5,495 research outputs found

    Invasive Signal Crayfish in the UK: Survey Methods to Inform Evidence-based Management

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    With invasive crayfish becoming increasingly widespread, evidence-based management is crucial to protect freshwater ecosystems. Knowledge of the structure and function of invasive crayfish populations allows for an effective evaluation of management efforts. Recent methodological developments have enabled the first truly quantitative studies of UK invasive crayfish populations in the field. This was achieved by the ‘triple drawdown’ (TDD) survey approach. In this article, we explore current survey approaches and their limitations, and we introduce the TDD method with its implications for crayfish survey, policy development and management

    The ‘Pritchard Trap’: a novel quantitative survey method for crayfish

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    1. As crayfish invasions continue to threaten native freshwater biota, a detailed understanding of crayfish distribution and population structure becomes imperative. Nonetheless, most current survey methods provide inadequate demographic data. The quantitative ‘Triple Drawdown’ (TDD) dewatering method has highlighted the importance of such data, yet practical constraints prevent its large-scale application. 2. Here, we introduce the ‘Pritchard Trap’, a novel passive sampling method that reliably generates quantitative crayfish population data while requiring substantially lower sampling effort than TDDs. This quadrat-style sampler was extensively tested in headwater streams of North Yorkshire, England, along an invasion gradient for signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) from well-established sites to mixed populations of signal crayfish and native white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes). 3. The Pritchard Trap was trialled over several time intervals to determine the minimum required trap deployment time. TDDs at the same sites allowed for a robust evaluation of Pritchard Trap sampling accuracy in representing crayfish densities and population structure. 4. The Pritchard Trap successfully sampled both invasive and native crayfish (8–42 mm carapace length). A minimum passive deployment time of 4 days was required. At low crayfish densities (0.5 individuals m−2), increased trapping effort was necessary to achieve accurate population density and size class distribution estimates. The Pritchard Trap required substantially less sampling effort (working hours) and resources than the TDD, whilst also posing less risk to non-target species. 5. The Pritchard Trap, for the first time, affords logistically simple, truly quantitative investigations of crayfish population demographics for headwater systems. It could be integrated into crayfish research and management, for example to explore density-dependent ecological impacts of invasive crayfish and their management responses or to monitor populations and recruitment in native crayfish conservation initiatives

    Quantification of priming and CO2 emission sources following the application of different slurry particle size fractions to a grassland soil

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    The highest emissions of CO2 from soils and most pronounced priming effect (PE) from soils generally occur immediately after slurry application. However, the influence of different particle size slurry fractions on net soil C respiration dynamics and PE has not been studied. Therefore, a slurry separation technique based on particle sizes was used in the present study. Six distinct fractions (>2000, 425–2000, 250–425, 150–250, 45–150, 250 ÎŒm fractions. The overall contribution of slurry C to total CO2 emissions was higher in smaller slurry particle size treatments in the first days after application. The addition of the various slurry fractions to soil caused both significant positive and negative PEs on the soil organic matter mineralization. The timing and type (positive or negative) of PE depended on the slurry particle size. Clearly, farm based separation pre-treatment leading to two or more fractions with different particle sizes has also the potential to reduce or modify short-term CO2 emissions immediately after slurry application to soil

    Who the hell was that? Stories, bodies and actions in the world

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    This article explores a two-way relationship between stories and the experiential actions of bodies in the world. Through an autoethnographic approach, the article presents a series of interlinked story fragments in an effort to show and evoke a feel for the ways in which stories, bodies, and actions influence and shape each other over time. It offers some reflections on the experiences the stories portray from the perspective of a social constructionist conception of narrative theory and suggest that while stories exert a powerful influence on the actions of our bodies, our bodies intrude on or ‘talk back’ to this process because bodies have an existence beyond stories

    Detection of NNRTI resistance mutations after interrupting NNRTI-based regimens

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    Effects of radiotransmitters on fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels of three-toed box turtles in captivity

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    The increased use of radio-telemetry for studying movement, resource selection, and population demographics in reptiles necessitates closer examination of the assumption that radiotransmitter attachment does not bias study results. We determined the effects of radiotransmitter attachment on fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels of wild three-toed box turtles (Terrapene carolina triunguis) in captivity. During May 2002 we captured 11 adult three-toed box turtles in central Missouri. We housed turtles in individual pens in a semi-natural outdoor setting. We radio-tagged 6 turtles, and the remaining 5 turtles served as controls. We captured and handled all turtles similarly during treatments. We collected feces daily prior to attachment (14 June–05 July 2002), while transmitters were attached (06 July–02 August 2002), and after transmitters were removed (03 August–24 August 2002). We conducted a standard assay validation and found that the assay accurately and precisely quantified fecal glucocorticoid metabolites of box turtles. We did not find a significant effect of radiotransmitter attachment on fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels of three-toed box turtles (F1, 9 =0.404, P=0.541). Fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels of control and treatment turtles increased significantly during the study (F2,166=7.874, P= 0.001), but there was no treatment:period interaction (F2,166 = 0.856, P = 0.427). Additionally, we did not find a significant relationship between glucocorticoid metabolite levels and time in captivity (r2=0.01, F1,179=2.89, P=0.091) or maximum daily temperature (r2\u3c0.01, F1,179=0.301, P=0.584). Our results suggested that radiotransmitter attachment did not significantly increase fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels in adult three-toed box turtles; however, we conducted our study in captivity and sample sizes were small. Thus, more research is needed to assess potential effects of radiotransmitters on turtles in the wild. We believe this study is the first to validate the use of fecal glucocorticoid metabolite measures for reptiles, which might prove useful in other research studies

    Big-Loop Recurrence within the Hippocampal System Supports Integration of Information across Episodes

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    Recent evidence challenges the widely held view that the hippocampus is specialized for episodic memory, by demonstrating that it also underpins the integration of information across experiences. Contemporary computational theories propose that these two contrasting functions can be accomplished by big-loop recurrence, whereby the output of the system is recirculated back into the hippocampus. We use ultra-high-resolution fMRI to provide support for this hypothesis, by showing that retrieved information is presented as a new input on the superficial entorhinal cortex—driven by functional connectivity between the deep and superficial entorhinal layers. Further, the magnitude of this laminar connectivity correlated with inferential performance, demonstrating its importance for behavior. Our findings offer a novel perspective on information processing within the hippocampus and support a unifying framework in which the hippocampus captures higher-order structure across experiences, by creating a dynamic memory space from separate episodic codes for individual experiences

    Observations of TeV gamma rays from Markarian 501 at large zenith angles

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    TeV gamma rays from the blazar Markarian 501 have been detected with the University of Durham Mark 6 atmospheric Cerenkov telescope using the imaging technique at large zenith angles. Observations were made at zenith angles in the range 70 - 73 deg during 1997 July and August when Markarian 501 was undergoing a prolonged and strong flare.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. G.: Nucl. Part. Phy

    Thermoelastic Damping in Micro- and Nano-Mechanical Systems

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    The importance of thermoelastic damping as a fundamental dissipation mechanism for small-scale mechanical resonators is evaluated in light of recent efforts to design high-Q micrometer- and nanometer-scale electro-mechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS). The equations of linear thermoelasticity are used to give a simple derivation for thermoelastic damping of small flexural vibrations in thin beams. It is shown that Zener's well-known approximation by a Lorentzian with a single thermal relaxation time slightly deviates from the exact expression.Comment: 10 pages. Submitted to Phys. Rev.
