4,540 research outputs found

    Meron-Cluster Solution of Fermion and Other Sign Problems

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    Numerical simulations of numerous quantum systems suffer from the notorious sign problem. Important examples include QCD and other field theories at non-zero chemical potential, at non-zero vacuum angle, or with an odd number of flavors, as well as the Hubbard model for high-temperature superconductivity and quantum antiferromagnets in an external magnetic field. In all these cases standard simulation algorithms require an exponentially large statistics in large space-time volumes and are thus impossible to use in practice. Meron-cluster algorithms realize a general strategy to solve severe sign problems but must be constructed for each individual case. They lead to a complete solution of the sign problem in several of the above cases.Comment: 15 pages,LATTICE9

    Quantum oscillations in YBa2Cu3O6+δ\mathrm{YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6+\delta}} from an incommensurate dd-density wave order

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    We consider quantum oscillation experiments in YBa2Cu3O6+δ\mathrm{YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6+\delta}} from the perspective of an incommensurate Fermi surface reconstruction using an exact transfer matrix method and the Pichard-Landauer formula for the conductivity. The specific density wave order considered is a period-8 dd-density wave in which the current density is unidirectionally modulated. The current modulation is also naturally accompanied by a period-4 site charge modulation in the same direction, which is consistent with recent magnetic resonance measurements. In principle Landau theory also allows for a period-4 bond charge modulation, which is not discussed, but should be simple to incorporate in the future. This scenario leads to a natural, but not a unique, explanation of why only oscillations from a single electron pocket is observed, and a hole pocket of roughly twice the frequency as dictated by two-fold commensurate order, and the corresponding Luttinger sum rule, is not observed. However, it is possible that even higher magnetic fields will reveal a hole pocket of half the frequency of the electron pocket or smaller. This may be at the borderline of achievable high field measurements because at least a few complete oscillations have to be clearly resolved.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Short-coherence length superconductivity in the Attractive Hubbard Model in three dimensions

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    We study the normal state and the superconducting transition in the Attractive Hubbard Model in three dimensions, using self-consistent diagrammatics. Our results for the self-consistent TT-matrix approximation are consistent with 3D-XY power-law critical scaling and finite-size scaling. This is in contrast to the exponential 2D-XY scaling the method was able to capture in our previous 2D calculation. We find the 3D transition temperature at quarter-filling and U=4tU=-4t to be Tc=0.207tT_c=0.207t. The 3D critical regime is much narrower than in 2D and the ratio of the mean-field transition to TcT_c is about 5 times smaller than in 2D. We also find that, for the parameters we consider, the pseudogap regime in 3D (as in 2D) coincides with the critical scaling regime.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The effects of magnetic field on the d-density wave order in the cuprates

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    We consider the effects of a perpendicular magnetic field on the d-density wave order and conclude that if the pseudogap phase in the cuprates is due to this order, then it is highly insensitive to the magnetic field in the underdoped regime, while its sensitivity increases as the gap vanishes in the overdoped regime. This appears to be consistent with the available experiments and can be tested further in neutron scattering experiments. We also investigate the nature of the de Haas- van Alphen effect in the ordered state and discuss the possibility of observing it.Comment: 5 pages, 4 eps figures, RevTex4. Corrected a silly but important typo in the abstrac

    From Spin Ladders to the 2-d O(3) Model at Non-Zero Density

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    The numerical simulation of various field theories at non-zero chemical potential suffers from severe complex action problems. In particular, QCD at non-zero quark density can presently not be simulated for that reason. A similar complex action problem arises in the 2-d O(3) model -- a toy model for QCD. Here we construct the 2-d O(3) model at non-zero density via dimensional reduction of an antiferromagnetic quantum spin ladder in a magnetic field. The complex action problem of the 2-d O(3) model manifests itself as a sign problem of the ladder system. This sign problem is solved completely with a meron-cluster algorithm.Comment: Based on a talk by U.-J. Wiese, 6 pages, 12 figures, to be published in computer physics communication

    On Soliton Content of Self Dual Yang-Mills Equations

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    Exploiting the formulation of the Self Dual Yang-Mills equations as a Riemann-Hilbert factorization problem, we present a theory of pulling back soliton hierarchies to the Self Dual Yang-Mills equations. We show that for each map \C^4 \to \C^{\infty } satisfying a simple system of linear equations formulated below one can pull back the (generalized) Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies to the Self Dual Yang-Mills equations. This indicates that there is a class of solutions to the Self Dual Yang-Mills equations which can be constructed using the soliton techniques like the τ\tau function method. In particular this class contains the solutions obtained via the symmetry reductions of the Self Dual Yang-Mills equations. It also contains genuine 4 dimensional solutions . The method can be used to study the symmetry reductions and as an example of that we get an equation exibiting breaking solitons, formulated by O. Bogoyavlenskii, as one of the 2+12 + 1 dimensional reductions of the Self Dual Yang-Mills equations.Comment: 11 pages, plain Te

    Excess entropy, Diffusivity and Structural Order in liquids with water-like anomalies

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    The excess entropy, Se, defined as the difference between the entropies of the liquid and the ideal gas under identical density and temperature conditions, is shown to be the critical quantity connecting the structural, diffusional and density anomalies in water-like liquids. Based on simulations of silica and the two-scale ramp liquids, water-like density and diffusional anomalies can be seen as consequences of a characteristic non-monotonic density dependence of Se. The relationship between excess entropy, the order metrics and the structural anomaly can be understood using a pair correlation approximation to Se.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figues in ps forma