8 research outputs found

    Analisis Strategi Bauran Pemasaran Pada PT Amita Mandiri Cabang Setu Bekasi

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    This study was conducted to analyze the marketing mix strategy of goods at PT Amita Mandiri Setu Bekasi Branch. The method used was descriptive qualitative with the data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the results of the analysis, it is concluded that PT Amita Mandiri, Setu Bekasi Branch, combines elements in marketing that are emphasized on the 4Ps. The product of PT Amita Mandiri Branch Setu Bekasi is bottled drinking water of various sizes and brands. The price offered is affordable for retailers, semi wholesalers with the place in a strategic location on the side of the road. Promotion is carried out directly by word of mouth, and personal selling. PT Amita Mandiri Setu Bekasi Branch also implements STP (segmenting, targeting, positioning) judging from determining the offer, and understanding the needs and interests of customers. In setting a target market, it can be seen from the company evaluating market segments, selecting market segments, and being able to generate customer value, the positioning is from planning a position that can differentiate products from other products but in reality, there is no difference. This is because the company sells the same product as competitors' products. This strategy has succeeded in increasing sales volume, as evidenced by sales volume data in March-April 2022

    Experiential Marketing On Purchasing Decision: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the development map of research on experiential marketing and purchasing decision. The research was conducted using a systematic mapping study method to identify, evaluate, and interpret all available and relevant literature related to the research question or domain of interest, through searching the Scopus journal database. Based on the results of SMS, there are 56 studies that meet the inclusion criteria. We classify 56 articles in the topic area by category of type of paper, focus, locus, and year of research publication

    Sustainable SCM Approach as a Branding Strategy on the Hutan Bambu Tourism Object in Bekasi City

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    This study was aimed at analyzing the implementation of the Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) approach as a branding strategy of tourism development of Hutan Bambu in Bekasi city. This study employed a descriptive research method using a qualitative approach. The data sources were primary and secondary data. The techniques of data collection were observation, interviews, and documentation. The interviews were conducted with six informants representing the manager, visitors, local communities, and food sellers in the Hutan Bambu area of Bekasi city. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by using the SSCM approach. The results of the study showed that the branding strategy for developing the Hutan Bambu tourism object can apply several ways. First, it considered SSCM concerns, especially sustainability, marketing-logistics empowerment, market-driven SCM, synchronous SCM, fast response logistics, and network-based resource management. Second, the tourism development was carried out by creating strong branding with the advantages of the Hutan Bambu tourism object, namely by marketing through social media to local and national communities. Third, the development can be done by holding attractive soft skills programs regularly by collaborating with training studios or certain institutions, so they can bring in visitors on a more regular and programmed basis. Fourth, this can also be done by modifying the management system, so the tourists can find alternative tourism objects in the city. Finally, the SSCM approach could be implemented in the development of the Hutan Bambu tourism object, Bekasi by strengthening branding and interesting soft-skills, as well as modifying the management system

    Studi Kepustakaan Tingkat Pemahaman Pemilik Rumah Kos dalam Memenuhi Pajak Hotel

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    Pembangunan kos-kosan yang semakin bertambah menjadi pekerjaan baru bagi pemerintah daerah untuk memperluas pemungutan pajak, salah satunya pajak kos sebagai bagian dari pajak daerah yang termasuk dalam pajak hotel. Hasil penelitian terdahulu, menyatakan bahwa kesadaran pemilik usaha kos juga sangat-sangat kurang (Nuyanti, 2020). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman pemilik kos tentang pajak kos. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan hasil analisis dari 4 jurnal yang menjadi bahan penelitian yaitu kurangnya informasi, belum adanya sosialisasi, serta adanya perasaan tidak adil yang dirasakan oleh pelaku usaha rumah kos terkait pemberlakuan pajak memiliki pengaruh pada kewajiban para pelaku usaha membayarkan pajaknya. Kesimpulan dan saran yaitu kurangnya sosialisasi dari pemerintah kepada pemilik usaha rumah kos, maka sebaiknya pemerintah melakukan sosialisasi kepada pemilik usaha rumah kos agar mereka paham tentang dasar dan pengenaan pajak rumah kos

    Pengaruh faktor demografis dan makroekonomi terhadap non performing loan pada kredit perumahan (studi kasus pt bank x surabaya)

