3,260 research outputs found

    Development of passive radiation detectors of improved sensitivity

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    The future development of a solid track high energy particle detector is discussed. The goal is to improve the sensitivity and lower the threshold of the detector. One most widely used material for such purpose is a plastic commercially known as CR-39. A scheme is presented which involves changing the formula of the monomer, diethylene glycol-bis-allyl carbonate. This is to be accomplished by substituting some heteroatoms for H and substituting sulfur atoms for oxygen in the ether linkages. Use of a new plasticizer to make the etched surface clearer than what has been accomplished as of today is suggested. Possible improvement in acquiring better tracks and increasing the ratio of V sub T/V sub B was planned. This is to be accomplished by changing the composition of the etchants, etching time, and etching temperature

    Out of Time Ordered Quantum Dissipation

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    We consider a quantum Brownian particle interacting with two harmonic baths, which is then perturbed by a cubic coupling linking the particle and the baths. This cubic coupling induces non-linear dissipation and noise terms in the influence functional/master equation of the particle. Its effect on the Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators (OTOCs) of the particle cannot be captured by the conventional Feynman-Vernon formalism.We derive the generalised influence functional which correctly encodes the physics of OTO fluctuations, response, dissipation and decoherence. We examine an example where Markovian approximation is valid for the OTO dynamics. If the original cubic coupling has a definite time-reversal parity, the leading order OTO influence functional is completely determined by the couplings in the usual master equation via OTO generalisation of Onsager-Casimir relations. New OTO fluctuation-dissipation relations connect the non-Gaussianity of the thermal noise to the thermal jitter in the damping constant of the Brownian particle.Comment: 46 pages+appendices, typos corrected, minor changes, references update

    Thermonuclear burst physics with RXTE

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    Recently we have made measurements of thermonuclear burst energetics and recurrence times which are unprecedented in their precision, largely thanks to the sensitivity of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. In the "Clocked Burster", GS 1826-24, hydrogen burns during the burst via the rapid-proton (rp) process, which has received particular attention in recent years through theoretical and modelling studies. The burst energies and the measured variation of alpha (the ratio of persistent to burst flux) with accretion rate strongly suggests solar metallicity in the neutron star atmosphere, although this is not consistent with the corresponding variation of the recurrence time. Possible explanations include extra heating between the bursts, or a change in the fraction of the neutron star over which accretion takes place. I also present results from 4U 1746-37, which exhibits regular burst trains which are interrupted by "out of phase" bursts.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, AIP conference proceedings format. To appear in the proceedings of the "X-ray Timing 2003: Rossi and Beyond" meeting held in Cambridge, MA, November, 200

    Delay test for diagnosis of power switches

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    Power switches are used as part of power-gating technique to reduce leakage power of a design. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work in open-literature to show a systematic diagnosis method for accurately diagnosingpower switches. The proposed diagnosis method utilizes recently proposed DFT solution for efficient testing of power switches in the presence of PVT variation. It divides power switches into segments such that any faulty power switch is detectable thereby achieving high diagnosis accuracy. The proposed diagnosis method has been validated through SPICE simulation using a number of ISCAS benchmarks synthesized with a 90-nm gate library. Simulation results show that when considering the influence of process variation, the worst case loss of accuracy is less than 4.5%; and the worst case loss of accuracy is less than 12% when considering VT (Voltage and Temperature) variations

    Psychological Antecedents to Intention to Quit

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    A random sample of adults was surveyed to explore the relationships among derailment, productivity propensity, and intention to quit. Derailed individuals perceive a lack of self-continuity and productivity propensity represents individuals’ disposition to perform tasks in a timely manner. Results indicated that intention to quit was positively affected by derailment and negatively affected by productivity propensity. Managerial implications of the findings, as well as directions for future research was discussed

    X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Low-Mass X-ray Binaries 2S 0918-549 and 4U1543-624: Evidence for Neon-Rich Degenerate Donors

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    We present high-resolution spectroscopy of the neutron-star/low-mass X-ray binaries 2S 0918-549 and 4U 1543-624 with the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer onboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Reflection Grating Spectrometer onboard XMM-Newton. Previous low-resolution spectra of both sources showed a broad line-like feature at 0.7 keV that was originally attributed to unresolved line emission. We recently showed that this feature could also be due to excess neutral Ne absorption, and this is confirmed by the new high-resolution Chandra spectra. The Chandra spectra are each well fit by an absorbed power-law + blackbody model with a modified Ne/O number ratio of 0.52+/-0.12 for 2S 0918-549 and 1.5+/-0.3 for 4U 1543-624, compared to the interstellar-medium value of 0.18. The XMM spectrum of 2S 0918-549 is best fit by an absorbed power-law model with a Ne/O number ratio of 0.46+/-0.03, consistent with the Chandra result. On the other hand, the XMM spectrum of 4U 1543-624 is softer and less luminous than the Chandra spectrum and has a best-fit Ne/O number ratio of 0.54+/-0.03. The difference between the measured abundances and the expected interstellar ratio, as well as the variation of the column densities of O and Ne in 4U 1543-624, supports the suggestion that there is absorption local to these binaries. We propose that the variations in the O and Ne column densities of 4U 1543-624 are caused by changes in the ionization structure of the local absorbing material. It is important to understand the effect of ionization on the measured absorption columns before the abundance of the local material can be determined. This work supports our earlier suggestion that 2S 0918-549 and 4U 1543-624 are ultracompact binaries with Ne-rich companions.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, major revisions including addition of XMM spectral analysis, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, vol. 59

    Ets-2 and C/EBP-beta are important mediators of ovine trophoblast Kunitz domain protein-1 gene expression in trophoblast

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    BACKGROUND: The trophoblast Kunitz domain proteins (TKDPs) constitute a highly expressed, placenta-specific, multigene family restricted to ruminant ungulates and characterized by a C-terminal "Kunitz" domain, preceded by one or more unique N-terminal domains. TKDP-1 shares an almost identical expression pattern with interferon-tau, the "maternal recognition of pregnancy protein" in ruminants. Our goal here has been to determine whether the ovine (ov) Tkdp-1 and IFNT genes possess a similar transcriptional code. RESULTS: The ovTkdp-1 promoter has been cloned and characterized. As with the IFNT promoter, the Tkdp-1 promoter is responsive to Ets-2, and promoter-driven reporter activity can be increased over 700-fold in response to over-expression of Ets-2 and a constitutively active form of protein Kinase A (PKA). Unexpectedly, the promoter element of Tkdp-1 responsible for this up-regulation, unlike that of the IFNT, does not bind Ets-2. However, mutation of a CCAAT/enhancer binding element within this control region not only reduced basal transcriptional activity, but prevented Ets-2 as well as cyclic adenosine 5'-monophosphate (cAMP)/PKA and Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) responsiveness. In vitro binding experiments and in vivo protein-protein interaction assays implicated CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-beta (C/EBP-β) as involved in up-regulating the Tkdp-1 promoter activity. A combination of Ets-2 and C/EBP-β can up-regulate expression of the minimal Tkdp-1 promoter as much as 930-fold in presence of a cAMP analog. An AP-1-like element adjacent to the CCAAT enhancer, which binds Jun family members, is required for basal and cAMP/ C/EBP-β-dependent activation of the gene, but not for Ets-2-dependent activity. CONCLUSION: This paper demonstrates how Ets-2, a key transcription factor for trophoblast differentiation and function, can control expression of two genes (Tkdp-1 and IFNT) having similar spatial and temporal expression patterns via very different mechanisms
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