632 research outputs found

    Relating transverse structure of various parton distributions

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    We present the results of T-even TMDs in a light front quark-diquark model of nucleons with the wave functions constructed from the soft-wall AdS/QCD prediction. The relations amongst TMDs are discussed. The pp_\perp dependence of the TMDs are compared with the tt-dependence of the GPDs. AdS/QCD wave function provides an explanation behind the approximate xx and pp_\perp factorization observed in lattice TMD calculations.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, modified extensively, added new results and discusssion

    Potential uses of Parthenium hysterophorous, the obnoxious weed

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    Parthenium hysterophorous is an obnoxious weed and is largely spread all over the world. It widely affects the loss of natural vegetation in the areas of its growth. It has detrimental effects on human health and livestock and also reduces the agricultural produce. Because of its enormous availability, studies have been conducted to validate its employability. Researchers have shown that it can be used efficiently to a considerable level in various fields such as bio manure production &   vermi- composting, bioremediation, as a substrate for the synthesis of biomolecules etc. Though the uses of it are explored very little, it has the potential that could be tapped for a few sustainable approaches


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    Objective: The objective of the present work was to study the use of the sintering technique, a relatively new concept in pharmaceutical sciences, in the development of mucoadhesive buccal tablets for ivabradine Hydrochloride. Methods: The method consisted of blending drug, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K100M), carnauba wax, and other excipients followed by direct compression into tablets. The compressed fluffy matrices were sintered at two different constant temperatures like 50 °C and 60 °C for two different periods like 1.5 h and 3 h in a hot air oven. The effect of sintering on tensile strength, dissolution profile, and other parameters were studied. The drug-polymer-excipient compatibility was evaluated by Fourier transform Infrared (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) studies. Results: The sintering condition markedly affected the drug release properties, hardness, and friability of the tablets. Based on the f2 similarity factor value, Ex-vivo mucoadhesive strength, Ex-vivo residence time, and in vitro dissolution studies, formulation F3SD was selected as an optimized formulation. Drug release followed a non-Fickian diffusion mechanism with the Higuchi model release kinetics. Stability studies of mucoadhesive buccal tablets in normal human saliva indicated the stability of the drug and buccal tablet in the oral cavity. Stability studies as per ICH guidelines revealed that optimized formulation was stable on storage conditions. Conclusion: The sintering technique provides a significant and convenient method for the development of a controlled release dosage form that can be used in the design of mucoadhesive buccal tablets of Ivabradine HCL

    Approximation of Rupture Directivity in Regional Phases Using Upgoing and Downgoing Wave Fields

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    Recent broadband modeling of regional events suggests that vertical directivity is particularly important at high frequency. Conventionally, such directivity is obtained by summing a grid of point sources. This relatively time-consuming procedure can be greatly reduced by introducing directivity time histories appropriate for the various crustal phases in terms of upgoing and downgoing paths that are calculated at only one depth. To achieve this, we formulated frequency-wavenumber solutions for a simultaneous computation of surface displacement for three wave fields, upgoing, downgoing, and the total from a seismic source buried in a layered medium (Appendix A). The concept of upgoing and downgoing wave field is introduced in the source layer matrix explicitly before allowing the source coefficients to interact with the propagation of the stress-displacement vector. Using this new algorithm, we generated a set of upgoing and downgoing wave fields at a fixed depth for different crustal models. We also simulated the effects of rupture propagation using distributed point-source summations and predicted the same effect by summing the upgoing and downgoing wave fields calculated at a single depth, each convolved with a separate analytical boxcar function representing the far-field rupture. A library of these new Green's functions should prove much more effective in modeling recorded motions than using point-source Green's functions alone


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    Cosmetics can be defined as, substances which are intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body's structure or functions†according to USFDA. This review encompasses a brief description of the process of safety assessment of a cosmetic product. There is no significant systemic absorption of cosmetics by penetration through skin, but some products are intended to apply on the mucous membranes or skin surrounding the mucous membranes which may result in significant systemic absorption on continuous use. Serious health hazards have not been observed mostly, but in some cases, lead to severe reactions like, allergy, irritation, comedogenicity, genotoxicity, photosensitivity etc. At the same time, long terms effects of usage of cosmetics are still unknown as the products are used repeatedly over a long period of time. Hence, safety evaluation of a cosmetic product is the most prominent step before release of the product into the market. There are no specific safety regulations for cosmetics, but the safety of the product is the responsibility of the manufacturer. The article explains about different organizations that are responsible for the safety of the cosmetic products before they are released into the market in different countries and also about the Product Information File (PIF). The safety of a cosmetic product both at industrial level and finished product level are explained. The different tests deployed for the safety assessment of a cosmetic product are also explained

