11 research outputs found

    Emerging trends for nonthermal decontamination of raw and processed meat: ozonation, high-hydrostatic pressure and cold plasma

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    Meat may contain natural, spoilage, and pathogenic microorganisms based on the origin and characteristics of its dietary matrix. Several decontamination substances are used during or after meat processing, which include chlorine, organic acids, inorganic phosphates, benzoates, propionates, bacteriocins, or oxidizers. Unfortunately, traditional decontamination methods are often problematic because of their adverse impact on the quality of the raw carcass or processed meat. The extended shelf-life of foods is a response to the pandemic trend, whereby consumers are more likely to choose durable products that can be stored for a longer period between visits to food stores. This includes changing purchasing habits from “just in time” products “for now” to “just in case” products, a trend that will not fade away with the end of the pandemic. To address these concerns, novel carcass-decontamination technologies, such as ozone, high-pressure processing and cold atmospheric plasma, together with active and clean label ingredients, have been investigated for their potential applications in the meat industry. Processing parameters, such as exposure time and processing intensity have been evaluated for each type of matrix to achieve the maximum reduction of spoilage microorganism counts without affecting the physicochemical, organoleptic, and functional characteristics of the meat products. Furthermore, combined impact (hurdle concept) was evaluated to enhance the understanding of decontamination efficiency without undesirable changes in the meat products. Most of these technologies are beneficial as they are cost-effective, chemical-free, eco-friendly, easy to use, and can treat foods in sealed packages, preventing the product from post-process contamination. Interestingly, their synergistic combination with other hurdle approaches can help to substitute the use of chemical food preservatives, which is an aspect that is currently quite desirable in the majority of consumers. Nonetheless, some of these techniques are difficult to store, requiring a large capital investment for their installation, while a lack of certification for industrial utilization is also problematic. In addition, most of them suffer from a lack of sufficient data regarding their mode of action for inactivating microorganisms and extending shelf-life stability, necessitating a need for further research in this area.Axencia Galega de Innovación | Ref. IN607A2019/0

    Potentials of 3D extrusion‐based printing in resolving food processing challenges: A perspective review

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    Three-dimensional (3D) printing has promising application potentials in improving food product manufacturing, increasingly helping in simplifying the supply chain, as well as expanding the utilization of food materials. To further understand the current situation of 3D food printing in providing food engineering solutions with customized design, the authors checked recently conducted reviews and considered the extrusion-based type to deserve additional literature synthesis. In this perspective review, therefore, we scoped the potentials of 3D extrusion-based printing in resolving food processing challenges. The evolving trends of 3D food printing technologies, fundamentals of extrusion processes, food printer, and printing enhancement, (extrusion) food systems, algorithm development, and associated food rheological properties were discussed. The (extrusion) mechanism in 3D food printing involving some essentials for material flow and configuration, its uniqueness, suitability, and printability to food materials, (food material) types in the extrusion-based (3D food printing), together with essential food properties and their dynamics were also discussed. Additionally, some bottlenecks/concerns still applicable to extrusion-based 3D food printing were brainstormed. Developing enhanced calibrating techniques for 3D printing materials, and designing better methods of integrating data will help improve the algorithmic representations of printed foods. Rheological complexities associated with the extrusion-based 3D food printing require both industry and researchers to work together so as to tackle the (rheological) shifts that make (food) materials unsuitable.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Traditional Practices and Consumer Habits regarding Consumption of Underutilised Vegetables in Kilimanjaro and Morogoro Regions, Tanzania

