36 research outputs found

    Izdvajanje goveđeg herpesvirusa 1 iz bičjeg sjemena i primjena lančane reakcije polimerazom u stvarnom vremenu za dijagnosticiranje zaraznog rinotraheitisa/pustularnoga vulvovaginitisa pretragom kliničkoga materijala

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    Five hundred and twenty three semen samples were collected from fi fteen different semen collection centres located across four states of South India. These samples were screened for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus by virus isolation studies at the Institute of Animal Health and Veterinary Biologicals, Bangalore, India. Bovine turbinate (BT) and Madin Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK) cell lines were used for virus isolation. Out of the total samples, four semen samples showed cytopathic changes in cells and were further confi rmed by regular PCR targeting amplifi cation of the gC region of bovine herpesvirus-1. Real time PCR was applied for these virus isolates using primers and probes amplifying the gB region of bovine herpesvirus-1. Further, this real time PCR protocol was adapted for diagnosis of IBR/IPV directly on the clinical samples.Ukupno su bila prikupljena 523 uzorka sjemena bikova iz 15 različitih srediÅ”ta za prikupljanje sjemena smjeÅ”tenih na području četiriju država u Južnoj Indiji. Uzorci su bili pretraženi na prisutnost virusa zaraznoga rinotraheitisa goveda (ZRG) u Institutu za zdravlje životinja i veterinarske pripravke u Bangaloreu u Indiji. Za izdvajanje virusa rabljena je stanična linija podrijetlom od stanica goveđih turbinata (engl. bovine turbinate - BT) i stanična linija podrijetlom od goveđega bubrega (engl. Madin Darby Bovine Kidney ā€“MDBK). Od svih pretraženih, četiri uzorka pokazivala su citopatski učinak u rabljenim staničnim kulturama Å”to je bilo potvrđeno uobičajenom lančanom reakcijom polimerazom uz uporabu sekvence u području glikoproteina gC goveđega herpesvirusa 1. PCR u stvarnom vremenu primijenjen je za identifi kaciju tih izolata uporabom početnica specifi čnih za glikoprotein gB virusa ZRG. Protokol lančane reakcije polimerazom u stvarnom vremenu razvijen je za dijagnosticiranje ZRG izravno u kliničkim uzorcima

    A comparative evaluation of avidin-biotin ELISA and micro SNT for detection of antibodies to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in cattle population of Odisha, India

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    Aim: The present study was undertaken to serologically detect Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) in the cattle population of Odisha, India using micro-Serum neutralization test (micro SNT) and Avidin-Biotin Enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay (AB ELISA) and finding out their comparative efficacy to serve as a suitable diagnostic tool in field condition. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out using serum samples (n=180) collected randomly from cattle populations of nine districts of Odisha. Similarly vaginal swabs (n=26) from cattle having history of repeat breeding, abortion, vulvo-vaginitis and nasal swabs (n=8) from calves with respiratory symptoms and nasal discharge were collected aseptically, to ascertain the circulation of virus among the cattle population. Results: Virus isolation by cell culture and subsequent confirmation by polymerase chain reaction confirmed four isolates. Screening of serum samples revealed 9.44% and 12.22% samples positive for IBR antibodies in micro SNT and AB ELISA respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of AB ELISA test was found to be 88.23% and 95.70% respectively taking micro SNT as gold standard and the kappa value between the two tests was 0.75. Conclusion: Screening of serum samples revealed 9.44% and 12.22% samples positive for IBR antibodies in micro SNT and AB ELISA respectively, thus highlighting the circulation of virus among the livestock population of Odisha and that AB ELISA could be more efficiently applied for the sero-diagnosis of IBR virus infections at field conditions, with demand for more study on faster, efficient and large scale screening of the infected animals

    Sheep Associated-Malignant Catarrhal Fever: Past, present, and future

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    Members of Artiodactyla can contract the infectious disease Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF), which has a wide range of symptoms. Ten known viruses contribute to the disease, the two most significant ones being Ovine gamma herpes virus 2 (OvHV-2) and Alcelaphine gamma herpes virus 1 (AIHV-1). In the African subcontinent, AIHV-1 is seen in most MCF cases. In the Indian scenario, Ovine gamma herpes virus-2 is the main culprit. MCF is reported in certain pockets of India. Its threat to wildlife is not yet completely understood. In AIHV-1, wildebeests serve as the primary MCF reservoir, whereas with OvHV-2, the primary MCF reservoir is sheep. In India, OvHV-2 causes MCF in deer species, bison, and water buffaloe. The life cycle and properties of this virus are not yet wholly deciphered. To understand the impact of the disease and the threat it may pose in the future, we need to have diagnostic techniques in place. Currently, PCR is the most commonly used diagnostic technique. Work should be done on field-oriented tests like ELISA and LFA, which are helpful in areas without sophisticated lab facilities. Treatment protocols must be in place, as culling bovines is not an accepted policy in India. Probable plans for overcoming all these problems are discussed in this article

    Bacillus cereus nositelj plazmida pXO1 s genom pag uzrokuje u goveda s oslabljenim imunosnim sustavom smrtonosnu septikemiju sličnu bedrenici - kratko priopćenje.

