with shocks, unsteady waves, and separations. Good agreement with exact solutions suggests that the space-time CESE method provides a viable alternative for time-accurate Navier-Stokes calculations of a broad range of problems

    Investigation of Transitional Shock-Wave/Boundary Layer Interactions Using Direct Numerical Simulations

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    Interaction of a transitional boundary layer with a normal-shock is investigated using unstructured tetrahedral meshes under the numerical framework of the space-time conservation element, solution element (CESE) method. The computations mimic recent experimental efforts at the University of Tennessee Space Institute, where a Mach 2.0 flow interacts with a tall cylinder attached to a flat plate. The location of the cylinder with respect to the flat plate leading edge determines if the incoming boundary layer is laminar, transitional or fully turbulent. Four representative flow conditions exemplifying laminar and transitional boundary layers are analyzed by direct numerical simulations. Similar to what was observed in the experiments for the case of transitional interaction, the computations reveal an intermittent upstream influence (UI) shock that repeatedly travels upstream from the lambda-foot toward the leading edge before vanishing. Through detailed unsteady flow analysis obtained using Fourier analysis and dynamic mode decomposition techniques, the presence of disturbances with similar frequencies as those measured in experiments were identified in the flow along with locations that appear to influence the dynamics of the flow

    Software for Analyzing Laminar-to-Turbulent Flow Transitions

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    Software assurance is the planned and systematic set of activities that ensures that software processes and products conform to requirements, standards, and procedures. Examples of such activities are the following: code inspections, unit tests, design reviews, performance analyses, construction of traceability matrices, etc. In practice, software development projects have only limited resources (e.g., schedule, budget, and availability of personnel) to cover the entire development effort, of which assurance is but a part. Projects must therefore select judiciously from among the possible assurance activities. At its heart, this can be viewed as an optimization problem; namely, to determine the allocation of limited resources (time, money, and personnel) to minimize risk or, alternatively, to minimize the resources needed to reduce risk to an acceptable level. The end result of the work reported here is a means to optimize quality-assurance processes used in developing software. This is achieved by combining two prior programs in an innovative manne

    Effects of Wall Cooling on Supersonic Modes in High-Enthalpy Hypersonic Boundary Layers over a Cone

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    High-enthalpy hypersonic boundary-layer transition plays an important role in many entry/descent vehicles. Aerothermodynamic performance of these vehicles strongly depends on the transition location on the surface. However, detailed transition flow physics in these chemically reacting boundary layers are poorly understood and transition estimates during the design phase rely heavily on empirically-derived transition criteria such as ()/(). One of the most intriguing characteristics in hypersonic boundary layers is the presence of unstable supersonic modes, first identified in the 1990s. Due to a recent surge in hypersonic applications, there has been renewed interest in studying the flow physics of supersonic modes using either theory or direct numerical simulations. This paper investigates the rise of supersonic modes in a high-enthalpy hypersonic flow over a half-angle cone at various wall temperatures using both quasiparallel linear stability theory and linear PSE. It was found that supersonic modes exist in all wall temperature conditions including the adiabatic wall case. Cooler wall temperature causes the second Mack mode to become an unstable supersonic mode naturally downstream of the upper-branch neutral location when the wall is sufficiently cooled. In terms of the integrated growth, the second mode is still the dominant mode. Nonetheless, supersonic modes can cause additional series of relatively weaker growth than that of the second mode beyond the peak amplitude location. According to the present linear PSE results, contrary to what was speculated in the literature, supersonic-mode pressure disturbance structure radiated into the freestream is nonacoustic in nature and the formation of unstable supersonic modes is mainly associated with the synchronization of phase speed between the instability and acoustic waves in a nonp ayer, not due to nonlinear modal interaction as suggested in the literature

