3,347 research outputs found

    Sources of resistance to grapevine bacterial canker disease in Vitis

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    14 Vitis spp., 7 other Vitaceae and 73 cultivars belonging to Vitis vinifera and V. labrusca were screened under natural and artificial inoculation conditions for their resistance to grapevine bacterial canker disease (GVBCD). Among the Vitis species, V. vinifera was highly susceptible, while others were either resistant or highly resistant. Vitaceae other than Vitis were highly resistant. Among the V. vinifera cultivars, seedless ones were more susceptible than seeded vines. Among seedless cultivars, coloured were more susceptible as compared to white ones.Gegen Reben-Bakterienbrand resistente Genotypen der Gattung Vitis14 Vitis spp., 7 andere Vitaceen und 73 Sorten von V. vinifera bzw. V. labrusca wurden unter natĂŒrlichen und kĂŒnstlichen Inokulationsbedingungen auf ihre Resistenz gegen Bakterienkrebs der Rebe (GVBCD) geprĂŒft. Von den Vitis-Arten war V. vinifera hochanfĂ€llig, wĂ€hrend die anderen Species resistent oder hochresistent waren. Die Vertreter der ĂŒbrigen Vitaceengattungen waren alle hochresistent. Bei den geprĂŒften V. vinifera-Sorten waren kernlose Typen anfĂ€lliger als kernhaltige. Unter den kernlosen Sorten waren wiederum die rotbeerigen anfĂ€lliger als die weißen Sorten

    Outbreak of grapevine bacterial canker disease in India

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    Ausbreitung eines Reben-Bakterienbrandes in lndienIn Indien wurde bei Reben die starke Zunahme einer durch Bakterien verursachten Brandkrankheit festgestellt. Die an Blattspreite, Blattstiel und Sproßachse ausgelösten Symptome waren eckig begrenzt, erhaben und brandig verfĂ€rbt. Starker Befall fĂŒhrte zum Absterben der BlĂ€tter und zu Störungen des Triebwachstums. Als neuer Wirt neben der Rebe wurde Mango (Mangifera indica L.) nachgewiesen. Als Erreger der Krankheit wurde das Bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola identifiziert. Dieses bildet in Verbindung mit Salicin und Aesculin SĂ€uren; fĂŒr Xanthomonas-Arten ist eine solche Reaktion ungewöhnlich

    An Approach for Developing Applications in Lotus Notes

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    Lotus Notes, an innovative groupware, is evolving from its origins of facilitating collaboration among small groups into an integrated and open platform for building and running client-server applications for automating workflow and office activities. Since both the application domain and the development environment are new, the development process for Lotus Notes applications is naturally ad hoc. To facilitate the creation of Notes applications, Lotus Development Corporation has provided a set of templates that can be configured and adapted by the application developers. However, the issues of how to analyze the applications domain so that the requirements can be mapped on one or more of these templates has not been addressed in the literature. The analysis problem becomes more acute because the key attributes of the applications domain and the Notes environment, namely, the collaboration among physically dispersed users who have different access rights to data that resides on distributed databases, are significantly different from MIS/database applications and the traditional analysis methods are not directly applicable. This paper presents and illustrates an orderly approach for developing applications in Lotus Notes that addresses the issues of analyzing the problem domain so that the requirements can be mapped onto a Lotus Notes template

    The Design and Three-Year Review of an MS Program in Information Technology for Preparing Systems Integrators

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    This paper presents the design and three-year review of the MS program in Information Technology (MSIT) at Bentley College. The first class entered in 2001 and graduated in 2003. Using the details of this program as a case study, the paper illustrates how the MSIS 2000 model for graduate curriculum in information systems was adapted to develop a program whose goal is to prepare systems integrators and whose courses have an architect focus. The three-year program review assessed the original design goals and whether the program implementation achieved those goals in terms of its orientation and positioning, its market, its architecture, the content of its courses, students learning and satisfaction, and faculty role in the delivery of the curriculum. This case study can serve as a framework for self assessment. It should benefit faculty interested in building new programs or considering adjusting and tweaking their existing programs using the MSIS 2000 model curriculum as a frame of reference

