169 research outputs found

    Estimating individual muscle forces in human movement

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    If individual muscle forces could be routinely calculated in vivo, non-invasively, considerable insight could be obtained into the etiology of injuries and the training of muscle for rehabilitation and sport. As there are generally more muscles crossing a joint than there are degrees of freedom at the joint, determining the individual forces in the muscles crossing a joint is a non-trivial problem. This study focused on the development of the procedures necessary to estimate the individual muscle forces during a dumbell curl, and the measurement procedures required for the determination of the necessary input parameters. The procedures developed could easily be applied to other body movements. [Continues.

    Mechanics Of The Foot And Ankle Joints During Running Using A Multi-Segment Foot Model Compared With A Single-Segment Model

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    The primary purpose of this study was to compare the ankle joint mechanics, during the stance phase of running, computed with a multi-segment foot model (MULTI; three segments) with a traditional single segment foot model (SINGLE). Traditional ankle joint models define all bones between the ankle and metatarsophalangeal joints as a single rigid segment (SINGLE). However, this contrasts with the more complex structure and mobility of the human foot, recent studies of walking using more multiple-segment models of the human foot have highlighted the errors arising in ankle kinematics and kinetics by using an oversimplified model of the foot. This study sought to compare whether ankle joint kinematics and kinetics during running are similar when using a single segment foot model (SINGLE) and a multi-segment foot model (MULTI). Seven participants ran at 3.1 m/s while the positions of markers on the shank and foot were tracked and ground reaction forces were measured. Ankle joint kinematics, resultant joint moments, joint work, and instantaneous joint power were determined using both the SINGLE and MULTI models. Differences between the two models across the entire stance phase were tested using statistical parametric mapping. During the stance phase, MULTI produced ankle joint angles that were typically closer to neutral and angular velocities that were reduced compared with SINGLE. Instantaneous joint power (

    Soft tissue motion influences skeletal loads during impacts

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    Soft tissue motion occurs as impulsive loads are applied to the skeletal system. It has been demonstrated that the wave like motion of these wobbling masses can reduce the loads acting on the musculoskeletal system. This is an important concept to consider, whether the loads acting on the musculoskeletal system are being determined using either inverse or direct dynamics

    The influence of soft tissue movement on ground reaction forces, joint torques and joint reaction forces in drop landings

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects that soft tissue motion has on ground reaction forces, joint torques and joint reaction forces in drop landings. To this end a four body-segment wobbling mass model was developed to reproduce the vertical ground reaction force curve for the first 100 ms of landing. Particular attention was paid to the passive impact phase, while selecting most model parameters a priori, thus permitting examination of the rigid body assumption on system kinetics. A two-dimensional wobbling mass model was developed in DADS (version 9.00, CADSI) to simulate landing from a drop of 43 cm. Subject specific inertia parameters were calculated for both the rigid links and the wobbling masses. The magnitude and frequency response of the soft tissue of the subject to impulsive loading was measured and used as a criterion for assessing the wobbling mass motion. The model successfully reproduced the vertical ground reaction force for the first 100 ms of the landing with a peak vertical ground reaction force error of 1.2 % and root mean square errors of 5% for the first 15 ms and 12% for the first 40 ms. The resultant joint forces and torques were lower for the wobbling mass model compared with a rigid body model, up to nearly 50% lower, indicating the important contribution of the wobbling masses on reducing system loading

    Wobbling mass influence on impact ground reaction forces: A simulation model sensitivity analysis

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    To gain insight into joint loadings during impacts, wobbling mass models have been used. The aim of this study was to investigate the sensitivity of a wobbling mass model, of landing from a drop, to the model's parameters. A two-dimensional wobbling mass model was developed. Three rigid linked segments designed to represent the skeleton each had a second mass attached to them, via two translational non-linear spring dampers, representing the soft tissue. Model parameters were systematically varied one at a time and the effect this had on the peak vertical ground reaction force and segment kinematics was examined. Model output showed low sensitivity to most model parameters but was sensitive to the timing of joint torque initiation. Varying the heel pad stiffness in the range of stiffness values reported in the literature had the largest influence on the peak vertical ground reaction force. The analysis indicated that the more proximal body segments had a lower influence on peak vertical ground reaction force per unit mass than the segments nearer the contact point, 340 N/kg, 157 N/kg and 24 N/kg for the shank, thigh and trunk respectively. Model simulations were relatively insensitive to variations in the properties of the connection between the wobbling masses and the skeleton. Given the proviso that estimates for the other model parameters and joint torque activation timings lie in a realistic range, then if the goal is to examine the effects of the wobbling mass on the system this insensitivity is an advantage. If precise knowledge about the motion of the wobbling mass is of interest, however, more experimental work is required to determine precisely these model parameters

    The role of the heel pad and shank soft tissue during impacts: a further resolution of a paradox

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    The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that by accounting for soft tissue motion of the lower leg during the impacts associated with in vivo testing, that the differences between in vivo and in vitro estimates of heel pad properties can be explained. To examine this a two-dimensional model of the shank and heel pad was developed using DADS. The model contained a heel pad element and a rigid skeleton to which was connected soft tissue which could move relative to the bone. Simulations permitted estimation of heel pad properties directly from heel pad deformations, and from the kinematics of an impacting pendulum. These two approaches paralleled those used in vitro and in vivo respectively. Measurements from the pendulum indicated that heel pad properties changed from those found in vitro to those found in vivo as relative motion of the bone and soft tissue was allowed. This would indicate that pendulum measures of the in vivo heel pad properties are also measuring the properties of the whole lower leg. The ability of the wobbling mass of the shank to dissipate energy during an impact was found to be significant. These results demonstrate the important role of both the heel pad and soft tissue of the shank to the dissipation of mechanical energy during impacts. These results provide a further clarification of the paradox between the measurements of heel pad properties made in vivo and in vitro

    Theory of preparation and relaxation of a p-orbital atomic Mott insulator

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    We develop a theoretical framework to understand the preparation and relaxation of a metastable Mott insulator state within the first excited band of a 1D optical lattice. The state is loaded by "lifting" atoms from the ground to the first excited band by means of a stimulated Raman transition. We determine the effect of pulse duration on the accuracy of the state preparation for the case of a Gaussian pulse shape. Relaxation of the prepared state occurs in two major stages: double-occupied sites occurring due to quantum fluctuations initially lead to interband transitions followed by a spreading of particles in the trap and thermalization. We find the characteristic relaxation times at the earliest stage and at asymptotically long times approaching equilibrium. Our theory is applicable to recent experiments performed with 1D optical lattices [T. M\"uller, S. F\"olling, A. Widera, and I. Bloch, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{99}, 200405 (2007)].Comment: 27 pages, 23 figures: Edited figures, added reference
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