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    Surabaya as the Capital of East Java Province is the second largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta. The population in Surabaya until 2016 reached a total of 3,016,653 inhabitants, which increased 2.5% from 2015. Increasing population growth, causing need for shelter, offices, shopping malls, amusement parks and the need for the property sector as well increased. Through growth in the property sector, KPR (Home Ownership Credit) is one of the alternatives used by the society to have the desired house or property by repaying for a certain period of time and with a predetermined interest rate. Bank known as the pioneer and market leader of KPR is PT Bank X which has been established since 1987. The large number of housing loans owned by PT Bank X, make PT Bank X has a risk of non-performing loans (NPL). Although it was stable since the beginning of 2013, the NPL ratio of mortgages increased in 2016. In keeping the NPL ratio to always be below 5%, one of the efforts that can be done by the bank is analyze the selection of good prospective borrowers. In general, the valuation used by banks to gain confidence in crediting is called the 5C principle analysis which consists analysis of character, capital, capacity, collateral, and condition of economy. One of the main branch offices of PT Bank X which has a NPL ratio below the NPL ratio of PT Bank X Indonesia is a branch of Surabaya. Based on the statement above, the problem that can be formulated is that NPL in the Bank should be avoided, therefore the bank must have an effort to keep the NPL ratio below 5%. One effort that can be done is to consider the demographic factors of customers as well as macroeconomic factors. From the problem formulation, the purpose of this research are: (1) to describe the development of KPR at PT Bank X period of 2012 - 2016, (2) to examine the effect of customer demographic factor and macroeconomic factors partially and simultaneously to NPL at KPR PT Bank X, (3) analyze and strategize PT Bank X to control NPLs in the future. To answer the problems and research objectives, the research was conducted by using KPR case study approach in Bank X Branch Surabaya for ten years, from 2012 until 2016. The variables used were age, education level, marital status, gender, jobs, income, inflation and interest rates. The research method used description analysis and binary logistic regression analysis. The result of descriptive analysis shows that for 5 years from 2012 until 2016 PT Bank X Surabaya branch has 9,356 debtors. In 2012, the number of debtors using mortgages is as much as 2,161 debtors. This amount is the highest number for 5 years studied. After 2014, mortgage facility users continue to decline to the lowest number in 2016 as much as 1,567 debtors. Based on the results of the study, there is only one variable that has a positive effect on NPL which is education, especially customers who have education at the university level. This is in accordance with the results of previous research that when a person has a higher education, it will affect the jobs and also affect the customer’s income. Based on the results of binary logistic regression analysis also shows the results that independent variables affect the dependent variable simultaneously because it has a sig value. of 0.302> 0.05

    Pengaruh faktor demografis dan makroekonomi terhadap non performing loan pada kredit perumahan (studi kasus pt bank x surabaya)

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    Surabaya as the Capital of East Java Province is the second largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta. The population in Surabaya until 2016 reached a total of 3,016,653 inhabitants, which increased 2.5% from 2015. Increasing population growth, causing need for shelter, offices, shopping malls, amusement parks and the need for the property sector as well increased. Through growth in the property sector, KPR (Home Ownership Credit) is one of the alternatives used by the society to have the desired house or property by repaying for a certain period of time and with a predetermined interest rate. Bank known as the pioneer and market leader of KPR is PT Bank X which has been established since 1987. The large number of housing loans owned by PT Bank X, make PT Bank X has a risk of non-performing loans (NPL). Although it was stable since the beginning of 2013, the NPL ratio of mortgages increased in 2016. In keeping the NPL ratio to always be below 5%, one of the efforts that can be done by the bank is analyze the selection of good prospective borrowers. In general, the valuation used by banks to gain confidence in crediting is called the 5C principle analysis which consists analysis of character, capital, capacity, collateral, and condition of economy. One of the main branch offices of PT Bank X which has a NPL ratio below the NPL ratio of PT Bank X Indonesia is a branch of Surabaya. Based on the statement above, the problem that can be formulated is that NPL in the Bank should be avoided, therefore the bank must have an effort to keep the NPL ratio below 5%. One effort that can be done is to consider the demographic factors of customers as well as macroeconomic factors. From the problem formulation, the purpose of this research are: (1) to describe the development of KPR at PT Bank X period of 2012 - 2016, (2) to examine the effect of customer demographic factor and macroeconomic factors partially and simultaneously to NPL at KPR PT Bank X, (3) analyze and strategize PT Bank X to control NPLs in the future. To answer the problems and research objectives, the research was conducted by using KPR case study approach in Bank X Branch Surabaya for ten years, from 2012 until 2016. The variables used were age, education level, marital status, gender, jobs, income, inflation and interest rates. The research method used description analysis and binary logistic regression analysis. The result of descriptive analysis shows that for 5 years from 2012 until 2016 PT Bank X Surabaya branch has 9,356 debtors. In 2012, the number of debtors using mortgages is as much as 2,161 debtors. This amount is the highest number for 5 years studied. After 2014, mortgage facility users continue to decline to the lowest number in 2016 as much as 1,567 debtors. Based on the results of the study, there is only one variable that has a positive effect on NPL which is education, especially customers who have education at the university level. This is in accordance with the results of previous research that when a person has a higher education, it will affect the jobs and also affect the customer’s income. Based on the results of binary logistic regression analysis also shows the results that independent variables affect the dependent variable simultaneously because it has a sig value. of 0.302> 0.05