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    Bacillus cereus is ubiquitous in nature and while most isolates appear to be harmless, some are associated with food-borne illnesses, wound infections, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, endophthalmitis and urinary tract infections in humans. Recently, a few isolates have been identified as the causative agents of anthrax-like severe pneumonia in humans, and these isolates were found to harbor most of the B. anthracis virulence plasmid pXO1. Here we report the characterization of three clinical B. cereus isolates recovered from heart blood and spleen samples of cattle which had died with ā€˜anthrax likeā€™ symptoms. Apart from the cultural characterizations, primers targeting the 16S rRNA gene of B. cereus were designed and used on these isolates. The isolates were found to harbor the pXO1 plasmid and lacked pXO2 plasmid. Further characterization of the pXO1 plasmid revealed that the isolates contained pag, lef and cya genes, which code for protective antigen, lethal factor and edema factor toxins responsible for eliciting an ā€˜anthrax like diseaseā€™ in cattle. The sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of partial pag gene sequences of B. cereus isolates were identical to pag gene sequences on the pXO1 of B. anthracis. In a pathogenicity test on mice, B. cereus isolates, when inoculated by the intra peritoneal route, caused mortality of the mice within 6 hours post inoculation.Bacillus cereus je posvudaÅ”nja bakterija. Većina izolata te bakterije je neÅ”kodljiva, a neki mogu uzrokovati bolesti koje se prenose hranom, infekcije rana, endokarditis, osteomijelitis, endoftalmitis i infekcije mokraćnog sustava u ljudi. Nedavno je identificirano nekoliko izolata koji uzrokuju teÅ”ku upalu pluća u čovjeka sličnu onoj kod bedrenice. Ti izolati većinom nose virulentni plazmid pXO1 vrste B. anthracis. U ovom radu određena su obilježja triju kliničkih izolata vrste B. cereus izdvojenih iz krvi sadržane u srcu i uzoraka slezene goveda uginulih pod znakovima sličnima bedrenici. Osim određivanja kulturalnih obilježja, pripremljene su i početnice za gen 16S rRNA vrste B. cereus koje su bile rabljene za identifikaciju izolata. Ustanovljeno je da izolati nose plazmid pXO1, a nedostaje im plazmid pXO2. Daljnja karakterizacija plazmida pXO1 pokazala je da izolati sadrže gene pag, lef i cya koji kodiraju za zaÅ”titni antigen, letalni čimbenik i edemski čimbenik, toksine koji su odgovorni za pojavu bolesti u goveda slične bedrenici. Određivanje slijeda i filogenetska analiza dijela sekvencija gena pag izolata B. cereus pokazala je da su oni istovjetni sekvencijama gena pag na pXO1 bakterije B. anthracis. U testu patogenosti na miÅ”evima, izolati B. cereus prouzročili su njihovo uginuće Å”est sati nakon intraperitonejske inokulacije

    Izdvajanje goveđeg herpesvirusa 1 iz bičjeg sjemena i primjena lančane reakcije polimerazom u stvarnom vremenu za dijagnosticiranje zaraznog rinotraheitisa/pustularnoga vulvovaginitisa pretragom kliničkoga materijala

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    Five hundred and twenty three semen samples were collected from fi fteen different semen collection centres located across four states of South India. These samples were screened for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus by virus isolation studies at the Institute of Animal Health and Veterinary Biologicals, Bangalore, India. Bovine turbinate (BT) and Madin Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK) cell lines were used for virus isolation. Out of the total samples, four semen samples showed cytopathic changes in cells and were further confi rmed by regular PCR targeting amplifi cation of the gC region of bovine herpesvirus-1. Real time PCR was applied for these virus isolates using primers and probes amplifying the gB region of bovine herpesvirus-1. Further, this real time PCR protocol was adapted for diagnosis of IBR/IPV directly on the clinical samples.Ukupno su bila prikupljena 523 uzorka sjemena bikova iz 15 različitih srediÅ”ta za prikupljanje sjemena smjeÅ”tenih na području četiriju država u Južnoj Indiji. Uzorci su bili pretraženi na prisutnost virusa zaraznoga rinotraheitisa goveda (ZRG) u Institutu za zdravlje životinja i veterinarske pripravke u Bangaloreu u Indiji. Za izdvajanje virusa rabljena je stanična linija podrijetlom od stanica goveđih turbinata (engl. bovine turbinate - BT) i stanična linija podrijetlom od goveđega bubrega (engl. Madin Darby Bovine Kidney ā€“MDBK). Od svih pretraženih, četiri uzorka pokazivala su citopatski učinak u rabljenim staničnim kulturama Å”to je bilo potvrđeno uobičajenom lančanom reakcijom polimerazom uz uporabu sekvence u području glikoproteina gC goveđega herpesvirusa 1. PCR u stvarnom vremenu primijenjen je za identifi kaciju tih izolata uporabom početnica specifi čnih za glikoprotein gB virusa ZRG. Protokol lančane reakcije polimerazom u stvarnom vremenu razvijen je za dijagnosticiranje ZRG izravno u kliničkim uzorcima