    Why some community forests are performing better than others: a case of forest user groups in Nepal

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    Management of many Nepalese forests has been devolved to local communities. Forest products, which are used by the community and which may also be traded, are essential contributors to community well-being. Forests are also important contributors of ecosystem services, such as flood protection and wildlife habitat. Nepalese communities were surveyed to measure flows of forest products from their community forests. A stochastic frontier analysis shows that communities are not producing forest products efficiently and there is potential for improvement. The results shows that forest products benefit and environmental performance are associated products. In addition, analysis reveals that factors such as social capital, support from government and knowledge in management contributes positively to the production efficiency. It is anticipated that these findings will contribute to community forest policy redesign and consequently to the welfare of communities.Community forestry, stochastic frontier, production efficiency, Nepal, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Productivity Analysis,


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    The tuna resources of the Western and Central Pacific are the world's largest and most valuable fisheries of their type and are of significant economic importance to the Pacific island countries through whose waters they migrate. Two major concerns exist with the current governance of this fishery. First, Pacific island countries receive only a small share of the resource rents from the tuna fisheries. Second, the current management structure of the fisheries will not ensure the long-term sustainability of the resources. This paper derives a model to show that the sustainability of the resource can be improved when a single policymaker acts as Stackelberg leader and sets a tax, or an equivalent quantity instrument, to maximize rents from the resource. A practical institutional mechanism is presented that mimics the model's rent maximization outcome and that offers substantial benefits to both Pacific island countries and distant water fishing nations.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Buddhism and Women-The Dhamma Has No Gender

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    The increasing influence and relevance of Buddhism in a global society have given rise to a vibrant and evolving movement, particularly in the West, loosely called Socially Engaged Buddhism. Today many look to Buddhism for an answer to one of the most crucial issues of all time—eradicating discrimination against women. There is general agreement that Buddhism does not have a reformist agenda or an explicit feminist theory. This paper explores this issue from a Theravāda Buddhist perspective using the scriptures as well as recent work by Western scholars conceding that there are deep seated patriarchal and even misogynistic elements reflected in the ambivalence towards women in the Pāli Canon and bias in the socio-cultural and institutionalized practices that persist to date in Theravāda Buddhist countries. However, Buddha’s acceptance of a female monastic order and above all his unequivocal affirmation of their equality in intellectual and spiritual abilities in achieving the highest goals clearly establish a positive stance. This paper also contends that while social and legal reforms are essential, it is meditation that ultimately uproots the innate conditioning of both the oppressors and the oppressed as the Dhamma at its pristine and transformative core is genderless

    Some Observations on Information Systems as an Academic Discipline

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    Personal observations on the state of information systems research and their implications on the future of information systems education are offered in this paper

    Phenol degradation using 20, 300 and 520 kHz ultrasonic reactors with hydrogen peroxide, ozone and zero valent metals

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    The extent of phenol degradation by the advanced oxidation process in the presence of zero valent iron (ZVI) and zero valent copper (ZVC) was studied using 20, 300 and 520 kHz ultrasonic (US) reactors. Quantification of hydrogen peroxide has also been performed with an aim of investigating the efficacy of different sonochemical reactors for hydroxyl radical production. It has been observed that the 300 kHz sonochemical reactor has the maximum efficacy for hydroxyl radical production. Phenol degradation studies clearly indicate that degradation of phenol is intensified in the presence of the catalyst and hydrogen peroxide, which can be attributed to enhanced production of hydroxyl radicals in the system. Experimental data shows that with ZVI, when the reaction was subjected to 300 kHz, complete phenol removal and 37% TOC mineralization was achieved within 25 min, whereas, in the case of 20 kHz US treatment no phenol was detected after 45 min and 39% TOC mineralization was observed. This novel study also investigated the use of zero valent copper (ZVC) and results showed that with 20, 300 and 520 kHz ultrasonic rectors, phenol removal was 10–98%, however, the maximum TOC mineralization achieved was only 26%. A comparative study between hydrogen peroxide and ozone as a suitable oxidant for Fenton-like reactions in conjunction with zero valent catalysts showed that an integrated approach of US/Air/ZVC/H2O2 system works better than US/ZVC/O3 (the ZOO process)
