17,747 research outputs found

    Inventory and new records of Polychaete species from the Cap Bon peninsula , North East coast of Tunisia, Western Mediterranean Sea

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    An inventory of polychaete species is presented from the north-east coast of Tunisia with an historic review of the previous literature from Tunisian coasts. Altogether 40 families, 146 genera, and 238 species are currently known from the area, of which 86 taxa, 4 families (Chrysopetalidae, Pilargidae, Protodrilidae and Saccocirridae) and 40 genera (Saccocirrus, Protodrilus, Parathelepus, Thelepus, Petta, Isolda, Brada, Tharyx, Paraprionospio, Jasmineira, Hypsicomus, Euchone, Pseudobranchiomma, Laonome, Galathowenia, Lugia, Pseudomystides, Protomystides, Pirakia, Mysta, Eurysyllis, Parapionosyllis, Streptosyllis, Paraehlersia, Sigambra, Ancistrosyllis, Kefersteinia, Chrysopetalum, Bhawania, Fimbriosthenelais, Subadyte, Panthalis, Dorvillea, Scalibregma, Paradoneis, Cirrophorus, Metasychis, Websterinereis, Euniphysa and Mastobranchus) are new additions to the polychaete fauna of Tunisia. The list, which provides a synthesis of the regional taxonomic work, including coastal areas from Sidi Daoud to the area of Menzel Hurr (Cap Bon Peninsula, Western Mediterranean Sea), can serve as a baseline for future studies

    Testing for seasonal unit roots by frequency domain regression

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    This paper develops univariate seasonal unit root tests based on spectral regression estimators. An advantage of the frequency domain approach is that it enables serial correlation to be treated non-parametrically. We demonstrate that our proposed statistics have pivotal limiting distributions under both the null and near seasonally integrated alternatives when we allow for weak dependence in the driving shocks. This is in contrast to the popular seasonal unit root tests of, among others, Hylleberg et al. (1990) which treat serial correlation parametrically via lag augmentation of the test regression. Moreover, our analysis allows for (possibly infinite order) moving average behaviour in the shocks, while extant large sample results pertaining to the Hylleberg et al. (1990) type tests are based on the assumption of a finite autoregression. The size and power properties of our proposed frequency domain regression-based tests are explored and compared for the case of quarterly data with those of the tests of Hylleberg et al. (1990) in simulation experiments.Seasonal unit root tests; moving average; frequency domain regression; spectral density estimator; Brownian motion

    A decreased probability of habitable planet formation around low-mass stars

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    Smaller terrestrial planets (< 0.3 Earth masses) are less likely to retain the substantial atmospheres and ongoing tectonic activity probably required to support life. A key element in determining if sufficiently massive "sustainably habitable" planets can form is the availability of solid planet-forming material. We use dynamical simulations of terrestrial planet formation from planetary embryos and simple scaling arguments to explore the implications of correlations between terrestrial planet mass, disk mass, and the mass of the parent star. We assume that the protoplanetary disk mass scales with stellar mass as Mdisk ~ f Mstar^h, where f measures the relative disk mass, and 1/2 < h < 2, so that disk mass decreases with decreasing stellar mass. We consider systems without Jovian planets, based on current models and observations for M stars. We assume the mass of a planet formed in some annulus of a disk with given parameters is proportional to the disk mass in that annulus, and show with a suite of simulations of late-stage accretion that the adopted prescription is surprisingly accurate. Our results suggest that the fraction of systems with sufficient disk mass to form > 0.3 Earth mass habitable planets decreases for low-mass stars for every realistic combination of parameters. This "habitable fraction" is small for stellar masses below a mass in the interval 0.5 to 0.8 Solar masses, depending on disk parameters, an interval that excludes most M stars. Radial mixing and therefore water delivery are inefficient in lower-mass disks commonly found around low-mass stars, such that terrestrial planets in the habitable zones of most low-mass stars are likely to be small and dry.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 11 pages, 6 figure

    Origin of positive magnetoresistance in small-amplitude unidirectional lateral superlattices

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    We report quantitative analysis of positive magnetoresistance (PMR) for unidirectional-lateral-superlattice samples with relatively small periods (a=92-184 nm) and modulation amplitudes (V_0=0.015-0.25 meV). By comparing observed PMR's with ones calculated using experimentally obtained mobilities, quantum mobilities, and V_0's, it is shown that contribution from streaming orbits (SO) accounts for only small fraction of the total PMR. For small V_0, the limiting magnetic field B_e of SO can be identified as an inflection point of the magnetoresistance trace. The major part of PMR is ascribed to drift velocity arising from incompleted cyclotron orbits obstructed by scatterings.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, REVTe

    Galaxy Interactions in Compact Groups II: abundance and kinematic anomalies in HCG 91c

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    Galaxies in Hickson Compact Group 91 (HCG 91) were observed with the WiFeS integral field spectrograph as part of our ongoing campaign targeting the ionized gas physics and kinematics inside star forming members of compact groups. Here, we report the discovery of HII regions with abundance and kinematic offsets in the otherwise unremarkable star forming spiral HCG 91c. The optical emission line analysis of this galaxy reveals that at least three HII regions harbor an oxygen abundance ~0.15 dex lower than expected from their immediate surroundings and from the abundance gradient present in the inner regions of HCG 91c. The same star forming regions are also associated with a small kinematic offset in the form of a lag of 5-10 km/s with respect to the local circular rotation of the gas. HI observations of HCG 91 from the Very Large Array and broadband optical images from Pan-STARRS suggest that HCG 91c is caught early in its interaction with the other members of HCG 91. We discuss different scenarios to explain the origin of the peculiar star forming regions detected with WiFeS, and show that evidence point towards infalling and collapsing extra-planar gas clouds at the disk-halo interface, possibly as a consequence of long-range gravitational perturbations of HCG 91c from the other group members. As such, HCG 91c provides evidence that some of the perturbations possibly associated with the early phase of galaxy evolution in compact groups impact the star forming disk locally, and on sub-kpc scales.Comment: 25 pages, 21 figures, MNRAS accepted. Until publication of the article, the interactive component of Figure 4 is available at this URL: http://www.mso.anu.edu.au/~fvogt/website/misc.htm

    IgG anti-apolipoprotein A-1 antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus are associated with disease activity and corticosteroid therapy: an observational study.

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    IgG anti-apolipoprotein A-1 (IgG anti-apoA-1) antibodies are present in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and may link inflammatory disease activity and the increased risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in these patients. We carried out a rigorous analysis of the associations between IgG anti-apoA-1 levels and disease activity, drug therapy, serology, damage, mortality and CVD events in a large British SLE cohort
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