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    Background. Wild vegetables serve an important purpose in the health and diet of many people residing in the rural areas. Various traditional practices associated with their processing and consumption are uncommon and unknown to the present generation, resulting to their underutilization. Methods. Qualitative data were obtained through focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews (KIIs), and participant observation. Using a checklist and questionnaire, a total of 120 individuals from 120 randomly selected households in Kilimanjaro and Morogoro regions were interviewed. Results. Underutilised indigenous vegetables from Morogoro and Kilimanjaro regions were investigated. Out of 40 vegetables, four underutilised vegetables (UVs), Sunga (Launea cornuta), Kikundembala (Vigna vexillata), Mokiki (Momordica foetida), and Inyiri (Basella alba), were identified, collected, and studied. Over 75% of respondents preferred UVs to exotic species, the likes of cabbage, amaranth, eggplant, pumpkin leaves, and spinach. It was further noted that with the existing myths and fads associated with consumption of UVs, as well as the widespread use of the exotic vegetable species among the modern generation, UVs’ future demand is diminishing. Conclusion. There are many varieties of UVs in Morogoro and Kilimanjaro regions. However, the UVs are currently showing decreasing demand due to various reasons including difficulties in preparation, low palatability, and negative image to consumers; introduction of exotic species of vegetables was found to further suppress the use of UVs

    Micronutrients Potential of Underutilized Vegetables and Their Role in Fighting Hidden Hunger

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    Background. Innumerable underutilized vegetable (UV) species have been utilized as food and as folklore medicine since time immemorial. Such vegetables have been part and parcel of the food dishes, especially to the ancient rural and periurban dwellers. However, researchers and agricultural scientists have given little or no attention to such vegetables, as to what constitutes their potentials in curbing hidden hunger. To achieve the global Sustainable Development Goals, Tanzania needs to address the issue of food insecurity through the use of not only grains, fruits, and edible insects but also through embracing the UVs. The overall objective of this study was to screen the indigenous vegetables with nutritional and health claims from communities in Kilimanjaro and Morogoro regions. Methods. Quantitative data were obtained by conducting laboratory nutrient and antinutrients composition analyses as per standard Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) methods. This was carried out to determine the moisture content, micronutrient, and antinutrients composition of the selected UVs. Results. The nutritional and medicinal claims of the selected UVs mentioned during interviews were validated by data obtained from laboratory nutrient and antinutrients composition analyses. Chemical analyses revealed that vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, and C contents ranged from 2.50-6.67, 18.94-182.95, 0.18-0.76, 0.09-0.43, and 46.52-198.08 mg/100 g, respectively. Minerals, on the other hand, Ca, Fe, Mg, and Zn contents ranged from 60.28-421.03, 4.28-21.05, 191.12-1151.91, and 4.28-21.10 mg/100, respectively. Moisture content, oxalates, and phytates contents ranged from 78.59-95.49%, 1.28-3.15, and 1.64-6.18 mg/100 g, respectively. Conclusion. The findings from the study added credence to the selected UVs that they are rich sources of micronutrients and crucial in daily human diet to curb hidden hunger

    Comparative Evaluation of Physicochemical, Antioxidant, and Sensory Properties of Red Wine as Markers of Its Quality and Authenticity

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    The consumption of red wine by most wine drinkers has increased significantly because of the perceived health benefits which are linked to its inherent quality characteristics. In the quest to determine the conformity of Nigeria’s domestic red wine quality with their international counterparts, the quality characteristics of domestic red wines produced in Nigeria were evaluated using foreign red wines as markers of wine quality and authenticity. Foreign and domestic red wines obtained in Nigeria were analyzed for physicochemical, antioxidant, and sensory properties using standard methods. Results showed that the domestic wines had significantly (p<0.05) higher pH (4.03–4.16) and total sugar content (8.60–9.27%) while the foreign wines had significantly (p<0.05) higher total titratable acidity (0.76–0.83%), Brix (6.98–8.04 g/100 g), alcohol (14.44–15.21% ABV), and polyphenol content (385.13–412.75 mg/L). Additionally, the domestic wines exhibited significantly (p<0.05) lower antioxidant capacity compared to the foreign wines. Although the wines’ hue angle (27.68°–41.46°) indicated a red colour spectrum in the visible region of the opponent colour chart, the total colour difference (ΔE) between foreign and domestic wines was significant. The sensory characteristics of the wines differed significantly as the panelist rating for overall acceptance ranged from 5.58 to 7.33. This research has provided valuable insight that the domestic wines studied showed a considerable level of authenticity and different levels of quality according to their varying concentration of organic acids, residual sugars, and phenolic compounds