    Hemorrhagic Septicemia in Asian Elephants <i>Elephas maximus</i> in Karnataka state, India

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    The wild animalā€™s health is of serious biodiversity concern and influenced by several factors like infectious, nutritional, environmental, behavioral and physiological factors. Among which infectious agents are crippling the wild life in terms of huge mortality and morbidity and terminating the life of several endangered species. The most common occurrence and Hemorrhagic Septicemia (HS) or Pasturellosis has long been recognized as a serious disease in elephants. The present study revealed the occurrence of Hemorrhagic Septicemia (HS) in three national parks of Karnataka state among elephants. The disease was diagnosed based on the clinical signs, gross lesions, histopathology and microbiological findings

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    Not AvailableInfectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), a contagious viral disease caused by Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1). BoHV-1, belongs to the family Herpesviridae under newly carvedorder Herpesvirales. BoHV-1 is characterized by relatively large host range, short replication cycle and the ability to induce latent infection mainly, but not exclusively, in neurons. All BoHV-1 strains isolated hitherto belong to one single viral species, and are classified in three subtypes BoHV-1.1, BoHV-1.2a and BoHV-1.2b. Most BoHV-1.1 strains have been isolated from respiratory tract affections or abortion cases and BoHV-1.2 strains from genital organ lesions.IBR causes significant losses due to disease and trading restriction in the cattle industry (OIE, 2010). The first report of BoHV-1 in India was by Mehrotra and co-workers in 1976 and by the adaption of crossbreeding policy to augment the milk production resulted in the unhindered transmission of the virus, which has taken mammoth strides to spread to 31% of Indian cattle in 1996 to 42% in 2012 with an overall prevalence of 36% on cumulative study. Present paper summarises the current status of disease prevalence and relevant measures that should be adopted for control of the IBR with special reference to India.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableClassical swine fever virus (CSFV) is the causative agent of one of the most devastating porcine haemorrhagic viral diseases, classical swine fever (CSF). Two main strategies to control CSF outbreaks are systematic prophylactic vaccination with live attenuated vaccines and non-vaccination stamping out policy. But these strategies have many limitations. The vaccination with live attenuated CSF vaccines makes it extremely difficult to distinguish vaccinated from infected animals since CSFV replicates in the host, even at very low rates. Thus, there is a clear need for efficient and safer marker vaccines to facilitate the control of future CSF outbreaks. Marker vaccines allowing distinction between naturally infected from vaccinated swine could complement "stamping out" measures. Here, in this review we have presented the various approaches to candidate CSFV marker vaccines. These methods are also helpful for the development of new generation vaccines against various diseases. It can be expected that new potent marker vaccines against CSFV might be commercially available and used in systematic prophylactic vaccination or emergency vaccination in the coming years.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableAcaricide resistance is a major problem in sheep population that hinders the control of the ticks in Karnataka and worldwide. In view of the increasing reports of acaricidal resistance world wide a study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of Amitraz, Deltamethrin and Cypermethrin using larval packet test (LPT) and adult immersion test with differentiating dose (AIT-DD) against different species of ticks. The tick species involved in this study were Haemaphysalis bispinosa, Haemaphysalis intermedia, Haemaphysalis kutchensis, Hyalomma marginatum issaci, Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum, Rhiphicephalus haemaphysaloides and Rhipicephalus sanguineus. In LPT, amitraz at 0.2% induced 100 percent mortality against all species of ticks, whereas cypermethrin and deltamethrin induced 100 percent mortality at 0.3% and 0.4% against all species of ticks. In AIT-DD test amitraz was found to be susceptible at 2.5g/ltr whereas cypermethrin at 0.05g/ltr and deltamethrin at 0.075g/ltr was found to be resistant against all species of ticks in this study.Not Availabl