22 research outputs found

    Le Gâvre – Alignement du Pilier

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    Le site dit alignement du Pilier (également Breuil de la Herse et allée du Pilier) s’étale dans le nord de la forêt domaniale du Gâvre (ancienne tenue 39), sur la commune du même nom. Il est constitué, au dernier décompte, d’une file de 85 blocs de quartz et quartzite orientée nord-ouest – sud-est, sur près d’1 km, de chaque côté de l’allée forestière du Breuil de la Herse jusqu’à toucher l’allée du Pilier, au sud du carrefour du Pilier ; 9 blocs supplémentaires sont détachés de cet alignemen..

    Neolithic flat-based pots from the Carnac Mounds in the light of Cycladic ‘frying pans’

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    A rare type of pottery, found in four single graves under earthen mounds in the Carnac region of Brittany, consists of a circular, flat-based vessel with a near-vertical wall. On the basis of the equipment known from elsewhere in the world, it is possible that the morphology of these dishes is related to processes involved in the production of salt. To help us in exploring their function, we chose to compare these vessels with another enigmatic class of pottery from the Cyclades – the socalled ‘frying pans’ – which seems to have functioned in a similar way, as an object-sign, and has been found in a maritime milieu and in high-status contexts.V zemljeni gomili v regiji Carnac v Bretaniji smo v štirih posameznih grobovih odkrili nov tip posode, za katero je značilna krožna oblika z ravnim dnom in skoraj navpično steno. Na podlagi predmetov, ki jih poznamo drugje po svetu, sklepamo, da je oblika teh skled povezana s pridobivanjem soli. O njihovi uporabi sklepamo s pomočjo primerjav s t.i. ‘ponvami’ s Kikladskega otočja, za katere se zdi, da so jih uporabljali v podobne namene, tudi kot predmet-znak in se pojavljajo v obmorskih okoljih ter v kontekstih, povezanih z višjim družbenim slojem

    Langon (Ille-et-Vilaine). Chapelle Sainte-Agathe

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    Chuniaud Kristell, Chaigneau Cyrille. Langon (Ille-et-Vilaine). Chapelle Sainte-Agathe. In: Archéologie médiévale, tome 25, 1995. p. 246

    Langon (Ille-et-Vilaine). Chapelle Sainte-Agathe

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    Chuniaud Kristell, Chaigneau Cyrille. Langon (Ille-et-Vilaine). Chapelle Sainte-Agathe. In: Archéologie médiévale, tome 25, 1995. p. 246

    Rock art experiment in Gravinis : presentation, methods and results

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    International audienc

    Standing stones of Le Gavre forest (Loire-Atlantique, France): nature and origin of materials, preliminary dating results (C14, OSL)

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    National audienceStone rows are a major component of the study of late Prehistoric megaliths. The western phenomenon which lasted for about three millennia is no yet well defined due to the lack of sufficient studies on this architectural object. In western France, the rows of menhirs in quartzitic rock constitute a not well known but overall original subset. Assessing their chronology is therefore a priority. In this context, the unpublished megalith site of the Pilier in the northern area of the forest of Le Gavre (north of Nantes, France) was selected. Three limited excavations allowed recording the archaeological layers in contact with three monoliths. As an experimental test, a direct OSL dating was considered, but the grains of quartz coming from two blocks and from a shim stone, were very dim making them unsuitable for dating purposes. An alternative was nevertheless offered by dating the sediments filling the pit of the monolith N15. The OSL date range: [12040-1680] BC (1 sigma) places the digging of the pit and therefore the erection of the side in the early Bronze Age. This chronological interval is in agreement with the C-14 date obtained from a charcoal from the pit foundation of a second stone N6A [1752-1628] BC (2 sigma)