    Nutritional and Therapeutic Potential of Soursop

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    Soursop (Annona muricata) has been one of the most studied fruits in recent years, owing to its potential medicinal benefits, as evidenced by many studies. Soursop is a tropical and subtropical fruit having great versatility and is quite sensitive to drastic temperature fluctuations. Since soursop contains various phytochemicals, it can be used medicinally to treat a wide range of conditions, including diabetes (by inhibiting the enzymes α-glucosidase and α-amylase), tumor, cancer, oxidative stress, blood pressure, the induction of apoptosis in tumor cells as well as hemorrhagic disease and cholesterol lowering. Due to its significant nutritional profile and therapeutic potential, it can be utilized in the development of nutraceuticals and medicines. Its pulp, seed, and leaf extract are used as functional ingredients in different foods as value-added foods. This review article is intended to characterize fruit development patterns and examines potential maturity indicators in soursop. In addition, it also elaborates on the potential nutritional and active phytochemicals present in this magnificent gift of nature and their possible uses in the food and pharmaceutical industries

    Applications of Innovative Non-Thermal Pulsed Electric Field Technology in Developing Safer and Healthier Fruit Juices

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    The deactivation of degrading and pectinolytic enzymes is crucial in the fruit juice industry. In commercial fruit juice production, a variety of approaches are applied to inactivate degradative enzymes. One of the most extensively utilized traditional procedures for improving the general acceptability of juice is thermal heat treatment. The utilization of a non-thermal pulsed electric field (PEF) as a promising technology for retaining the fresh-like qualities of juice by efficiently inactivating enzymes and bacteria will be discussed in this review. Induced structural alteration provides for energy savings, reduced raw material waste, and the development of new products. PEF alters the α-helix conformation and changes the active site of enzymes. Furthermore, PEF-treated juices restore enzymatic activity during storage due to either partial enzyme inactivation or the presence of PEF-resistant isozymes. The increase in activity sites caused by structural changes causes the enzymes to be hyperactivated. PEF pretreatments or their combination with other nonthermal techniques improve enzyme activation. For endogenous enzyme inactivation, a clean-label hurdle technology based on PEF and mild temperature could be utilized instead of harsh heat treatments. Furthermore, by substituting or combining conventional pasteurization with PEF technology for improved preservation of both fruit and vegetable juices, PEF technology has enormous economic potential. PEF treatment has advantages not only in terms of product quality but also in terms of manufacturing. Extending the shelf life simplifies production planning and broadens the product range significantly. Supermarkets can be served from the warehouse by increasing storage stability. As storage stability improves, set-up and cleaning durations decrease, and flexibility increases, with only minor product adjustments required throughout the manufacturing process

    Revisiting Non-Thermal Food Processing and Preservation Methods—Action Mechanisms, Pros and Cons: A Technological Update (2016–2021)

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    The push for non-thermal food processing methods has emerged due to the challenges associated with thermal food processing methods, for instance, high operational costs and alteration of food nutrient components. Non-thermal food processing involves methods where the food materials receive microbiological inactivation without or with little direct application of heat. Besides being well established in scientific literature, research into non-thermal food processing technologies are constantly on the rise as applied to a wide range of food products. Due to such remarkable progress by scientists and researchers, there is need for continuous synthesis of relevant scientific literature for the benefit of all actors in the agro-food value chain, most importantly the food processors, and to supplement existing information. This review, therefore, aimed to provide a technological update on some selected non-thermal food processing methods specifically focused on their operational mechanisms, their effectiveness in preserving various kinds of foods, as revealed by their pros (merits) and cons (demerits). Specifically, pulsed electric field, pulsed light, ultraviolet radiation, high-pressure processing, non-thermal (cold) plasma, ozone treatment, ionizing radiation, and ultrasound were considered. What defines these techniques, their ability to exhibit limited changes in the sensory attributes of food, retain the food nutrient contents, ensure food safety, extend shelf-life, and being eco-friendly were highlighted. Rationalizing the process mechanisms about these specific non-thermal technologies alongside consumer education can help raise awareness prior to any design considerations, improvement of cost-effectiveness, and scaling-up their capacity for industrial-level applications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Revisiting the Economic Community of West African States: A Socio-Legal Analysis

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