284 research outputs found

    Akeret: Photoanalysis

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    Exploiting the Vernacular: Studies of Snapshot Photography (Review Essay)

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    Webster: The New Photography

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    Introduction fo the Study of Non-Professional Photography as Visual Communication

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    Banish: City Families--Chicago and London

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    La photo de famille et ses usages communicationnels

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    PubliĂ© en 1987, Snapshot Versions of Life est rapidement devenu un classique. RĂ©digĂ© par l'anthropologue Richard Chalfen, il propose une ethnographie de la "culture Kodak", autrement dit des pratiques photographiques et cinĂ©matographiques amateur dans les Etats-Unis des annĂ©es 1970-1980. Prenant au sĂ©rieux le rĂ©cit de l'histoire familiale mis en scĂšne au sein des foyers, Chalfen ne se limite pas Ă  ses apparences stĂ©rĂ©otypĂ©es. Interrogeant aussi bien les injonctions issues des publicitĂ©s que les Ă©vĂ©nements absents de l'album, il montre que les images privĂ©es recĂšlent des informations cruciales sur la construction des individus et sur leur vision de la sociĂ©tĂ©. Depuis l'essor d'internet et des rĂ©seaux sociaux, les travaux de Richard Chalfen font retour, et proposent un guide prĂ©cieux pour l'Ă©tude des pratiques visuelles en ligne.Published in 1987, Snapshot Versions of Life quickly became a classic. Written by anthropologist Richard Chalfen, it contains an ethnography of “Kodak culture,” that is, of amateur picture-taking and movie-making practices in the United States from 1970 to 1980. Chalfen takes seriously the narratives of family history produced by families themselves, and he does not confine his investigation to their stereotypical appearances. Exploring the models imposed by advertising and the events left out of the albums, he shows that these private images contain crucial information on the construction of the individual subjects as well as their vision of society. Richard Chalfen’s writings have been making a comeback since the rise of the Internet and social networks; they offer an invaluable guide to the study of online visual practices

    FĂ©nykĂ©pezƑ turistĂĄk

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    Memory texts and memory work: Performances of memory in and with visual media

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    The online version of this article can be found at: http://mss.sagepub.com/content/early/2010/05/24/175069801037003