    Hypersonic Viscous Flow Over Large Roughness Elements

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    Viscous flow over discrete or distributed surface roughness has great implications for hypersonic flight due to aerothermodynamic considerations related to laminar-turbulent transition. Current prediction capability is greatly hampered by the limited knowledge base for such flows. To help fill that gap, numerical computations are used to investigate the intricate flow physics involved. An unstructured mesh, compressible Navier-Stokes code based on the space-time conservation element, solution element (CESE) method is used to perform time-accurate Navier-Stokes calculations for two roughness shapes investigated in wind tunnel experiments at NASA Langley Research Center. It was found through 2D parametric study that at subcritical Reynolds numbers of the boundary layers, absolute instability resulting in vortex shedding downstream, is likely to weaken at supersonic free-stream conditions. On the other hand, convective instability may be the dominant mechanism for supersonic boundary layers. Three-dimensional calculations for a rectangular or cylindrical roughness element at post-shock Mach numbers of 4.1 and 6.5 also confirm that no self-sustained vortex generation is present

    Validation of three-dimensional incompressible spatial direct numerical simulation code: A comparison with linear stability and parabolic stability equation theories for boundary-layer transition on a flat plate

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    Spatially evolving instabilities in a boundary layer on a flat plate are computed by direct numerical simulation (DNS) of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. In a truncated physical domain, a nonstaggered mesh is used for the grid. A Chebyshev-collocation method is used normal to the wall; finite difference and compact difference methods are used in the streamwise direction; and a Fourier series is used in the spanwise direction. For time stepping, implicit Crank-Nicolson and explicit Runge-Kutta schemes are used to the time-splitting method. The influence-matrix technique is used to solve the pressure equation. At the outflow boundary, the buffer-domain technique is used to prevent convective wave reflection or upstream propagation of information from the boundary. Results of the DNS are compared with those from both linear stability theory (LST) and parabolized stability equation (PSE) theory. Computed disturbance amplitudes and phases are in very good agreement with those of LST (for small inflow disturbance amplitudes). A measure of the sensitivity of the inflow condition is demonstrated with both LST and PSE theory used to approximate inflows. Although the DNS numerics are very different than those of PSE theory, the results are in good agreement. A small discrepancy in the results that does occur is likely a result of the variation in PSE boundary condition treatment in the far field. Finally, a small-amplitude wave triad is forced at the inflow, and simulation results are compared with those of LST. Again, very good agreement is found between DNS and LST results for the 3-D simulations, the implication being that the disturbance amplitudes are sufficiently small that nonlinear interactions are negligible

    Hypersonic Magneto-Fluid-Dynamic Compression in Cylindrical Inlet

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    Hypersonic magneto-fluid-dynamic interaction has been successfully performed as a virtual leading-edge strake and a virtual cowl of a cylindrical inlet. In a side-by-side experimental and computational study, the magnitude of the induced compression was found to be depended on configuration and electrode placement. To better understand the interacting phenomenon the present investigation is focused on a direct current discharge at the leading edge of a cylindrical inlet for which validating experimental data is available. The present computational result is obtained by solving the magneto-fluid-dynamics equations at the low magnetic Reynolds number limit and using a nonequilibrium weakly ionized gas model based on the drift-diffusion theory. The numerical simulation provides a detailed description of the intriguing physics. After validation with experimental measurements, the computed results further quantify the effectiveness of a magnet-fluid-dynamic compression for a hypersonic cylindrical inlet. At a minuscule power input to a direct current surface discharge of 8.14 watts per square centimeter of electrode area produces an additional compression of 6.7 percent for a constant cross-section cylindrical inlet

    The transition prediction toolkit: LST, SIT, PSE, DNS, and LES

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    The e(sup N) method for predicting transition onset is an amplitude ratio criterion that is on the verge of full maturation for three-dimensional, compressible, real gas flows. Many of the components for a more sophisticated, absolute amplitude criterion are now emerging: receptivity theory, secondary instability theory, parabolized stability equations approaches, direct numerical simulation and large-eddy simulation. This paper will provide a description of each of these new theoretical tools and provide indications of their current status