732 research outputs found

    Accretion Disc Theory: From the Standard Model Until Advection

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    Accretion disc theory was first developed as a theory with the local heat balance, where the whole energy produced by a viscous heating was emitted to the sides of the disc. One of the most important new invention of this theory was a phenomenological treatment of the turbulent viscosity, known as ''alpha'' prescription, when the (rϕ\phi) component of the stress tensor was approximated by (α\alpha P) with a unknown constant α\alpha. This prescription played the role in the accretion disc theory as well important as the mixing-length theory of convection for stellar evolution. Sources of turbulence in the accretion disc are discussed, including nonlinear hydrodynamical turbulence, convection and magnetic field role. In parallel to the optically thick geometrically thin accretion disc models, a new branch of the optically thin accretion disc models was discovered, with a larger thickness for the same total luminosity. The choice between these solutions should be done of the base of a stability analysis. The ideas underlying the necessity to include advection into the accretion disc theory are presented and first models with advection are reviewed. The present status of the solution for a low-luminous optically thin accretion disc model with advection is discussed and the limits for an advection dominated accretion flows (ADAF) imposed by the presence of magnetic field are analysed.Comment: Roceeding of the Int. Workshop "Observational Evidence for Black Holes in the Universe". Calcutta, 11-17 January 1998. Kluwer Acad. Pu

    RGS4 RNA secondary structure mediates Staufen2 RNP assembly in Neurons

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    RNA‐binding proteins (RBPs) act as posttranscriptional regulators controlling the fate of target mRNAs. Unraveling how RNAs are recognized by RBPs and in turn are assembled into neuronal RNA granules is therefore key to understanding the underlying mechanism. While RNA sequence elements have been extensively characterized, the functional impact of RNA secondary structures is only recently being explored. Here, we show that Staufen2 binds complex, long‐ranged RNA hairpins in the 3′‐untranslated region (UTR) of its targets. These structures are involved in the assembly of Staufen2 into RNA granules. Furthermore, we provide direct evidence that a defined Rgs4 RNA duplex regulates Staufen2‐dependent RNA localization to distal dendrites. Importantly, disrupting the RNA hairpin impairs the observed effects. Finally, we show that these secondary structures differently affect protein expression in neurons. In conclusion, our data reveal the importance of RNA secondary structure in regulating RNA granule assembly, localization and even-tually translation. It is therefore tempting to speculate that secondary structures represent an important code for cells to control the intracellular fate of their mRNAs

    Target-Specific Precision of CRISPR-Mediated Genome Editing

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    The CRISPR-Cas9 system has successfully been adapted to edit the genome of various organisms. However, our ability to predict the editing outcome at specific sites is limited. Here, we examined indel profiles at over 1,000 genomic sites in human cells and uncovered general principles guiding CRISPR-mediated DNA editing. We find that precision of DNA editing (i.e., recurrence of a specific indel) varies considerably among sites, with some targets showing one highly preferred indel and others displaying numerous infrequent indels. Editing precision correlates with editing efficiency and a preference for single-nucleotide homologous insertions. Precise targets and editing outcome can be predicted based on simple rules that mainly depend on the fourth nucleotide upstream of the protospacer adjacent motif (PAM). Indel profiles are robust, but they can be influenced by chromatin features. Our findings have important implications for clinical applications of CRISPR technology and reveal general patterns of broken end joining that can provide insights into DNA repair mechanisms

    PCR diagnostics and monitoring of adenoviral infections in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients

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    After stem cell transplantation, human patients are prone to life-threatening opportunistic infections with a plethora of microorganisms. We report a retrospective study on 116 patients (98 children, 18 adults) who were transplanted in a pediatric bone marrow transplantation unit. Blood, urine and stool samples were collected and monitored for adenovirus (AdV) DNA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and real-time PCR (RT-PCR) on a regular basis. AdV DNA was detected in 52 (44.8%) patients, with mortality reaching 19% in this subgroup. Variables associated with adenovirus infection were transplantations from matched unrelated donors and older age of the recipient. An increased seasonal occurrence of adenoviral infections was observed in autumn and winter. Analysis of immune reconstitution showed a higher incidence of AdV infections during periods of low T-lymphocyte count. This study also showed a strong interaction between co-infections of AdV and BK polyomavirus in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantations

    Comparison of Human Memory CD8 T Cell Responses to Adenoviral Early and Late Proteins in Peripheral Blood and Lymphoid Tissue

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    Treatment of invasive adenovirus (Ad) disease in hematopoietic stem cell transplant (SCT) recipients with capsid protein hexon-specific donor T cells is under investigation. We propose that cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) targeted to the late protein hexon may be inefficient in vivo because the early Ad protein E3-19K downregulates HLA class I antigens in infected cells. In this study, CD8+ T cells targeted to highly conserved HLA A2-restricted epitopes from the early regulatory protein DNA polymerase (P-977) and late protein hexon (H-892) were compared in peripheral blood (PB) and tonsils of naturally infected adults. In tonsils, epitope-specific pentamers detected a significantly higher frequency of P-977+CD8+ T cells compared to H-892+CD8+ T cells; this trend was reversed in PB. Tonsil epitope-specific CD8+ T cells expressed IFN-γ and IL-2 but not perforin or TNF-α, whereas PB T cells were positive for IFN-γ, TNF-α, and perforin. Tonsil epitope-specific T cells expressed lymphoid homing marker CCR7 and exhibited lower levels of the activation marker CD25 but higher proliferative potential than PB T cells. Finally, in parallel with the kinetics of mRNA expression, P-977-specific CTLs lysed targets as early as 8 hrs post infection. In contrast, H-892-specific CTLs did not kill unless infected fibroblasts were pretreated with IFN-γ to up regulate HLA class I antigens, and cytotoxicity was delayed until 16–24 hours. These data show that, in contrast to hexon CTLs, central memory type DNA polymerase CTLs dominate the lymphoid compartment and kill fibroblasts earlier after infection without requiring exogenous IFN-γ. Thus, use of CTLs targeted to both early and late Ad proteins may improve the efficacy of immunotherapy for life-threatening Ad disease in SCT recipients

