7 research outputs found

    Road mortality of the algerian hedgehog (Atelerix algirus) in the Soummam valley (Algeria)

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    There are several reasons for mortality in a population of wild animals, but the most important in small animals is the mortality due to the road traffic. Because of the dense road network the hedgehog is in Western Europe one of the species most affected by road kills. In North-African countries and particularly in Algeria, both the road network and the number of cars have considerably increased in the last decades. Thus, the number of Algerian Hedgehogs (Atelerix algirus) victims of the traffic is high and regular. Along a road of ca 100 km with high traffic volume, localized in the Soummam valley (from Béjaia to Bouira), we recorded during 5 years (from 2002 to 2006) the number, places and dates of hedgehogs found killed. The road was surveyed from a car, three times a week, and the overall number of hedgehogs found killed was 459. The distribution of animals respective to their location showed a very high density in suburban areas with their diverse environmental structures such as forests, agricultural areas, hedges, and the woodlands around the wadi El Soummam tributaries. In the course of the year, the hedgehog road kills were maximal in spring and summer (42.92 and 34.64 % respectively), decreasing in autumn and reaching a minimum in winter (5.66 %). It was possible to determine the age and sex of 404 animals. Every year males were observed first in spring from March onwards. During this period more males than females were found dead (45.30 % and 31.19 % respectively). The strong locomotor activity of males in spring (maximum in May) and summer coincides with the period of reproduction. Additionally, their home range is larger than that of females. Juveniles were found mostly at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn (23.51 %). This period corresponds to dispersion and foraging for winter. At the end of autumn, the activity started to decrease and was further reduced in winter in order to save energy during the adverse times of the year. In this period it is likely that the animals reduce their metabolism and hibernate. These road kill data in Algerian hedgehogs reflect precisely the seasonal variations of locomotor activity, and physiological variations such as reproduction (in spring and summer) and hibernation (autumn, winter)Les causes de mortalité des populations d'animaux sauvages sont variées mais une des plus importantes chez les espèces de taille moyenne est due à la circulation routière. En Europe de l'Ouest, en relation avec l'existence d'un réseau routier dense, le Hérisson est une des espèces communes les plus touchées par le trafic routier. Dans les pays d'Afrique du Nord, et en particulier en Algérie, le parc automobile et les réseaux routiers se sont développés considérablement ces dernières décennies. Le Hérisson d'Algérie (Atelerix algirus) est une des principales espèces victimes du trafic routier dans la vallée de la Soummam (entre Béjaia et Bouira). Le long de cet axe routier d'environ 100 km à très fort trafic, nous avons pu relever pendant 5 ans (de 2002 à 2006) le nombre de hérissons trouvés morts. Les relevés effectués régulièrement, chaque semaine, ont permis de dénombrer 459 animaux écrasés. La répartition des animaux par localité a montré que le Hérisson est très fréquent à la périphérie des agglomérations présentant des milieux diversifiés: zones forestières, parcelles cultivées, haies, bocages bordés par les affluents de l'Oued El Soummam. Au cours de l'année, chez le Hérisson, la mortalité routière est maximale au printemps et en été (42,92 et 34,64 % respectivement), décroît en automne et est minimale en hiver (5,66 %). Chez 404 animaux, il a été possible de déterminer le sexe et l'âge. Ainsi, nous avons pu préciser que les mâles sont observés régulièrement les premiers, au printemps à partir de mars et que, pendant cette période, plus de mâles que de femelles sont trouvés morts (45,30 % et 31,19 % respectivement). Chez les mâles, cette forte activité locomotrice printanière (maximum en mai) et estivale est à relier à la période de reproduction et au fait que leur domaine vital est plus grand que celui des femelles. Les jeunes sont surtout trouvés en fin d'été et en début d'automne (23,51 %), période qui correspond à la dispersion et à la recherche de nourriture avant l'hiver. L'activité moindre en fin d'automne, puis réduite en hiver, est à relier aux conditions défavorables du milieu et à des stratégies de conservation d'énergie incluant des épisodes de vie ralentie. Ces résultats montrent des variations saisonnières nettes de l'activité locomotrice du Hérisson d'Algérie et reflètent des variations physiologiques précises comme la reproduction (au printemps et en été) et des épisodes de torpeur (en automne et en hiver)

