103 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of CT and MRI in Emergency Assessment of Stroke: A Review

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    Objective: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)in emergency assessment of stroke in brain imaging from the review of literature. Method: Relevant databases (PubMed, google scholar etc.) were searched and literature were reviewed from 1995 to 2019. Literature from non-Scopus and unauthorized authorizations was excluded.Result: It was observed that for MRI DWI (Diffusion-weighted imaging) is preferred and in CT, axial sections are opted. In earlier studies, it was seen that neither CT nor MRI came out to besuperior. This may be due to the previous technology used. Some studies also, suggested that Diffusion-weighted imaging is highly accurate in diagnosis of stroke and also superior to CT. Another study suggested that SWI is a new approach in visualizing the hemorrhage in acute stroke. On one hand, evidence revealed that MRI is as good as CT. While on the other hand, literature concluded that CT angiography is good for intracranial and extracranial vasculature. Some studies suggested that CT is more reliable and is readily available for stroke. Conclusion: Present study concludes that both diagnostic imaging modalities i.e., CT and MRI have their advantages in diagnosis of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Also chances of stroke increases with increase in age. Other factors influencing the stroke diagnosis and treatment are type of stroke, diagnostic imaging modality available, and cost-effectiveness of diagnostic exams performed

    Radiological and functional outcome of unstable intertrochanteric fractures treated with proximal femoral locking plate

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    Background: Intertrochanteric fracture is a common orthopaedic injury sustained in elderly population because of osteoporosis and trivial fall. Life threatening systemic complications occur mainly due to immobility.Methods: We included 62 patients (40 males and 22 females) of unstable intertrochanteric fracture (AO 31 A2 and A3) attending Department of Orthopaedics. They were all subjected to surgical treatment with proximal femoral locking plate. Patients were followed up at 3rd, 6th and 12th month for outcomes variables i.e.; functional (Harris hip score, Palmer and Parker mobility score) and radiological outcomes (neck shaft angle, loss of reduction, union and implant related complications). Statistical analysis was done using Friedman’s test after calculating the data in terms of mean and median using SPSS 20 software.Results: Mean age of our patients was 64 years, 40 were males and 22 females. 50 patients sustained fracture due to trivial fall and 12 due to RTA. 35 out of 62 patients had medical co-morbidites. 26 patients needed open reduction of fracture and 36 were close reduced. 22 of patients had severe comminution (AO A 3 III type). Average blood loss was 254 ml. Mean degree of loss of reduction was 5 degrees in 6th month and 4 degrees in 12th month. Union was achieved in 48 out of 50 patients at 12th month.  Most of the patients achieved fair to good functional outcome scores at 12th month of follow up. We noticed difficulties in fracture reduction as well as complications related to implant.Conclusions: PFLP is an effective implant in comminuted intertrochanteric fractures with broken lateral wall. Complications can be minimised by following principles of locking plate meticulously

    Saddle-point optimality criteria of continuous time programming without differentiability

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    AbstractSaddle-point optimality criteria of Kuhn-Tucker and Fritz Johns are established in the case of continuous time programming problems. The functions involved are not assumed to be differentiable. In the process, an important theorem of the alternative is also proven

    Incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease in females presenting with low backache in orthopedic OPD

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    Background: Low backache (LBA) is one of the major global public health problems. It causes great disability and distress among females and hampers their day-to-day activities. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is one of the major causes for LBA. Early diagnosis and treatment of PID leads to significant improvement in symptoms of LBA and prevents complications related to PID. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in females attending orthopaedics OPD with complaints of low backache (LBA).Methods: A prospective epidemiological study was done on 200 female patients attending orthopedics OPD. Detailed history was taken followed by thorough examination. Patients were interviewed regarding their age, parity, demographic parameters, associated complaints, type of contraceptive use and addiction status.Results: Out of 200 female patients with LBA, PID was found in 55 (27.5%) patients. Majority (37%) of patients were from the age group of 40-49 years. 65% of patients were of low socio-economic status, 75% females were illiterate, 63.5% females were obese, 28% females were addicted to smoking, 24% tobacco chewing and 76.5% were parous. 53% of patients complained of discharge per vaginum. 42.5% females used oral contraceptive pills and 25.5% females had an intrauterine contraceptive device inserted.Conclusions: The study suggests that PID is a major contributing factor of LBA in female. Therefore, gynecological opinion should be taken for the complete management of LBA among females

    Epidemiološko istraživanje, karakterizacija i protugljivična osjetljivost gljivice Microsporum canis izolirane iz kućnih ljubimaca

