406 research outputs found

    The acquisition of autonomy, through benevolence, of children who are victims of domestic violence

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    From its etymology bene (good) and volens (will), benevolence means desire to do well. Benevolence is not an arbitrary notion or a theoretical apprehension. It unquestionably reveals man's humanism, which must combine in its daily practice and management with his fellow human beings and even with himself. In education, benevolence is crucial in mother-child relations. We believe that a mother must be benevolent, at the same time as; a child who has received the love of his mother (or parents) can love himself. This is a prerequisite for the acquisition of independent thought. The true cement of any family unit is the mutual love of all those who are called to live together. Paradoxically, love is not the foundation of all families. Unfortunately, there are dysfunctional families in which there are various and varied forms of violence. Children from this type of environment find themselves victims of abuse with all the possible traumatic consequences. Based on this observation, it is easy to reason by deduction: if family love conditions the acquisition of autonomy and children who are victims of family violence do not benefit from it within their families, then children who are victims of family violence are at a disadvantage in acquiring autonomy, or even that they cannot be autonomous. Thus, one may wonder to bring a child victim of family violence to the acquisition of his autonomy? What tools can be used to help a traumatized child become autonomous? How to rebuild a child who has suffered family trauma with a view to his or her autonomy? This article offers the reader benevolence, not as an instruction manual or prescription to be applied, but as a transferable and impactable posture

    goCluster integrates statistical analysis and functional interpretation of microarray expression data

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    Motivation: Several tools that facilitate the interpretation of transcriptional profiles using gene annotation data are available but most of them combine a particular statistical analysis strategy with functional information. goCluster extends this concept by providing a modular framework that facilitates integration of statistical and functional microarray data analysis with data interpretation. Results: goCluster enables scientists to employ annotation information, clustering algorithms and visualization tools in their array data analysis and interpretation strategy. The package provides four clustering algorithms and GeneOntology terms as prototype annotation data. The functional analysis is based on the hypergeometric distribution whereby the Bonferroni correction or the false discovery rate can be used to correct for multiple testing. The approach implemented in goCluster was successfully applied to interpret the results of complex mammalian and yeast expression data obtained with high density oligonucleotide microarrays (GeneChips). Availability: goCluster is available via the BioConductor portal at www.bioconductor.org. The software package, detailed documentation, user- and developer guides as well as other background information are also accessible via a web portal at http://www.bioz.unibas.ch/gocluster. Contact: [email protected]


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    This article aims, first of all, to analyze emotional detachment for a child victim of domestic violence. Then, it presents this emotional detachment as a gateway to a space that allows the development of internal resources known as mature resilience. The resilient space is to be considered in our approach under a systemic approach. This approach focuses our gaze on the "resilient space" system as well as all the elements that interact for the same purpose. Emotional detachment and the creation of a resilient space are two complementary and important steps in building a resilient path. We postulate that in order to build resilience, a child who has suffered trauma in a family environment needs to first make an emotional detachment from insecure family attachments and then create a place of revival for his or her neo-development. In view of the strength and delicacy of the ties that unite family members, emotional detachment (which is not a family rejection) and the creation of a resilient space are therefore a chain that conditions the child who has suffered emotional clashes. They allow the child to move on while maintaining the family bond.  Article visualizations

    LANGLOIS Roberte. Les précurseurs de l’oralité scolaire en Europe. De l’oral à la parole vivante

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    Il y a, dans le système éducatif français, quelque chose qui ne va pas avec l’oral, comme un malentendu entre l’école, la parole et le monde. Soulevant la question de l’héritage républicain, tout en mettant simultanément au jour un réseau européen de pédagogues autour du dénominateur commun de la parole vivante, Roberte Langlois propose aux éducateurs contemporains une réflexion particulièrement féconde et actuelle sur les enjeux et la dimension anthropologique de l’oralité scolaire. L’intérê..

    LANGLOIS Roberte. Les précurseurs de l’oralité scolaire en Europe. De l’oral à la parole vivante

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    Il y a, dans le système éducatif français, quelque chose qui ne va pas avec l’oral, comme un malentendu entre l’école, la parole et le monde. Soulevant la question de l’héritage républicain, tout en mettant simultanément au jour un réseau européen de pédagogues autour du dénominateur commun de la parole vivante, Roberte Langlois propose aux éducateurs contemporains une réflexion particulièrement féconde et actuelle sur les enjeux et la dimension anthropologique de l’oralité scolaire. L’intérê..

