7 research outputs found

    Lodra Sevyadi Agada in Lootha Visha Chikitsa - A Review

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    There are numerous number of Agada formulations widely practised by Visha Vaidyas. Lodra Sevyadi Agada is one of the practically used medicine in the treatment of Lootha Visha (spider poisoning). This formulation is explained in two literatures namely Ashtanga Hridaya Keeta Visha Adhyaya and Prayoga Samuchayam by Kochunni Thamburan. It comprises of 10 ingredients and can be administered for Pana (internal administration), Nasya (nasal instillation) and Anjana (collirium). The internal administration of Lodra Sevyadi Agadam in Kashaya form is clinically practiced in the present era. This paper is an attempt to make a review on the formulaton Lodra Sevyadi Agada

    An experimental study to evaluate the antidotal activity of Neeli Moola (Indigofera tinctoria) Kalka w.s.r to haematological parameters in Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox ) induced toxicity

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    Background: Vatsanabha is a potent cardiac poison comes under the category of Mahavisha with its main active principles aconitine, picraconine and pseudaconine. In the literatures there are descriptions about toxicants and in some traditional Malayalam textbooks antidotes has been explained under the concept “Prathyoushadha”. Neeli Moola has been mentioned as a Prathyoushadha for Vatsanabha poisoning in a renowned textbook ‘Visha Vaidya Jyotsnika’. Hence to evaluate the antidotal activity in Vatsanabha poisoning, Neeli Moola Kalka has been used and the haematological parameters were analyzed to screen the results. Methods: Wistar strain albino rats were used in this study which were divided into 3 groups, normal control, toxic control and the test drug group. The duration of the study was 28 days .The data generated was mentioned as Mean±SEM. Difference among the groups was assessed by employing one way ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s multiple ‘t’ test. Results: Reversible action has been observed after the administration of Neeli Moola Kalka in the hematological parameters which has shown toxicity changes due to administration of Vatsanabha. Conclusion: Neeli Moola Kalka is having mild to moderate antidote effect in Vatsanbha induced toxicity

    Isolation of Bacterial Pathogens Associated with Commercially Available Spices in Mangaluru City, India

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    Spices are important sources of natural flavouring, colouring and antimicrobial agents in food and medicine. In India, spices are widely produced, consumed and exported across the world. Like many other agricultural commodities, spices are exposed to a wide range of bacterial contamination during their harvesting, processing and transportation causing foodborne illnesses. Spices in their desiccated form offer an environment conducive to the survival of many pathogenic bacteria which becomes challenging for spice manufacturers to control or mitigate any bacterial contamination. The present study aimed at the isolation, phenotypic and genotypic identification of bacterial pathogens namely Salmonella spp., Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli associated with spices collected in and around Mangaluru, Karnataka. Isolation of bacterial pathogens was performed using a modified standard FDA BAM methodology. A total of 140 spice samples inclusive of pepper, clove, cumin, red chillies, turmeric, coriander, clove and fennel in whole and powdered form were screened for pathogens. No targeted bacterial pathogens were present in the samples collected. It can be inferred that good agricultural, manufacturing and hygienic practices were maintained in the commercial supply of spices. The absence of bacteria could also be attributed to the inherent antimicrobial properties of spices

    Amrutham ghrita - A Literary review

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    Background: Amrutham Ghrita is a formulation explained in Samhitas in the context of Visha Chikitsa. It is a potent formulation which acts as Sarvavishaharam. Acharyas says that this Yoga can retain the life of a dead person. Objective: The objective of the present work is to do a critical review on Amrutham Ghrita. Method: The Reference of Amrutham Ghrita is taken from Susruta Samhita Kalpa Sthana - Dundubhisvaneeyam Adhyaya and Ashtangasangraha Uttaratantra - Vishaprathishedha Adhyaya. Conclusion: The action of Amrutham Ghrita is Samshamana of Visha. Majority of the drugs are Katu, Tikta Rasa Pradhana and having Ushna Veerya which acts as Kaphavatahara, hence this Ghrita may act on Visha

    Lasunadi Agada in Lootha Visha Chikitsa - A Review

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    Agadatantra had a golden time period in Kerala, and was known in the name of Visha chikitsa. There were excellent Visha vaidhyas who used to treat extreme venomous conditions and even predict the condition of patient just through the Dootha lakshana. As a part of these practices, there were numerous textbooks on Visha chikitsa with unique and exclusive Yogas. Some of the books got maintained, and many got ruined. Among those only few practices are still in use in the management if Visha and still many are untouched. Prayoga samucchaya is a well-known traditional Keraleeya Visha chikitsa textbook written by renowned King Kochunni thamburan, which explains the concepts of Visha and its detail management. Lootha visha is a most frequent and important clinical condition that which a physician encounters in their daily practice. It has got importance in all the time, as its manifestation is in such a way that improper handling of the case may worsen the presentation. There many Agada yogas mentioned in the management of Lootha visha. Lasunadi Agada is a simple yoga explained in Prayoga samucchaya, which contains only 6 drugs, explained in the context of Lootha samanya chikitsa as Pana and Nasya. Presently this yoga is practicing in the name of Lasunadi gulika. So this paper is an attempt to review on the formulation Lasunadi Agada

    A critical review on Tarkshya Agada

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    Background: Agadatantra is one of the branches of Ashtanga Ayurveda, that consist of the science of poison (toxicology), which deals with different poisoning conditions, diagnosis, and treatment. Among all Vishas, Sarpavisha is most significant as it is the condition that needs emergency management. There are many Agada Yogas (anti-poisonous formulations) that are helpful in Sarpavisha Chikitsa mentioned by Ayurvedic Acharyas. Tarkshya Agada is one of the Agada Yogas mentioned by Acharya Susrutha in Susrutha Samhita and Acharya Vridda Vagbhata in Ashtanga Sangraha. Materials and Method: The comprehensive review of Tarkshya Agada formulation is done from literatures such as Susrutha Samhita and Ashtanga Sangraha, by emphasizing its properties and action. Observation and results: Tarkshya Agada explained by Acharya Susrutha has contains twenty-four drugs, and Acharya Vridda Vagbhata comprises twenty-five drugs, almost containing the same drugs whereas Acharya Susrutsa mentioned Balaka and Chandana, Acharya Vridda Vagbhata mentioned Shunti, Padmaka and Sita different drugs, all of which have Vishahara and Shothohara properties and can be used in the treatment of Sarpavisha. Conclusion: Tarkshya Agada mentioned by Acharya Susrutha and Acharya Vridda Vagbhata in Sarpavisha Chikitsa may be found to be one of the effective anti-poisonous formulations which should be tried for experimental and clinical trials in Sarpavisha Chikitsa

    Preparation and Physico Chemical Analysis of Arka Lavan

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    Lavana kalpanas are prepared by using predominantly Lavanas and herbs with Putagni samskara. Arka lavana is a herbo mineral preparation mentioned in Rasa Tarangini, Bhaishajya Ratnavali etc. It is indicated for Yakrit Pleeha Rogas along with water or butter milk as Anupana. The ingredients of this preparation are Arka patra (leaves of Calotropis procera) and Saindhava lavana (rock salt) in equal parts. Standardization is an essential part for proving therapeutic efficacy of a preparation. In this study Arka lavana has prepared according to the traditional method mentioned in textual reference from Rasa Tarangini ie; by Puta Paka method. The analytical study of this preparation was carried out including organoleptic and physicochemical parameters. The pharmaceutical procedure as well as Analytical results can be considered as a reference for further studies