19 research outputs found

    Metodai sporto komandoms reitinguoti

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    The paper describes various methods that can be applied to the ranking of sports teams. Using the real data of theNational Basketball Association (NBA) from the first half of the 2014–2015 season (from 2014-10-28 to 2015-02-12), teams areranked using different ranking methods. All methods are compared with each other.Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjami įvairūs metodai, kurie gali būti pritaikyti sporto komandoms reitinguoti. Naudojant realius Nacionalinės Krepšinio Asociacijos (NBA) 2014–2015 metų pirmos sezono pusės (nuo 2014-10-28 iki 2015-02-12) duomenis ir taikant skirtingus metodus, reitinguojamos rytų konferencijos komandos. Reitingavimo metodai palyginti tarpusavyje

    Estimation of confidence intervals for quantiles in a finite population

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    Confidence intervals provide a way of reporting an estimate of a population quantile along with some information about the precision of estimates. Some procedures that may be used to obtain estimates of confidence intervals for quantiles in a finite population (most of which are based on resampling) are compared in the paper. A simulation study, based on two different artificial populations, is performed and comparisons of the estimation methods proposed for confidence intervals of population quantiles are made. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Estimation of the current population total for a four-phase sampling design

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    The combined ratio-type estimators of the finite population total and their variances in the case of sample rotation for two-phase and four-phase sampling schemes are constructed in the paper. Combined estimators of the finite population total without and with the use of auxiliary information known from the previous survey are built. Two types of sampling design are used for sample selection in each of the phases: simple random sampling without replacement and successive sampling without replacement with probabilities proportional to size. A simulation study, based on the real data, is performed, and the accuracy of the estimators proposed is compared

    Dirbančių gyventojų skaičiaus vertinimas esant imties rotacijai

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    The aim of the paper – to investigate effectiveness of the ratio estimator in the labour force survey in the case of the simple random sampling with rotation. For each quarter of the year one fourth of the previousquarter sample is changed with the new one, and three fourth’s are remaining the same. After simplification of the sampling design the estimator using auxiliary information and its approximate variance is constructed. The accuracy of the estimator obtained is studied by modelling with the real data.Straipsnelio tikslas – ištirti santykinio įvertinio taikymo efektyvumą gyventojų užimtumo tyrime naudojant paprastosios atsitiktinės imties planą su rotacija. Kiekvieną metų ketvirtį ketvirtadalis praėjusio ketvirčio imties keičiamas nauju, o trys ketvirtadaliai sudaromi iš anksčiau tirtų imčių. Šiek tiek supaprastinus imties planą konstruojamas sumos įvertinys, kuriame naudojama ankstesnio tyrimo papildoma informacija, ir šio įvertinio apytikslės dispersijos išraiška. Modeliuojant su realiais duomenimis tiriamas siūlomo įvertinio tikslumas

    Matematikos mokymas nuotolinėse studijose

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    The article elaborated the concept of distance learning and consider distance learning techniques, which are currently used in mathematics education, through distance learning in Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU).Straipsnyje detalizuojama nuotolinio mokymosi samprata ir pristatomos priemonės, kurios šiuo metu yra naudojamos matematikos mokymui, vykdant nuotolines studijas Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitete (VGTU)

    A preference for corporate borrowing in alternative markets over borrowing from banks under the impact of monetary policies: a Lithuanian case

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    An analysis of the scientific literature has revealed that companies in advanced countries have mixed capital structures, whereas companies in less advanced countries mostly depend on bank credits and loans. The reason for dependence on bank funding lies in the fact that corporate bonds are profitable only to large companies with a high credit rating, while small and medium companies—as well as large companies with lower credit ratings—find bank loans to be a more attractive method of external financing. This article focuses on the impact of particular financial and economic determinants on corporate borrowing in Lithuania. With a view to providing not only theoretical, but also practical insight in the problems of corporate financing, we have included such financial determinants as interest rates and bond yield

    Matematikos mokymo skirtingose studijose palyginamoji analizė

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    The article elaborated the main differences between traditional studies and distance learning. An overview of teaching mathematics of each individual studies in VGTU and comparative analysis are performed.Straipsnyje detalizuojami tradicinių ir nuotolinių studijų skirtumai. Apžvelgiami matematikos mokymo ypatumai skirtingose studijose Vilniaus Gedimino techniko universitete (VGTU) ir atliekama skirtingų studijų studentų egzaminų įvertinimų palyginamoji analizė

    Identification of the shadow economy determinants for the Eurozone member states: application of the MIMIC model

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    This article is aimed at identification of the shadow economy’s causal factors and indicators in 19 Eurozone member states over the period from 2005 to 2016. Application of the MIMIC model has allowed to identify the following causal factors of the shadow economy in the Eurozone: employment rate, gender wage gap and income inequalities (expressed as the GINI index). All of these causal factors of the shadow economy in the Eurozone are attributable to the group of labour market determinants, which proposes that a reasonably arranged labour market mechanism can substantially diminish the probability of the shadow economy emergence. On the other hand, it has been found that the level of the shadow economy determines a positive/negative degree of the public trust in the EU authorities. The novelty of the research lies in the disclosure of the main causal factors of the shadow economy in the geographical area that covers different countries with a single currency. The findings of this research may contribute to the development of the shadow economy reduction strategies in 19 Eurozone member states

    Links between Corruption and Quality of Life in European Union

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    Studies looking at the links between corruption and quality of life have begun to take place recently, as until now the quality of life has not traditionally been associated with political decisions. Corruption may be defined as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain, which in one way or another affects the quality of life and satisfaction of others. The aim is to bridge the gap between the nexus of corruption and the quality of life in the EU. EU countries were divided into groups of countries according to the year of accession and cover the years 2004-2017 period. The EU has been selected as a geographical region with the aim of uneven economic development of the countries and the lack of research in the region. The aim of the article is to determine the interdependencies between corruption and quality of life indicators in EU countries. Multivariate regression models revealed that the prevalence of corruption among individual groups of six countries had the highest impact on mortality rates, unambiguously showing how well countries are managing their health care systems, population density, birth rate and population aging, GDP per capita, economic situation, life expectancy, serving as an indicator of quality of life and the number of people with primary education. The results of empirical research allow to form insights that in order to reduce corruption it is necessary to focus on the following spheres reflecting the quality of life: education, health care system and general economic situation of the country. The article used the following methods: comparative and systematic literature analysis, multiple regression analysis

    Sumos vertininimas naudojant papildomą informaciją rotuojamai imčiai

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    In this paper we focus on constructions of the total estimator for rotated sampling design. Successive sampling procedure using multi-phase sampling design have been developed. The composite ratio type estimator of the total using auxiliary  information and its approximate variance is constructed under simple random sampling design on each phase.Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas sumos vertinimas esant imties rotacijai. Sumos vertinimui pasiūlyta keliu fazių imties išrinkimo schema. Sukonstruotas sudėtinis santykinis sumos įvertinys naudojantis papildomą  informaciją, bei jo apytikslę dispersiją, kai kiekvienoje iš fazių renkama paprastoji atsitiktinė imtis