18 research outputs found

    Moss occurrences in Yugyd Va National Park, Subpolar and Northern Urals, European North-East Russia

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    This study produced a dataset containing information on moss occurrences in the territory of Yugyd Va National Park, located in the Subpolar and Northern Urals, European North-East Russia. The dataset summarises occurrences noted by long-term bryological explorations in remote areas of the Subpolar and Northern Urals from 1943 to 2015 and from studies published since 1915. The dataset consists of 4,120 occurrence records. The occurrence data were extracted from herbarium specimen labels (3,833 records) and data from published literature (287 records). Most of the records (4,104) are georeferenced. A total of 302 moss taxa belonging to 112 genera and 36 families are reported herein to occur in Yugyd Va National Park. The diversity of bryophytes in this National Park has not yet been fully explored and further exploration will lead to more taxa. A total of 4,120 moss occurrences records in the territory of Yugyd Va National Park were published

    Bryophytes Occurrences Dataset Based On SYKO Herbarium Moss Collection

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    The dataset with 49,726 bryophytes occurrences (49261 moss occurrences and 465 liverworts occurrences) located predominantly on the territory European North-East Russia was described in this data paper. The dataset was based on the digitized moss labels from the Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Сenter of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences herbarium (SYKO). The information from the labels was recognized, cleaned and brought into compliance with the Darwin Core. More than 99.9% of occurrences were georeferenced with a precision of at least 3 km. For each occurrence the original label image URL was given. The dataset contains occurrences of 539 moss and liverworts taxa (species and lower ranks) belonging to 190 genera and 75 families.Information about 49,726 bryophytes occurrences was published in GBIF. The dataset was based on label data of 94% of SYKO herbarium moss collection specimens. Most of the occurrences were described with the following fields: occurrenceID, institutionID, collectionCode, catalogNumber, basisOfRecord, scientificName, taxonRank, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, recordedBy, identifiedBy, associatedMedia, day, month, year, country, countryCode, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, geodeticDatum, coordinateUncertaintyInMeters, georeferencedBy

    A simple mechanistic model of the invasive species Heracleum sosnowskyi propagule dispersal by wind

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    Background Invasive species are one of the key elements of human-mediated ecosystem degradation and ecosystem services impairment worldwide. Dispersal of propagules is the first stage of plant species spread and strongly influences the dynamics of biological invasion. Therefore, distance prediction for invasive species spread is critical for invasion management. Heracleum sosnowskyi is one of the most dangerous invasive species with wind-dispersed propagules (seeds) across Eastern Europe. This study developed a simple mechanistic model for H. sosnowskyi propagule dispersal and their distances with an accuracy comparable to that of empirical measurements. Methods We measured and compared the propagule traits (terminal velocity, mass, area, and wing loading) and release height for H. sosnowskyi populations from two geographically distant regions of European Russia. We tested two simple mechanistic models: a ballistic model and a wind gradient model using identical artificial propagules. The artificial propagules were made of colored paper with a mass, area, wing loading, and terminal velocity close to those of natural H. sosnowskyi mericarps. Results The wind gradient model produced the best results. The first calculations of maximum possible propagule transfer distance by wind using the model and data from weather stations showed that the role of wind as a vector of long-distance dispersal for invasive Heracleum species was strongly underestimated. The published dataset with H. sosnowskyi propagule traits and release heights allows for modeling of the propagules’ dispersal distances by wind at any geographical point within their entire invasion range using data from the closest weather stations. The proposed simple model for the prediction of H. sosnowskyi propagule dispersal by wind may be included in planning processes for managing invasion of this species

    Supplementary materials for the manuscript "Heracleum sosnowskyi or Heracleum mantegazzianum? DNA-based identification of invasive hogweeds (Apiaceae) in two key regions of the species' invasion history in the former USSR.

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    <p><span><span><span><span><span>Supplementary material for </span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span>the </span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span>manuscript "</span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span>Heracleum sosnowskyi or Heracleum mantegazzianum? DNA-based identification of invasive hogweeds (Apiaceae) in two key regions of the species' invasion history in the former USSR". <br></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span>Shadrin_et_al_Online_Resource_Table_01.xlsx - Plant samples origin and identification.</span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span>Shadrin_et_al_Online_Resource_Table_02.xlsx - </span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span>GenBank accession numbers for DNA markers.</span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span> </span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span> </span></span></span></span></span></p&gt

    Traits of Heracleum sosnowskyi Plants in Monostand on Invaded Area.

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    The ability of giant hogweeds to form monodominant communities and even pure monostands in invaded areas has been well documented. Understanding of the mechanisms leading to monostand formation can aid in determining the limitations of existing community ecology models and establishing an effective management plan for invasive species elimination. The aim of this observational study was to investigate traits of Heracleum sosnowskyi plants (demography, canopy structure, morphology and physiology) of the plants in a pure stand in an invaded area useful for understanding potential monostand formation mechanisms. All measurements were performed in one typical Heracleum sosnowskyi monostand located in an abandoned agriculture field located in Syktyvkar city suburb (North-east Russia). This monostand consisted of five main plant growth stages: seed, seedling, juvenile, vegetative adult, and generative adult. Plants of all stages began to grow simultaneously shortly after the snowmelt, at the same time as spring ephemeral plant species grew. The density of generative plants did not change during the vegetation period, but the density of the other plant stages rapidly decreased after the formation of a tall (up to 2-2.5 m) and dense (Leaf area index up to 6.5) canopy. The canopy captured approximately 97% of the light. H. sosnowskyi showed high (several orders of magnitude higher than average taiga zone grasses) photosynthetic water use efficiency (6-7 ÎĽM CO2/ÎĽM H2O). Formation of H. sosnowskyi monostands occurs primarily in disturbed areas with relatively rich and well-moistened soils. Early commencement of growth, rapid formation of a dense canopy, high efficiency of light and water use during photosynthesis, ability of young plants to survive in low light conditions, rapid recovery of above-ground plant parts after damage, and the high density of the soil seed bank are the most important traits of H. sosnowskyi plants for monostand formation in invaded areas

    Parameters of the Light Curve of Net Photosynthesis in <i>Heracleum sosnowskyi</i> Leaves.

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    <p>QY: photosynthetic quantum yield (calculated as the tangent of the slope ratio of the light curve at low light intensities: 0–100 μM photons m<sup>-2</sup>c<sup>-1</sup>), LCP: Light Compensation Point is the light intensity at which the total CO<sub>2</sub>-exchange is equal to zero, P<sub>MAX</sub>: maximum photosynthesis rate, P<sub>max</sub>*—maximum photosynthesis rate calculated by SLA, IRA: intensity of radiation adaptation, P<sub>IRA</sub>: photosynthesis rate at IRA. For the QY P-value < 0.0001. The mean and standard error of mean of samples is shown.</p

    Photosynthetic pigment content and their ratio in <i>H</i>. <i>sosnowskyi</i> leaves of different layers (flowering stage, June 2013).

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    <p>“Chl”: chlorophyll, “Car”: carotenoids. LHC-Chl–Chlorophyll portion in Light-harvesting complexes. Symbols “a”, “b” designate the same groups in table columns segregated by Duncan's new multiple range test with a significance level at 0.05. The mean and standard error of mean of samples is shown.</p