    Road mortality of the Algerian Hedgehog (Atelerix algirus) in the Soummam valley (Algeria)

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    Summary. — There are several reasons for mortality in a population of wild animals, but the most important in small animals is the mortality due to the road traffic. Because of the dense road network the hedgehog is in Western Europe one of the species most affected by road kills. In North-African countries and particularly in Algeria, both the road network and the number of cars have considerably increased in the last decades. Thus, the number of Algerian Hedgehogs (Atelerix algirus) victims of the traffic is high and regular. Along a road of ca 100 km with high traffic volume, localized in the Soummam valley (from Béjaia to Bouira), we recorded during 5 years (from 2002 to 2006) the number, places and dates of hedgehogs found killed. The road was surveyed from a car, three times a week, and the overall number of hedgehogs found killed was 459. The distribution of animals respective to their location showed a very high density in suburban areas with their diverse environmental structures such as forests, agricultural areas, hedges, and the woodlands around the wadi El Soummam tributaries. In the course of the year, the hedgehog road kills were maximal in spring and summer (42.92 and 34.64 % respectively), decreasing in autumn and reaching a minimum in winter (5.66 %). It was possible to determine the age and sex of 404 animals. Every year males were observed first in spring from March onwards. During this period more males than females were found dead (45.30 % and 31.19 % respectively). The strong locomotor activity of males in spring (maximum in May) and summer coincides with the period of reproduction. Additionally, their home range is larger than that of females. Juveniles were found mostly at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn (23.51 %). This period corresponds to dispersion and foraging for winter. At the end of autumn, the activity started to decrease and was further reduced in winter in order to save energy during the adverse times of the year. In this period it is likely that the animals reduce their metabolism and hibernate. These road kill data in Algerian hedgehogs reflect precisely the seasonal variations of locomotor activity, and physiological variations such as reproduction (in spring and summer) and hibernation (autumn, winter).Résumé. — Le Hérisson d’Algérie (Atelerix algirus) dans la vallée de la Soummam (Algérie) : étude de la mortalité due au trafic routier. — Les causes de mortalité des populations d’animaux sauvages sont variées mais une des plus importantes chez les espèces de taille moyenne est due à la circulation routière. En Europe de l’Ouest, en relation avec l’existence d’un réseau routier dense, le Hérisson est une des espèces communes les plus touchées par le trafic routier. Dans les pays d’Afrique du Nord, et en particulier en Algérie, le parc automobile et les réseaux routiers se sont développés considérablement ces dernières décennies. Le Hérisson d’Algérie (Atelerix algirus) est une des principales espèces victimes du trafic routier dans la vallée de la Soummam (entre Béjaia et Bouira). Le long de cet axe routier d’environ 100 km à très fort trafic, nous avons pu relever pendant 5 ans (de 2002 à 2006) le nombre de hérissons trouvés morts. Les relevés effectués régulièrement, chaque semaine, ont permis de dénombrer 459 animaux écrasés. La répartition des animaux par localité a montré que le Hérisson est très fréquent à la périphérie des agglomérations présentant des milieux diversifiés : zones forestières, parcelles cultivées, haies, bocages bordés par les affluents de l’Oued El Soummam. Au cours de l’année, chez le Hérisson, la mortalité routière est maximale au printemps et en été (42,92 et 34,64 % respectivement), décroît en automne et est minimale en hiver (5,66 %). Chez 404 animaux, il a été possible de déterminer le sexe et l’âge. Ainsi, nous avons pu préciser que les mâles sont observés régulièrement les premiers, au printemps à partir de mars et que, pendant cette période, plus de mâles que de femelles sont trouvés morts (45,30 % et 31,19 % respectivement). Chez les mâles, cette forte activité locomotrice printanière (maximum en mai) et estivale est à relier à la période de reproduction et au fait que leur domaine vital est plus grand que celui des femelles. Les jeunes sont surtout trouvés en fin d’été et en début d’automne (23,51 %), période qui correspond à la dispersion et à la recherche de nourriture avant l’hiver. L’activité moindre en fin d’automne, puis réduite en hiver, est à relier aux conditions défavorables du milieu et à des stratégies de conservation d’énergie incluant des épisodes de vie ralentie. Ces résultats montrent des variations saisonnières nettes de l’activité locomotrice du Hérisson d’Algérie et reflètent des variations physiologiques précises comme la reproduction (au printemps et en été) et des épisodes de torpeur (en automne et en hiver).Mouhoub Sayah Chafika, Robin Jean-Patrice, Pévet Paul, Monecke Stefanie, Doumandji Salaheddine, Saboureau Michel. Road mortality of the Algerian Hedgehog (Atelerix algirus) in the Soummam valley (Algeria). In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 64, n°2, 2009. pp. 145-156

