137 research outputs found

    Theory and implementation of H\mathcal{H}-matrix based iterative and direct solvers for Helmholtz and elastodynamic oscillatory kernels

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    In this work, we study the accuracy and efficiency of hierarchical matrix (H\mathcal{H}-matrix) based fast methods for solving dense linear systems arising from the discretization of the 3D elastodynamic Green's tensors. It is well known in the literature that standard H\mathcal{H}-matrix based methods, although very efficient tools for asymptotically smooth kernels, are not optimal for oscillatory kernels. H2\mathcal{H}^2-matrix and directional approaches have been proposed to overcome this problem. However the implementation of such methods is much more involved than the standard H\mathcal{H}-matrix representation. The central questions we address are twofold. (i) What is the frequency-range in which the H\mathcal{H}-matrix format is an efficient representation for 3D elastodynamic problems? (ii) What can be expected of such an approach to model problems in mechanical engineering? We show that even though the method is not optimal (in the sense that more involved representations can lead to faster algorithms) an efficient solver can be easily developed. The capabilities of the method are illustrated on numerical examples using the Boundary Element Method

    Fast iterative boundary element methods for high-frequency scattering problems in 3D elastodynamics

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    International audienceThe fast multipole method is an efficient technique to accelerate the solution of large scale 3D scattering problems with boundary integral equations. However, the fast multipole accelerated boundary element method (FM-BEM) is intrinsically based on an iterative solver. It has been shown that the number of iterations can significantly hinder the overall efficiency of the FM-BEM. The derivation of robust preconditioners for FM-BEM is now inevitable to increase the size of the problems that can be considered. The main constraint in the context of the FM-BEM is that the complete system is not assembled to reduce computational times and memory requirements. Analytic preconditioners offer a very interesting strategy by improving the spectral properties of the boundary integral equations ahead from the discretization. The main contribution of this paper is to combine an approximate adjoint Dirichlet to Neumann (DtN) map as an analytic preconditioner with a FM-BEM solver to treat Dirichlet exterior scattering problems in 3D elasticity. The approximations of the adjoint DtN map are derived using tools proposed in [40]. The resulting boundary integral equations are preconditioned Combined Field Integral Equations (CFIEs). We provide various numerical illustrations of the efficiency of the method for different smooth and non smooth geometries. In particular, the number of iterations is shown to be completely independent of the number of degrees of freedom and of the frequency for convex obstacles

    A Fast Multipole Method formulation for 3D elastodynamics in the frequency domain

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    The solution of the elastodynamic equations using boundary element methods (BEMs) gives rise to fully-populated matrix equations. Earlier investigations on the Helmholtz and Maxwell equations have established that the Fast Multipole (FM) method reduces the complexity of a BEM solution to N \mbox{log}_{2}N per GMRES teration. The present Note address the extension of the FM-BEM strategy to 3D elastodynamics in the frequency domain. Its efficiency and accuracy are demonstrated on numerical examples involving up to N=O(106)N=O(10^{6}) nodal unknowns

    Les corps, nouvelles identités dépouillées dans le cinéma social contemporain d’Europe du Nord

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    Avec ces jeunes cinéastes que sont Andrea Arnold (Grande-Bretagne), Michael Noer (Danemark), et Félix Van Groeningen (Belgique), le genre du cinéma social européen expérimente une profonde transformation de ses composants et de ses enjeux. Les personnages de ce cinéma sont issus de la classe ouvrière mais n’appartiennent pas au monde du travail ouvrier. Si le travail et la reconnaissance sociale ne constituent plus la problématique de ce cinéma, et si les injustices ou les difficultés rencontrées ne mènent plus à une lutte, ne meuvent plus les personnages dans un rassemblement, quelle est la valeur et de quelle nature est l’engagement social et politique de ce cinéma ? Délaissant la parole ouvrière, ce nouveau cinéma social contemporain affirme avec virulence le primat du corps humain dans la construction identitaire et politique de l’Homme. L’exubérance du corps se dresse contre les tentatives de supprimer sa particularité, de canaliser sa matière, d’amoindrir ses effets et affects, de cacher son expression, de renier, tenter d’oublier son origine animale et primordiale. En exposant ainsi nos manifestations charnelles et organiques, les cinéastes repositionnent le corps comme élément central et principe fondateur dans l’approche de l’être humain. Ce nouveau cinéma social contemporain pense la construction de soi par la perméabilité du corps à son environnement, par le rapport de la sensation à l’émotion. Indépendamment de toute validation de la société, c’est désormais en lui que l’individu puise sa dignité : celle d’un soi qui s’éprouve, celle de l’homme et de sa corporalité retrouvée

    FaIMS: A fast algorithm for the inverse medium problem with multiple frequencies and multiple sources for the scalar Helmholtz equation

