37 research outputs found

    Effects of intraorbital injection of 6.0% carboxymethylcellulose in rabbits: histological and ocular mechanics evaluation

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar se a carboximetilcelulose 6,0% é capaz de atuar como modificadora do sistema oculomotor de coelhos por meio de forças de ação viscoelástica, a durabilidade de seu eventual efeito e reações teciduais à aplicação. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 25 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia, divididos em dois grupos experimentais: um tratado com injeção peribulbar de carboximetilcelulose (CMC) 6,0% e um controle que foi submetido à injeção peribulbar de 3,0 cc de soro fisiológico. No grupo tratado com CMC, variou-se o volume total injetado, obtendo-se, assim, quatro subgrupos (1,0, 1,5, 2,0 e 3,0 cc). Foram realizadas medidas da força necessária para promover movimentos tangenciais de adução, avaliação clínica e medidas da pressão intraocular antes, imediatamente após a injeção da substância e no 7º, 30º e 60º dia pós-operatório. A eutanásia dos animais foi realizada no 60º dia pós-operatório para análise histológica dos tecidos perioculares. RESULTADOS: A força média encontrada, 60 dias após a injeção da CMC 6,0%, foi menor no subgrupo tratado 1,0 e maior nos subgrupos tratados 1,5, 2,0 e 3,0 relativamente à força antes da injeção. Nos subgrupos em que houve aumento da força, a análise histológica revelou processo inflamatório do tipo histiocitário com formação de fibrose e a presença da CMC nos tecidos perioculares. CONCLUSÕES: A carboximetilcelulose 6,0% atuou como modificadora do sistema oculomotor de coelhos, podendo facilitar ou dificultar movimentos. Não foi possível concluir se o aumento da força deveu-se apenas ao processo inflamatório ou à soma de inflamação com um possível atrito viscoso provocado pela CMC.PURPOSE: To determine the effects of 6.0% carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) in modifying the oculomotor system of rabbits by means of viscoelastic action forces, the durability of this effect and possible inflamatory reaction. METHODS: Twenty-five New Zealand rabbits were divided into two experimental groups: one treated with a peribulbar injection of 6.0% CMC and a control group submitted to peribulbar injection of 3.0 cc of physiological saline. The group submitted to peribulbar CMC injection was divided into four subgroups respectively receiving the following volumes: 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 cc. The force needed to promote tangential adduction dislocations, external ophthalmologic signs and intraocular pressure were evaluated. The animals were sacrificed on the 60th day after the injection for histological analysis. RESULTS: The mean force detected 60 days after the injection of 6.0% CMC was lower in the 1.0 treated subgroup and higher in the 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 treated subgroups relative to the force before injection. Histological analysis revealed histiocytic infiltration with fibrosis in the subgroups in which there was an increase in force and the presence of CMC in periocular tissues. CONCLUSIONS: 6.0% CMC acted as a modifier of the oculomotor system of rabbits, facilitating or impairing movements. It was not possible to conclude whether the increase in force occurred as a consequence of the inflammatory process alone or of the sum of inflammation and a possible viscous attrition provoked by CMC

    Patologia dos anexos oculares

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    Os principais temas da patologia dos anexos oculares foram revistos, com ênfase nas patologias que pertencem ao campo de atuação da oculoplástica.The main topics of the adnexal ocular pathology were reviewed with emphasis in the pathologic conditions that belong to the oculoplastic field

    Orbital Hemangiopericytoma/Solitary Fibrous Tumor in Childhood

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    A 12-year-old girl had a 6-year history of a large soft-tissue mass in her left orbit. The tumor biopsy was previously performed elsewhere when she was 7 years old, but no treatment was offered at that time. Later, the tumor was completely excised, and histologic examination revealed a mesenchymal neoplasia with typical hemangiopericytoma features. At 9 months of follow up, no evidence of local recurrence or metastasis was seen

