1,659 research outputs found

    Response of Non-Saturated Soil to Cyclic Loading

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    The response of partially saturated and dry sand materials under cyclic loading is controlled by the compressibility of the pore fluid. For dry sand the limiting axial and volumetric strain occurs within 5 to 15 cycles of load application and is a function of the number of cycles of cyclic stress, relative density, and effective consolidation pressure. In addition the axial strain is shown to be independent of the consolidation stress ratio for loose sand and decreases with increasing consolidation stress ratio for dense sand under a constant cyclic stress

    Dynamic Shear Modulus of Soft Silt

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    This paper presents the geotechnical properties of soft silt obtained from the Greater Shanghai Region of the People\u27s Republic of China. Fundamental correlations of shear modulus, damping ratio, shear stress, shear strain with varying consolidation pressures are determined in the laboratory by cyclic simple shear tests. A comparison is made between laboratory test results, in situ cross-hole test results and the building code data proposed by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau. Finally, a comparison of the laboratory data on Shanghai silt with other published data on sands and clays is presented and discussed

    Association Between Health Literacy, Electronic Health Literacy, Disease-Specific Knowledge, and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Adults With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Despite the relatively high prevalence of low health literacy among individuals living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), limited empirical attention has been paid to the cognitive and health literacy–related skills that can uniquely influence patients’ health-related quality of life (HRQoL) outcomes. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine how health literacy, electronic health (eHealth) literacy, and COPD knowledge are associated with both generic and lung-specific HRQoL in people living with COPD. Methods: Adults from the COPD Foundation’s National Research Registry (n=174) completed a cross-sectional Web-based survey that assessed sociodemographic characteristics, comorbidity status, COPD knowledge, health literacy, eHealth literacy, and generic/lung-specific HRQoL. Hierarchical linear regression models were tested to examine the roles of health literacy and eHealth literacy on generic (model 1) and lung-specific (model 2) HRQoL, after accounting for socioeconomic and comorbidity covariates. Spearman rank correlations examined associations between ordinal HRQoL items and statistically significant hierarchical predictor variables. Results: After adjusting for confounding factors, health literacy, eHealth literacy, and COPD knowledge accounted for an additional 9% of variance in generic HRQoL (total adjusted R2=21%; F9,164=6.09, P<.001). Health literacy (b=.08, SE 0.02, 95% CI 0.04-0.12) was the only predictor positively associated with generic HRQoL (P<.001). Adding health literacy, eHealth literacy, and COPD knowledge as predictors explained an additional 7.40% of variance in lung-specific HRQoL (total adjusted R2=26.4%; F8,161=8.59, P<.001). Following adjustment for covariates, both health literacy (b=2.63, SE 0.84, 95% CI 0.96-4.29, P<.001) and eHealth literacy (b=1.41, SE 0.67, 95% CI 0.09-2.73, P<.001) were positively associated with lung-specific HRQoL. Health literacy was positively associated with most lung-specific HRQoL indicators (ie, cough frequency, chest tightness, activity limitation at home, confidence leaving home, sleep quality, and energy level), whereas eHealth literacy was positively associated with 5 of 8 (60%) lung-specific HRQoL indicators. Upon controlling for confounders, COPD knowledge (b=−.56, SE 0.29, 95% CI −1.22 to −0.004, P<.05) was inversely associated with lung-specific HRQoL. Conclusions: Health literacy, but not eHealth literacy, was positively associated with generic HRQoL. However, both health literacy and eHealth literacy were positively associated with lung-specific HRQoL, with higher COPD knowledge indicative of lower lung-specific HRQoL. These results confirm the importance of considering health and eHealth literacy levels when designing patient education programs for people living with COPD. Future research should explore the impact of delivering interventions aimed at improving eHealth and health literacy among patients with COPD, particularly when disease self-management goals are to enhance HRQoL

