
Investigation of Transitional Shock-Wave/Boundary Layer Interactions Using Direct Numerical Simulations


Interaction of a transitional boundary layer with a normal-shock is investigated using unstructured tetrahedral meshes under the numerical framework of the space-time conservation element, solution element (CESE) method. The computations mimic recent experimental efforts at the University of Tennessee Space Institute, where a Mach 2.0 flow interacts with a tall cylinder attached to a flat plate. The location of the cylinder with respect to the flat plate leading edge determines if the incoming boundary layer is laminar, transitional or fully turbulent. Four representative flow conditions exemplifying laminar and transitional boundary layers are analyzed by direct numerical simulations. Similar to what was observed in the experiments for the case of transitional interaction, the computations reveal an intermittent upstream influence (UI) shock that repeatedly travels upstream from the lambda-foot toward the leading edge before vanishing. Through detailed unsteady flow analysis obtained using Fourier analysis and dynamic mode decomposition techniques, the presence of disturbances with similar frequencies as those measured in experiments were identified in the flow along with locations that appear to influence the dynamics of the flow

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