    The role of the placenta in the vertical transmission of HIV-1

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    A transmissão vertical (TV) consiste na principal forma de infecção pelo HIV-1 em menores de 13 anos e estimativas apontam que em 25% dos casos a transmissão tenha ocorrido intraútero. Nessas circunstâncias, o vírus de alguma forma ultrapassa a membrana placentária e chega ao sangue fetal. Esta revisão tem como objetivo realizar uma breve descrição sobre os mecanismos presentes na placenta humana que são capazes de gerar susceptibilidade ou proteção à TV do HIV-1. As células placentárias produzem um enorme grupo de citocinas, quimiocinas, hormônios e receptores que podem contribuir com o desfecho da transmissão do vírus ao concepto. Além disso, a capacidade do vírus de infectar as células placentárias também pode contribuir com a sua transmissão. Entretanto, o mecanismo pelo qual o vírus é capaz de sobrepujar a membrana placentária e as consequências dessa infecção no tecido placentário não estão totalmente elucidados. Dessa forma, novas pesquisas nessa área poderão contribuir com o desenvolvimento de estratégias profiláticas eficazes para redução da TV do HIV-1Vertical transmission (VT) is the main form of infection by HIV-1 in children under 13 years and estimates show that in 25% of cases intrauterine transmission has occurred. Under these circumstances, the virus somehow overcomes the placental membrane and reaches the fetal blood. This review aims to conduct a brief description of the mechanisms present in human placenta that are capable of generating susceptibility or resistance to VT of HIV-1. Placental cells produces a huge group of cytokines, chemokines, hormones and receptors that may contribute to the outcome of virus transmission to the fetus. Moreover, the ability of the virus to infect placental cells can also contribute to its transmission. However, the mechanism by which the virus is able to overcome the placental tissue is not fully elucidated. Thus, further research in this area may contribute to the development of effective preventive strategies to reduce the VT of HIV-

    Ratio of stemness to interferon signalling as a biomarker and therapeutic target of myeloproliferative neoplasm progression to acute myeloid leukaemia

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    Progression to aggressive secondary acute myeloid leukaemia (sAML) poses a significant challenge in the management of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs). Since the physiopathology of MPN is closely linked to the activation of interferon (IFN) signalling and that AML initiation and aggressiveness is driven by leukaemia stem cells (LSCs), we investigated these pathways in MPN to sAML progression. We found that high IFN signalling correlated with low LSC signalling in MPN and AML samples, while MPN progression and AML transformation were characterized by decreased IFN signalling and increased LSC signature. A high LSC to IFN expression ratio in MPN patients was associated with adverse clinical prognosis and higher colony forming potential. Moreover, treatment with hypomethylating agents (HMAs) activates the IFN signalling pathway in MPN cells by inducing a viral mimicry response. This response is characterized by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) formation and MDA5/RIG-I activation. The HMA-induced IFN response leads to a reduction in LSC signature, resulting in decreased stemness. These findings reveal the frequent evasion of viral mimicry during MPN-to-sAML progression, establish the LSC-to-IFN expression ratio as a progression biomarker, and suggests that HMAs treatment can lead to haematological response in murine models by re-activating dsRNA-associated IFN signalling


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    This study presents an open-pile foundation project carried out in Ribeirão Preto - SP in order to analyze the impacts that the new guidelines of NR 18, updated in 2020, brought in relation to the cost of execution of this type of foundation. The standard was updated in order to provide more safety to workers in the process of excavation of casings, significantly changing the cost of execution, and may bring about a change in the scenario of foundation works in Brazil. The open-pile foundations were extremely used because of their cost-benefit ratio, however, after the changes, their use may become unfeasible for constructions that could adopt other types of more economical foundations.O presente estudo apresenta um projeto por tubulões a céu aberto realizado em Ribeirão Preto – SP de forma a analisar os impactos que as novas diretrizes da NR 18, atualizada em 2020, trouxe em relação ao custo de execução desse tipo de fundação. A norma foi atualizada com o objetivo de proporcionar mais segurança aos trabalhadores no processo de escavação de tubulões, alterando significamente o custo de execução, podendo acarretar uma mudança no cenário das obras de fundações no Brasil. Os tubulões a céu aberto eram extremamente utilizados por sua relação de custo e benefício, no entanto, após as mudanças, o seu uso pode se tornar inviável para obras que podem adotar outros tipos de fundações mais econômicas