586 research outputs found

    Wald Confidence Intervals for a Single Poisson Parameter and Binomial Misclassification Parameter When the Data is Subject to Misclassification

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    This thesis is based on a Poisson model that uses both error-free data and error-prone data subject to misclassification in the form of false-negative and false-positive counts. We present maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs), Fisher\u27s Information, and Wald statistics for Poisson rate parameter and the two misclassification parameters. Next, we invert the Wald statistics to get asymptotic confidence intervals for Poisson rate parameter and false-negative rate parameter. The coverage and width properties for various sample size and parameter configurations are studied via a simulation study. Finally, we apply the MLEs and confidence intervals to one real data set and another realistic data set

    An energy efficient rate selection algorithm for voltage quantized dynamic voltage scaling

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    ©2001 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.The paper presents a highly energy efficient alternative algorithm to the conventional workload averaging technique for voltage quantized dynamic voltage scaling. This algorithm incorporates the strengths of the conventional workload averaging technique and our previously proposed Rate Selection Algorithm, resulting in higher energy savings while minimizing the buffers size requirement and improving the overall system stability by minimizing the number of voltage transitions. Our experimental work using the Forward Mapped Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform computation (FMIDCT) as the variable workload computation, nine 300-frame MPEG-2 video sequences as the test data, and a 4-level voltage quantization shows that our algorithm produces better energy savings in all test cases when compared to the workload averaging technique, and the maximum energy saving for the test cases was 23%.Lama H. Chandrasena Priyadarshana Chandrasena Michael J. Liebel

    Isolation and characterisation of Sri Lankan yeast germplasm and its evaluation for alcohol production

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    Use of inferior yeast cultures represents one of the reasons for low fermentation efficiencies in Sri Lankan alcohol distilleries that use sugarcane molasses. The present study isolated and characterised yeast strains found in natural environments in Sri Lanka and evaluated their performance under laboratory conditions in an effort to select superior strains for industrial fermentations. Yeasts were characterised based on morphological and physiological features such as sugar fermentation and nitrate assimilation. Ethanol production, alcohol tolerance and growth rate of the most promising strains were monitored following laboratory fermentations of molasses. Over a thousand yeast cultures were collected and screened for fermentative activity and a total of 83 yeast isolates were characterised as higher ethanol producers. Most of these belonged to the genus Saccharomyces. Certain strains produced over 10% (v/v) alcohol in molasses media during 72 h laboratory fermentations. Only two strains, SL-SRI-C-102 and 111, showed an appreciable fermentation efficiency of about 90%. The latter strain produced the highest level of ethanol, 11% (v/v) within a 48 h fermentation and exhibited improved alcohol tolerance when compared with the baker's yeast strains currently used in Sri Lankan alcohol distilleries. This study highlights the benefits of exploiting indigenous yeasts for industrial fermentation processes

    The use of opioid analgesics for chronic noncancer pain and the management of opioid analgesic misuse : a survey of primary care physicians

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    Task, formulaic language, and role play for developing ESL students’ academic language

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    The effectiveness of task, formulaic language, and role play in facilitating uninhibited communication of ESL learners is beyond doubt. This quantitative empirical research employed a role play communicative assessment and a writing assessment to assess the efficacy of the combination of task, formulaic language, and role play, as a language learning strategy to teach cognitive academic language in English for Specific Purpose classroom of a university. The language ability acquired through brainstorming and reading sessions equipped the students for the task of describing a two-wheeler. The task which made use of the formulaic language led the engineering students to interact meaningfully and know the content for describing a two-wheeler and write the description in a coherent paragraph. The stimulated usage of academic language in a role play could scaffold the content and language learnt for successful retention for effective Oral Academic Presentation (OAP). Although the results cannot be generalised, students joining higher education in universities in ESL/EFL countries would be immensely benefitted by this kind of teaching method

    Patterns of e-cigarette use among a sample of people who regularly use ecstasy and related drugs in Sydney NSW, 2014-2022.

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    The Ecstasy and Related Drug Reporting System (EDRS) has been monitoring patterns of e-cigarette use and behaviour since 2014. Thus, this bulletin aims examine the past six-month use of any e-cigarettes (prescribed and non-prescribed) among a sample of people who regularly use ecstasy and/or other illicit stimulants in Sydney, NSW, from 2014-2022. This bulletin will also examine the use of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool and the concurrent use of tobacco and e-cigarettes (i.e., ‘dual’ use)

    Yield and drupe characteristics of coconut palms affected with Leaf Scorch Decline

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    The yield and drop characteristics of healthy coconut palms have been compared with those of palms affected by leaf Scorch Decline wich have been grouped into Mild Leaf Scorch Decline, Moderate Leaf Scorch Decline and Advanced Leaf Scorch Decline. Significant reduction in yield and drupe componenets have been observed in palms showing moderate and advanced Leaf Scorch Decline while the difference in these characteristics between healthy palms and those showing mild Leaf Scorch Decline was not significan