    Structural properties of epitaxial {\alpha}-U thin films on Ti, Zr, W and Nb

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    Thin layers of orthorhombic uranium ({\alpha}-U) have been grown onto buffered sapphire substrates by d.c. magnetron sputtering, resulting in the discovery of new epitaxial matches to Ti(00.1) and Zr(00.1) surfaces. These systems have been characterised by X-ray diffraction and reflectivity and the optimal deposition temperatures have been determined. More advanced structural characterisation of the known Nb(110) and W(110) buffered {\alpha}-U systems has also been carried out, showing that past reports of the domain structures of the U layers are incomplete. The ability of this low symmetry structure to form crystalline matches across a range of crystallographic templates highlights the complexity of U metal epitaxy and points naturally toward studies of the low temperature electronic properties of {\alpha}-U as a function of epitaxial strain

    Facebook Groups on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Social Media Content Analysis

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    Facebook Groups facilitate information exchange and engagement for patients with chronic conditions, including those living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD); however, little is known about how knowledge is diffused throughout these communities. This study aimed to evaluate the content that is available on COPD-related Facebook Groups, as well as the communication (self-disclosures, social support) and engagement (agreement, emotional reaction) strategies used by members to facilitate these resources. Two researchers independently searched the “Groups� category using the terms “COPD�, “emphysema�, and “chronic bronchitis�. Twenty-six closed (n = 23) and public (n = 3) COPD Facebook Groups were identified with 87,082 total members. The vast majority of Group members belonged to closed (n = 84,684; 97.25%) as compared to open (n = 2398; 2.75%) groups. Medications were the most commonly addressed self-management topic (n = 48; 26.7%). While overall engagement with wall posts was low, the number of “likes� (an indicator of agreement) was significantly greater for wall posts that demonstrated social support as compared to posts that did not (p < 0.001). Findings from this study showed that COPD Facebook group members share specific disease-related experiences and request information about select self-management topics. This information can be used to improve the quality of self-management support provided to members of popular COPD Facebook groups

    Reliability and Validity of the Telephone-Based eHealth Literacy Scale Among Older Adults: Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Background: Only a handful of studies have examined reliability and validity evidence of scores produced by the 8-item eHealth literacy Scale (eHEALS) among older adults. Older adults are generally more comfortable responding to survey items when asked by a real person rather than by completing self-administered paper-and-pencil or online questionnaires. However, no studies have explored the psychometrics of this scale when administered to older adults over the telephone. Objective: The objective of our study was to examine the reliability and internal structure of eHEALS data collected from older adults aged 50 years or older responding to items over the telephone. Methods: Respondents (N=283) completed eHEALS as part of a cross-sectional landline telephone survey. Exploratory structural equation modeling (E-SEM) analyses examined model fit of eHEALS scores with 1-, 2-, and 3-factor structures. Subsequent analyses based on the partial credit model explored the internal structure of eHEALS data. Results: Compared with 1- and 2-factor models, the 3-factor eHEALS structure showed the best global E-SEM model fit indices (root mean square error of approximation=.07; comparative fit index=1.0; Tucker-Lewis index=1.0). Nonetheless, the 3 factors were highly correlated (r range .36 to .65). Item analyses revealed that eHEALS items 2 through 5 were overfit to a minor degree (mean square infit/outfit values <1.0; t statistics less than –2.0), but the internal structure of Likert scale response options functioned as expected. Overfitting eHEALS items (2-5) displayed a similar degree of information for respondents at similar points on the latent continuum. Test information curves suggested that eHEALS may capture more information about older adults at the higher end of the latent continuum (ie, those with high eHealth literacy) than at the lower end of the continuum (ie, those with low eHealth literacy). Item reliability (value=.92) and item separation (value=11.31) estimates indicated that eHEALS responses were reliable and stable. Conclusions: Results support administering eHEALS over the telephone when surveying older adults regarding their use of the Internet for health information. eHEALS scores best captured 3 factors (or subscales) to measure eHealth literacy in older adults; however, statistically significant correlations between these 3 factors suggest an overarching unidimensional structure with 3 underlying dimensions. As older adults continue to use the Internet more frequently to find and evaluate health information, it will be important to consider modifying the original eHEALS to adequately measure societal shifts in online health information seeking among aging populations.Open Access Fundin