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    Dermatophytoses is a very old and neglected ailment in man as well as animals. The development of antifungal resistance is another emerging issue. Among the different etiologies, Microsporum canis plays a crucial role. The present study was undertaken to investigate the epidemiology of, characterize, and explore the antifungal susceptibility profile of M. canis isolated from pet animals. A total of 97 (59.15%) (Dog-46, Cat-51) isolates were identified as M. canis by using PCR. The prevalence of M. canis was highest in puppies (19.1%) and kittens (25.78%) in relation to age. No sexual predisposition was found in this study. Seasonal distribution revealed the highest prevalence in summer and lowest in winter. Resistance against Fluconazole and Griseofulvin was observed in a few isolates. The results indicate the need to properly identify the pathogen, and to be cautious in selecting the drug for treatment in order to stop the further development of resistant dermatophytes.Dermatofitoze su su dugo poznate bolesti u ljudi i životinja kod kojih sve više zabrinjava razvoj protugljivične otpornosti. Među brojnim etiologijama ključnu ulogu ima Microsporum canis. U ovom je radu istražena epidemiologija, provedena karakterizacija i istražena protugljivična osjetljivost gljivice M. canis izolirane iz kućnih ljubimaca. Metodom PCR-a kao vrsta M. canis identificirano je ukupno 97 izolata (59,15 %), 46 kod pasa i 51 kod mačaka. Uvažavajući dob, prevalencija gljivice M. canis bila je najveća u štenadi (19,1 %) i mačića (25,78 %). U ovom istraživanju nije potvrđena spolna predispozicija bolesti. Sezonska raspodjela najveća je bila ljeti, a najmanja zimi. U nekoliko je izolata promatrana rezistencija na Flukonazol i Grizeofulvin. Rezultati upućuju na to da treba točno identificirati patogen i biti oprezan u izboru lijeka kako bi se spriječio daljnji razvoj dermatofita

    Evaluation of Patient Radiation Doses in Skull Radiography

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    Purpose: Exposures to medical ionizing radiations elevate the risk of stochastic effects such as cancer in exposed individuals. It is of utmost importance to monitor the radiation doses delivered to patients and their optimization to reduce the associated radiation risks without limiting the diagnostic information. Methods: Entrance surface air kerma (ESAK) in a total of 64 adult patients in diagnostic digital Xray examinations were calculated and effective doses were estimated as per International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Results: Median ESAK (mGy) and associated effective doses obtained were skull PA (0.45mGy, 0.005mSv) and skull Lat (0.25mGy, 0.003mSv). Results were compared with UK diagnostic reference levels and studies in India.Conclusion: The comparison revealed that the calculated ESAK and effective dose values wereless than the published literature. ESAK values reported in this study could further contribute toestablishing LDRLs

    Multiobjective Programming under Generalized Type I Invexity

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    AbstractIn this paper we extend a (scalarized) generalized type-I invexity into a vector invexity (V-type I). A number of sufficiency results are established using Lagrange multiplier conditions and under various types of generalized V-type I requirements. Weak, strong, and converse duality theorems are proved in the generalized V-invexity type I setting

    Diagnosis of holoprosencephaly in the first trimester

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    We present a case of alobar holoprosencephaly diagnosed antenatally at 12 weeks gestation. Early diagnosis of such lethal malformation is important so that the parents have an option for termination at an early gestational age minimizing maternal morbidity and social impact on the family

    Sodium silicate mediated response of antioxidative defense system in Lycopersicon esculentum mill. under water stress

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    The present study was designed to study the effect of water stress on Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. and role of sodium silicate in the protection of tomato plants under water deficit condition.Different biochemical parameters such as photosynthetic pigments, protein, sugar, MDA content, proline, nitrate reductase activity and activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, APX and POX) were examined in tomato leaves at 40 and 60 DAS by the standard methods. The lycopene and β-carotene contentsin tomato fruits were also analyzed at 60, 65 and 70 DAS.Water stress significantly decreased relative water content (RWC), pigment content, sugar and protein contents in tomato leaves at 60 DAS but the accumulation of proline was stimulated in tomato leaves under water deficit condition. The activities of antioxidant enzymes such as SOD, CAT, APX and POX were significantly increased under (3d and 6d) water stress condition at 60 DAS.This study offers first hand information on the water stress-induced oxidative stress in Lycopersicon esculentumand development of antioxidative defense system against drought.The results obtained clearly indicated the positive impact of sodium silicate in protection of tomato plants under water deficit condition