    Le peuple et le livre. Un « trafic de livres » au xviiie siècle : petite histoire d’une émancipation collective

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    En 1818, sur le rapport de François de Neufchâteau (1750-1828), et grâce à l’appui de l’abbé Grégoire (1750-1828), la Société royale d’agriculture attribua une médaille d’or à Jean-Frédéric Oberlin (1740-1826), pasteur et pédagogue à Waldersbach. Ce dernier ne se rendit pas à Paris pour recevoir cette distinction. Il demanda au Baron de Gérando, avec lequel il était en relations épistolaires, de le représenter. Joseph-Marie de Gérando (1772-1842) était membre depuis 1814 de la Société philoso..

    Schärer Michèle. Friedrich Fröbel et l’éducation préscolaire en Suisse romande : 1860-1925

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    Michèle Schärer, professeure à la Haute école de travail social et de la santé de Lausanne, met à la disposition de la communauté scientifique francophone en sciences de l’éducation une étude originale et des éléments de savoirs incontestablement nouveaux sur l’influence du maître germanique de l’éducation de la petite enfance en Suisse romande, Friedrich Fröbel (1782-1852). Le travail herméneutique nécessaire à la « déconstruction » du système théosophique complexe, sur lequel Friedrich Fröb..

    Risquer le pédagogique, entre héritage et modernité

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    Se défiant des modèles à prétention universelle et revendiquant un indéfectible attachement à une expérience singulière, le « lieu » subjectif des pédagogues, se présente néanmoins comme un riche espace de création intellectuelle en tension dans l’entre-deux théories pratiques. Conservatoire de la mémoire des choix de valeurs effectués par des individus singuliers dans des contextes socio-historiques particuliers, il collationne autant d’alternatives qui pourront faire l’objet d’un examen ultérieur, suggérant des repères pour l’action, pour peu que les « suivants » ne perdent pas la mémoire… L’historien des idées pédagogiques participe à ce devoir de mémoire, remodelant les matériaux du passé sans les reproduire à l’identique. Sortir d’une dynamique de l’oubli nécessite sans doute que certains se coltinent à une réécriture inlassable de l’histoire, entremetteurs d’une culture pédagogique, bien commun de tous ceux qui de près ou de loin s’impliquent aujourd’hui dans l’acte d’éduquer. Retrouver la mémoire pour s’ouvrir des possibles ; éviter de réinventer la roue à chaque génération. Le passage de la pédagogie à l’histoire n’est pas seulement affaire d’épistémologie : écrire l’histoire des idées pédagogiques, c’est à la fois être capable de se projeter dans l’univers de l’autre, solidaire de sa solitude, et, pour comprendre ce qui motive des choix, contraint sa liberté d’action, déconstruire une unité dynamique pour expliciter les articulations entre les différents types de savoirs qui la constitue.Distrusting models claim to universal and claiming an unwavering commitment to a singular experience, educator’s subjective "place”, however, appears to be a rich area of intellectual creation in tension between theories and practices. Conservatory memory value choices made by particular individuals in particular socio-historical context, it collates all the alternatives that can be examined further, suggesting benchmarks for action, if only the "following" does not lose memory…The historian of pedagogical ideas involved in this duty of memory, remodelling materials of the past without reproducing the same. The transition from education to history is not just a matter of epistemology: writing the history of educational ideas, it's both be able to project themselves into the world of other, supportive of his loneliness, and to understand what motivates choice, forced his freedom of action, deconstructing a functioning unit to clarify the linkages between different types of knowledge that constitutes it

    La bibliothèque de Mulhouse

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    Décentralisation, réforme territoriale, crise budgétaire, révolution des pratiques bibliothéconomiques et des usages des publics, affectés par le tsunami numérique : engagés dans un pas de deux entre autonomie et participation, les rapports de lÉtat et des professionnels des bibliothèques sen trouvent profondément déphasés

    PromAn: an integrated knowledge-based web server dedicated to promoter analysis

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    PromAn is a modular web-based tool dedicated to promoter analysis that integrates distinct complementary databases, methods and programs. PromAn provides automatic analysis of a genomic region with minimal prior knowledge of the genomic sequence. Prediction programs and experimental databases are combined to locate the transcription start site (TSS) and the promoter region within a large genomic input sequence. Transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) can be predicted using several public databases and user-defined motifs. Also, a phylogenetic footprinting strategy, combining multiple alignment of large genomic sequences and assignment of various scores reflecting the evolutionary selection pressure, allows for evaluation and ranking of TFBS predictions. PromAn results can be displayed in an interactive graphical user interface, PromAnGUI. It integrates all of this information to highlight active promoter regions, to identify among the huge number of TFBS predictions those which are the most likely to be potentially functional and to facilitate user refined analysis. Such an integrative approach is essential in the face of a growing number of tools dedicated to promoter analysis in order to propose hypotheses to direct further experimental validations. PromAn is publicly available at http://bips.u-strasbg.fr/PromA
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