    Yukawa potentials in systems with partial periodic boundary conditions I : Ewald sums for quasi-two dimensional systems

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    Yukawa potentials are often used as effective potentials for systems as colloids, plasmas, etc. When the Debye screening length is large, the Yukawa potential tends to the non-screened Coulomb potential ; in this small screening limit, or Coulomb limit, the potential is long ranged. As it is well known in computer simulation, a simple truncation of the long ranged potential and the minimum image convention are insufficient to obtain accurate numerical data on systems. The Ewald method for bulk systems, i.e. with periodic boundary conditions in all three directions of the space, has already been derived for Yukawa potential [cf. Y., Rosenfeld, {\it Mol. Phys.}, \bm{88}, 1357, (1996) and G., Salin and J.-M., Caillol, {\it J. Chem. Phys.}, \bm{113}, 10459, (2000)], but for systems with partial periodic boundary conditions, the Ewald sums have only recently been obtained [M., Mazars, {\it J. Chem. Phys.}, {\bf 126}, 056101 (2007)]. In this paper, we provide a closed derivation of the Ewald sums for Yukawa potentials in systems with periodic boundary conditions in only two directions and for any value of the Debye length. A special attention is paid to the Coulomb limit and its relation with the electroneutrality of systems.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figures and 4 table

    Cell walls of the dimorphic fungal pathogens Sporothrix schenckii and Sporothrix brasiliensis exhibit bilaminate structures and sloughing of extensive and intact layers

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    This work was supported by the Fundação Carlos Chagas de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), grants E-26/202.974/2015 and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), grants 229755/2013-5, Brazil. LMLB is a senior research fellow of CNPq and Faperj. NG acknowledged support from the Wellcome Trust (Trust (097377, 101873, 200208) and MRC Centre for Medical Mycology (MR/N006364/1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    An avian influenza A(H11N1) virus from a wild aquatic bird revealing a unique Eurasian-American genetic reassortment

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    Influenza surveillance in different wild bird populations is critical for understanding the persistence, transmission and evolution of these viruses. Avian influenza (AI) surveillance was undertaken in wild migratory and resident birds during the period 2007–2008, in view of the outbreaks of highly pathogenic AI (HPAI) H5N1 in poultry in India since 2006. In this study, we present the whole genome sequence data along with the genetic and virological characterization of an Influenza A(H11N1) virus isolated from wild aquatic bird for the first time from India. The virus was low pathogenicity and phylogenetic analysis revealed that it was distinct from reported H11N1 viruses. The hemagglutinin (HA) gene showed maximum similarity with A/semipalmatedsandpiper/Delaware/2109/2000 (H11N6) and A/shorebird/Delaware/236/2003(H11N9) while the neuraminidase (NA) gene showed maximum similarity with A/duck/Mongolia/540/2001(H1N1). The virus thus possessed an HA gene of the American lineage. The NA and other six genes were of the Eurasian lineage and showed closer relatedness to non-H11 viruses. Such a genetic reassortment is unique and interesting, though the pathways leading to its emergence and its future persistence in the avian reservoir is yet to be fully established

    Financial crises and the attainment of the SDGs: an adjusted multidimensional poverty approach

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    This paper analyses the impact of financial crises on the Sustainable Development Goal of eradicating poverty. To do so, we develop an adjusted Multidimensional Poverty Framework (MPF) that includes 15 indicators that span across key poverty aspects related to income, basic needs, health, education and the environment. We then use an econometric model that allows us to examine the impact of financial crises on these indicators in 150 countries over the period 1980–2015. Our analysis produces new estimates on the impact of financial crises on poverty’s multiple social, economic and environmental aspects and equally important captures dynamic linkages between these aspects. Thus, we offer a better understanding of the potential impact of current debt dynamics on Multidimensional Poverty and demonstrate the need to move beyond the boundaries of SDG1, if we are to meet the target of eradicating poverty. Our results indicate that the current financial distress experienced by many low-income countries may reverse the progress that has been made hitherto in reducing poverty. We find that financial crises are associated with an approximately 10% increase of extreme poor in low-income countries. The impact is even stronger in some other poverty aspects. For instance, crises are associated with an average decrease of government spending in education by 17.72% in low-income countries. The dynamic linkages between most of the Multidimensional Poverty indicators, warn of a negative domino effect on a number of SDGs related to poverty, if there is a financial crisis shock. To pre-empt such a domino effect, the specific SDG target 17.4 on attaining long-term debt sustainability through coordinated policies plays a key role and requires urgent attention by the international community