2 research outputs found

    A hybrid gateway discovery algorithm for supporting QoS communications in heterogeneous networks

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    [EN] In most practical applications, ad hoc mobile devices demand the access to wired hosts located beyond the limits of the mobile ad hoc network, forming a heterogeneous wired-cum-wireless network. This interconnection requires a network device known as gateway. The gateway functions as a bridge between the ad hoc environment and infrastructure-based networks, as Internet. We propose in this paper an algorithm for the discovery and selection of gateways and its integration in a routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. Our proposed algorithm is based on an adaptive hybrid strategy where the proactive and reactive methods are combined. Consequently, gateways maintain routing information sending advertisement messages to mobile nodes inside a limited range (proactive area). Those nodes located outside that area must execute a reactive gateway discovery process. The size of the proactive area and the frequency of the control messages are dynamically adapted. The simulation results show that our approach achieves better results in terms of packet loss and delay without increasing the routing overhead.Castellanos Hern谩ndez, WE.; Guerri Cebollada, JC.; Chacon Osorio, ME. (2016). A hybrid gateway discovery algorithm for supporting QoS communications in heterogeneous networks. Revista Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad de Antioquia. 78:80-88. doi:10.17533/udea.redin.n78a1180887

    Dise帽o e implementaci贸n de una plataforma de simulaci贸n para redes Link 16 en NS-2

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    [ES] La investigaci贸n sobre el modelado y la simulaci贸n de sistemas de comunicaciones basados en tecnolog铆as de enlace de datos t谩cticos, sobre todo sobre Link 16, se ha convertido en un 谩rea significativa en los 煤ltimos a帽os. Esto se debe a la OTAN ha decidido implementar sistemas de enlace t谩cticos Link 16, en todas sus plataformas militares, utilizadas para la defensa y para acciones de rescate y emergencias. Link 16 es actualmente el est谩ndar m谩s moderno para la transmisi贸n segura de datos a trav茅s de redes militares. Este trabajo presenta un modelo en capas para la simulaci贸n de Link 16. Este modelo ha sido desarrollado y evaluado en el simulador de redes NS-2.34. Adem谩s se proponen diferentes escenarios de simulaci贸n y m茅tricas para evaluar el modelo propuesto. Finalmente, se presentan los resultados de este estudio.[EN] Research on modelling and simulation of tactical data link systems, especially on Link 16, has become a significant area in recent years. This is due to NATO has decided to install Link 16 tactical systems on all of their military platforms used to defense and rescue actions. Link 16 is currently the most modern standard for secure data transmission over military networks. This work presents a layered model for Link 16 simulation. It was developed and evaluated on NS-2.34 simulator. In addition we propose different simulations and scenarios to evaluate our Link 16 model and finally the results of this studio are presented.Chacon Osorio, ME. (2012). Dise帽o e implementaci贸n de una plataforma de simulaci贸n para redes Link 16 en NS-2. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/29856.Archivo delegad