    Ferromagnetically correlated clusters in semi-metallic Ru2NbAl Heusler alloy

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    In this work, we report the structural, magnetic and electrical and thermal transport properties of the Heusler-type alloy Ru2NbAl. From the detailed analysis of magnetization data, we infer the presence of superparamagnetically interacting clusters with a Pauli paramagnetic background, while short-range ferromagnetic interaction is developed among the clusters below 5 K. The presence of this ferromagnetic interaction is confirmed through heat capacity measurements. The relatively small value of electronic contribution to specific heat, gamma (~2.7 mJ/mol-K2), as well as the linear nature of temperature dependence of Seebeck coefficient indicate a semi-metallic ground state with a pseudo-gap that is also supported by our electronic structure calculations. The activated nature of resistivity is reflected in the observed negative temperature coefficient and has its origin in the charge carrier localization due to antisite defects, inferred from magnetic measurements as well as structural analysis. Although the absolute value of thermoelectric figure of merit is rather low (ZT = 5.2*10-3) in Ru2NbAl, it is the largest among all the reported non-doped full Heusler alloys.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figure

    An MVDC Based Meshed Hybrid Microgrid Enabled Using Smart Transformers

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    Decentralized integration of distributed generation (DG) units and loads are increasing in the modern distribution grid. Maintaining the power flow and power quality within their accepted limits is a challenging task. The formation of meshed hybrid microgrids is an effective method to improve the power system. The smart transformer (ST) is a promising solution to establish meshed hybrid microgrids in the distribution system. This paper analyzes the performance of an ST based meshed hybrid microgrid interconnected to the main grid feeder through medium voltage (MV) dc link of a second ST. The coordinated operation of interconnected ST system is proposed to explore the features of the configuration. During normal operation, the MVDC bus voltage is controlled by one ST, and this reduces the complexity of the overall control. The main grid and microgrid MVAC source failure and converter fault conditions are explored to analyze the reliability of the proposed microgrid structure. Moreover, the reactive power support capability and active power losses for the proposed system are compared with the existing solutions. Simulation and experimental results are presented to show the operation of the proposed system

    Electron-Hole Asymmetry in the Electron-phonon Coupling in Top-gated Phosphorene Transistor

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    Using in-situ Raman scattering from phosphorene channel in an electrochemically top-gated field effect transistor, we show that its phonons with Ag_g symmetry depend much more strongly on concentration of electrons than that of holes, while the phonons with Bg_g symmetry are insensitive to doping. With first-principles theoretical analysis, we show that the observed electon-hole asymmetry arises from the radically different constitution of its conduction and valence bands involving π\pi and σ\sigma bonding states respectively, whose symmetry permits coupling with only the phonons that preserve the lattice symmetry. Thus, Raman spectroscopy is a non-invasive tool for measuring electron concentration in phosphorene-based nanoelectronic devices

    Pairing Fluctuations Determine Low Energy Electronic Spectra in Cuprate Superconductors

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    We describe here a minimal theory of tight binding electrons moving on the square planar Cu lattice of the hole-doped cuprates and mixed quantum mechanically with pairs of them (Cooper pairs). Superconductivity occurring at the transition temperature T_c is the long-range, d-wave symmetry phase coherence of these Cooper pairs. Fluctuations necessarily associated with incipient long-range superconducting order have a generic large distance behaviour near T_c. We calculate the spectral density of electrons coupled to such Cooper pair fluctuations and show that features observed in Angle Resolved Photo Emission Spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments on different cuprates above T_c as a function of doping and temperature emerge naturally in this description. These include `Fermi arcs' with temperature-dependent length and an antinodal pseudogap which fills up linearly as the temperature increases towards the pseudogap temperature. Our results agree quantitatively with experiment. Below T_c, the effects of nonzero superfluid density and thermal fluctuations are calculated and compared successfully with some recent ARPES experiments, especially the observed `bending' or deviation of the superconducting gap from the canonical d-wave form.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures (to appear in Phys. Rev. B