21 research outputs found

    Tornado diagram presenting the results of the univariate sensitivity analysis.

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    <p>Changes on the median cost per pediatric Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) patient were evaluated by shifting (1) the discount rate (from 0% to 5%, base case %), (2) the cost of a vial of Glucantime (from US1.2toUS 1.2 to US 3.4, base case US1.70)and(3)thecostofadministeringGlucantimeatthePrimaryHealthCentre(PHC)(fromUS 1.70) and (3) the cost of administering Glucantime at the Primary Health Centre (PHC) (from US 0.62 to US0.99,basecaseUS 0.99, base case US 0.90).</p

    Demographic Information and data on diagnosis and treatment procedures to manage pediatric visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Morocco.

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    <p>Data extracted from 127 clinical records in 7 hospitals in Morocco. Mean and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI), Median and Interquartile Range (IQR) or percentages are used when appropriate.</p

    Demographic and clinical information extracted from the clinical records of 127 visceral leishmaniasis (VL) patients in Morocco.

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    <p>Data related to the clinical management of VL patients: days in hospital, days of VL treatment, number (Num.) of tests (e.g. blood counts, ALT or BUN) and blood transfusions per patients as well as the proportion of patients receiving antibiotics are presented. These are just a fraction of the parameters considered in the cost analysis. The data is presented aggregated (1) per hospital, (2) for the whole population and (3) by treatment strategy (inpatient vs outpatient). Mean and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) or Median and Interquartile Range (IQR) are used when appropriate. Hospitals are identified with numbers.</p

    Costs of pediatric visceral leishmaniasis (VL) care in Morocco (US$).

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    <p>Total costs and costs divided by category (VL diagnosis, VL treatment, Hospitalization, Tests and other Treatments) presented for the whole study population and per treatment strategy: inpatient and outpatient. Mean, standard deviation (sd), median, inter-quartile range (IQR) are presented for each category, as well as p-values associated to Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon (MWW) test and bootstrapping results for assessing the level of power on the comparisons.</p

    Detailed Results obtained including demographic, drug-resistance and genotyping information on 5 Clusters and 69 unique patterns defined by identical spoligotyping and 24-loci MIRU from 75 <i>M</i>.<i>tuberculosis</i> strain isolated in Morocco.

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    <p>ID: Identifying number</p><p>DST: Drug SusceptibilityTesting</p><p>MLVA-MtbC15-9: Multi Locus Variant Allele-Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex15-9</p><p>Detailed Results obtained including demographic, drug-resistance and genotyping information on 5 Clusters and 69 unique patterns defined by identical spoligotyping and 24-loci MIRU from 75 <i>M</i>.<i>tuberculosis</i> strain isolated in Morocco.</p

    Genetic tree based on spoligotyping and 24-locus MIRU-VNTR data of 75 <i>M</i>. <i>tuberculosis</i> isolates from10 Moroccan cities.

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    <p>A dendogram was generated using the UPGMA algorithm using tools available from the MIRU-VNTR<i>plus</i> identification database (see text). Isolates are identified according to their corresponding spoligotype international type (SIT; boxed), according to the SITVIT database.</p