    Surveillance of RNase P, PMMoV, and CrAssphage in wastewater as indicators of human fecal concentration across urban sewer neighborhoods, Louisville, Kentucky

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    Wastewater surveillance has been widely used as a supplemental method to track the community infection levels of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. A gap exists in standardized reporting for fecal indicator concentrations, which can be used to calibrate the primary outcome concentrations from wastewater monitoring for use in epidemiological models. To address this, measurements of fecal indicator concentration among wastewater samples collected from sewers and treatment centers in four counties of Kentucky (N = 650) were examined. Results from the untransformed wastewater data over 4 months of sampling indicated that the fecal indicator concentration of human ribonuclease P (RNase P) ranged from 5.1 × 101 to 1.15 × 106 copies/ml, pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) ranged from 7.23 × 103 to 3.53 × 107 copies/ml, and cross-assembly phage (CrAssphage) ranged from 9.69×103 to 1.85×108 copies/ml. The results showed both regional and temporal variability. If fecal indicators are used as normalization factors, knowing the daily sewer system flow of the sample location may matter more than rainfall. RNase P, while it may be suitable as an internal amplification and sample adequacy control, has less utility than PMMoV and CrAssphage as a fecal indicator in wastewater samples when working at different sizes of catchment area. The choice of fecal indicator will impact the results of surveillance studies using this indicator to represent fecal load. Our results contribute broadly to an applicable standard normalization factor and assist in interpreting wastewater data in epidemiological modeling and monitoring

    Structure and mechanism of human DNA polymerase η

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    The variant form of the human syndrome xeroderma pigmentosum (XPV) is caused by a deficiency in DNA polymerase eta (Pol eta), a DNA polymerase that enables replication through ultraviolet-induced pyrimidine dimers. Here we report high-resolution crystal structures of human Pol eta at four consecutive steps during DNA synthesis through cis-syn cyclobutane thymine dimers. Pol eta acts like a 'molecular splint' to stabilize damaged DNA in a normal B-form conformation. An enlarged active site accommodates the thymine dimer with excellent stereochemistry for two-metal ion catalysis. Two residues conserved among Pol eta orthologues form specific hydrogen bonds with the lesion and the incoming nucleotide to assist translesion synthesis. On the basis of the structures, eight Pol eta missense mutations causing XPV can be rationalized as undermining the molecular splint or perturbing the active-site alignment. The structures also provide an insight into the role of Pol eta in replicating through D loop and DNA fragile sites

    ERCC1 expression and RAD51B activity correlate with cell cycle response to platinum drug treatment not DNA repair

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    Background: The H69CIS200 and H69OX400 cell lines are novel models of low-level platinum-drug resistance. Resistance was not associated with increased cellular glutathione or decreased accumulation of platinum, rather the resistant cell lines have a cell cycle alteration allowing them to rapidly proliferate post drug treatment. Results: A decrease in ERCC1 protein expression and an increase in RAD51B foci activity was observed in association with the platinum induced cell cycle arrest but these changes did not correlate with resistance or altered DNA repair capacity. The H69 cells and resistant cell lines have a p53 mutation and consequently decrease expression of p21 in response to platinum drug treatment, promoting progression of the cell cycle instead of increasing p21 to maintain the arrest. Conclusion: Decreased ERCC1 protein and increased RAD51B foci may in part be mediating the maintenance of the cell cycle arrest in the sensitive cells. Resistance in the H69CIS200 and H69OX400 cells may therefore involve the regulation of ERCC1 and RAD51B independent of their roles in DNA repair. The novel mechanism of platinum resistance in the H69CIS200 and H69OX400 cells demonstrates the multifactorial nature of platinum resistance which can occur independently of alterations in DNA repair capacity and changes in ERCC1