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    International audienceWe propose an algorithm to compute an approximate singular value decomposition of least squares operators related to linearized inverse medium problems with multiple events. Such factorizations can be used to accelerate matrix-vector multiplications and to precondition iterative solvers. We describe the algorithm in the context of an inverse scattering problem for the low-frequency time-harmonic wave eqation with broadband and multi-point illumination. This model finds many applications in science and engineering (e.g., seismic imaging, non-destructive evaluation, and optical tomography)

    A new Fast Multipole formulation for the elastodynamic half-space Green's tensor

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    International audienceIn this article, a version of the frequency-domain elastodynamic Fast Multipole-Boundary Element Method (FM-BEM) for semi-infinite media, based on the half-space Green's tensor (and hence avoiding any discretization of the planar traction-free surface), is presented. The half-space Green's tensor is often used (in non-multipole form until now) for computing elastic wave propagation in the context of soil-structure interaction, with applications to seismology or civil engineering. However, unlike the full-space Green's tensor, the elastodynamic half-space Green's tensor cannot be expressed using derivatives of the Helmholtz fundamental solution. As a result, multipole expansions of that tensor cannot be obtained directly from known expansions, and are instead derived here by means of a partial Fourier transform with respect to the spatial coordinates parallel to the free surface. The obtained formulation critically requires an efficient quadrature for the Fourier integral, whose integrand is both singular and oscillatory. Under these conditions, classical Gaussian quadratures would perform poorly, fail or require a large number of points. Instead, a version custom-tailored for the present needs of a methodology proposed by Rokhlin and coauthors, which generates generalized Gaussian quadrature rules for specific types of integrals, has been implemented. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed formulation is demonstrated through numerical experiments on single-layer elastodynamic potentials involving up to about N=6105N=6 10^5 degrees of freedom. In particular, a complexity significantly lower than that of the non-multipole version is shown to be achieved

    Recent advances on the fast multipole accelerated boundary element method for 3D time-harmonic elastodynamics

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    International audienceThis article is mainly devoted to a review on fast BEMs for elastodynamics, with particular attention on time-harmonic fast multipole methods (FMMs). It also includes original results that complete a very recent study on the FMM for elastodynamic problems in semi-infinite media. The main concepts underlying fast elastodynamic BEMs and the kernel-dependent elastodynamic FM-BEM based on the diagonal-form kernel decomposition are reviewed. An elastodynamic FM-BEM based on the half-space Green's tensor suitable for semi-infinite media, and in particular on the fast evaluation of the corresponding governing double-layer integral operator involved in the BIE formulation of wave scattering by underground cavities, is then presented. Results on numerical tests for the multipole evaluation of the half-space traction Green's tensor and the FMM treatment of a sample 3D problem involving wave scattering by an underground cavity demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed approach. The article concludes with a discussion of several topics open to further investigation, with relevant published work surveyed in the process

    Application of the multi-level time-harmonic fast multipole BEM to 3-D visco-elastodynamics

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    Engineering Analysis with Boundary elements (accepted, to appear)International audienceThis article extends previous work by the authors on the single- and multi-domain time-harmonic elastodynamic multi-level fast multipole BEM formulations to the case of weakly dissipative viscoelastic media. The underlying boundary integral equation and fast multipole formulations are formally identical to that of elastodynamics, except that the wavenumbers are complex-valued due to attenuation. Attention is focused on evaluating the multipole decomposition of the viscoelastodynamic fundamental solution. A damping-dependent modification of the selection rule for the multipole truncation parameter, required by the presence of complex wavenumbers, is proposed. It is empirically adjusted so as to maintain a constant accuracy over the damping range of interest in the approximation of the fundamental solution, and validated on numerical tests focusing on the evaluation of the latter. The proposed modification is then assessed on 3D single-region and multi-region visco-elastodynamic examples for which exact solutions are known. Finally, the multi-region formulation is applied to the problem of a wave propagating in a semi-infinite medium with a lossy semi-spherical inclusion (seismic wave in alluvial basin). These examples involve problem sizes of up to about 3 1053\,10^{5} boundary unknowns

    On the efficiency of nested GMRES preconditioners for 3D acoustic and elastodynamic H-matrix accelerated Boundary Element Methods

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    International audienceThis article is concerned with the derivation of fast Boundary Element Methods for 3D acoustic and elastodynamic problems. In particular, we are interested in the acceleration of Hierarchical matrix (-matrix) based iterative solvers. While H-matrix representations allow to reduce the storage requirements and the cost of a matrix–vector product, the number of iterations for an iterative solver, as the frequency or the problem size increases, remains an issue.We consider an inner–outer preconditioning strategy, i.e., the preconditioner is applied through an iterative solver at the inner level. The preconditioner is defined as a H-matrix representation of the system matrix with a given accuracy. We investigate the influence of various parameters of the preconditioner, i.e., the H-matrix accuracy, the GMRES threshold and the maximum number of iterations of the inner solver. Different numerical results are presented to compare the efficiency of the preconditioner with respect to the unpreconditioned reference system. Finally, we propose a way to define the optimal setting for this preconditioner
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