    Seasonal variations in the diet and food selection of the Algerian hedgehog <i>Atelerix algirus</i>

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    <p>The Algerian hedgehog <i>Atelerix algirus</i> is an insectivorous species. However, the exact composition of its natural diet remains largely undetermined, especially in relation to seasonal variations in food availability. From March to November, we simultaneously analysed the composition of 180 hedgehog faecal samples and food availability in the Soumman Valley, Algeria to assess food selection in this species. The faeces contained 196 different prey species, of which 92% belonged to the class Insecta. The highest prey species diversity was found in the Coleoptera order (100 species recorded) and the highest species occurrence was found in Hymenoptera (65% of the prey items, mainly represented by the harvester ant <i>Messor barbarus</i>, a crop-ravaging species). This study shows that the Algerian hedgehog is mainly a generalist species with a diet that is strongly linked to food availability. However, seasonal variations were observed in prey selection, and a notable shift in food preference was observed during autumn. The exact nature of these changes in feeding behaviour remains to be investigated, notably in relation to changes in energy requirements of this species before hibernation, in terms of quantity and/or quality.</p

    Acute toxicity of two pesticides (dursban, mancozeb) and their combined mixture on the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare (Oniscidea, Isopoda)

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    International audienceOur study focused on evaluating an acute toxicity test, where woodlice (Armadillidium vulgare) which is the most abandoned in our region , were exposed to pesticides (dursban and mancozeb) most used in Algeria.The concentrations of the pesticids tested are 720 mg/kg,360 mg/kg,90 mg/kg, 45 mg/kg for dursban; 800 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg,100 mg/kg for mancozeb and 720/800 mg/kg, 360/400 mg/kg,90/200 mg/kg, 45/100 mg/kg for the mixture of dursban and mancozeb.Our results show that dursban was highly toxic (69% mortality after 28 days of the test) compared to mancozeb (19.5% mortality). On the other hand, in the case of the mixture (dursban ± mancozeb), the toxicity was lower (63% mortality) compared to the dursban tested alone. Contamination of woodlice with dursban and a mixture of dursban and mancozeb revealed morphological effects such as alteration of the marsupial cavity and expulsion of eggs from the outside of this cavity. Dursban and the mixture of dursban and mancozeb are toxic to Armadillidium vulgare, but mancozeb alone is not toxic. Dursban should be banned because it is bad for soil fauna and therefore probably for biodiversity in general and even human health

    Seasonal variations in the diet and food selection of the Algerian hedgehog Atelerix algirus

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    International audienceThe Algerian hedgehog Atelerix algirus is an insectivorous species. However, the exact composition of its naturaldiet remains largely undetermined, especially in relation to seasonal variations in food availability. From Marchto November, we simultaneously analysed the composition of 180 hedgehog faecal samples and food availabilityin the Soumman Valley, Algeria to assess food selection in this species. The faeces contained 196 differentprey species, of which 92% belonged to the class Insecta. The highest prey species diversity was found in theColeoptera order (100 species recorded) and the highest species occurrence was found in Hymenoptera (65% of theprey items, mainly represented by the harvester ant Messor barbarus, a crop-ravaging species). This study showsthat the Algerian hedgehog is mainly a generalist species with a diet that is strongly linked to food availability.However, seasonal variations were observed in prey selection, and a notable shift in food preference was observedduring autumn. The exact nature of these changes in feeding behaviour remains to be investigated, notably inrelation to changes in energy requirements of this species before hibernation, in terms of quantity and/or quality