5 research outputs found

    Dysfunctions of liver and behavioural disorders of females rats suffering from malnutrition: Physiological and histological information as a model of animal anorexia nervosa disease

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    Anorexia nervosa disease is an eating deficiency that occurs around 1 per 100 individuals. The present study was conducted to assess the effects of malnutrition (animal anorexia nervosa models) via removing certain elements from food on liver functions and behaviours of female rats. Eighteen Females of rats were divided into three groups: Control, in which food intake quantity was 25 g /day, moderately food-restricted Group, in which food intake quantity was 15 g /day, and severe food-restricted Group, in which food intake quantity was 5 g /day, for 90 days. Physiological parameters, liver histopathological analysis, and the behaviour measurement by multiple T maze tests were examined. All food-restricted groups observed a significant increase (p<0.05) in aminotransferase, Malondialdehyde and lactate dehydrogenase levels. Antioxidant activity, acid phosphatase, hepatic protein, glycogen and serotonin levels were significantly (p<0.05) decreased in all food-restricted groups. The hyperactivity behaviour appeared as a feature of restricted rats. Histopathological examinations indicated a marked alteration in the hepatocyte with features of autophagy in the restricted Group. Food-restriction (animal anorexia nervosa model) in rats caused disorders in hepatic aminotransferase and serotonin levels and antioxidant activity in addition to hyperactivity behaviours with changes in the liver histological structure in the restricted Group. The study focused on the effect deficiency in essential nutrients needed by the body may have side effects on liver functions and behavioural activity of the animals linked with food searching was measured by multiple T maze tests

    Relationship between the monoamine oxidase gene overactivity and the other pathophysiological and behavioral parameters implicated in memory deficiency in albino Winstar rats as Alzheimer’s disease model

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    The current study aimed to assess the pathophysiology mechanisms that mediate the effect on albin winstar rats' memory induced by the co -administration of fluoride and aluminum sulfate, as a model of Alzheimer's disease. This was done by assessing monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A) activity, antioxidant activity, H2O2  and amyloid-β concentration in the hippocampus, embedded deep into the brain's temporal lobe, and level of cytokines in serum. The polymerase chain reaction approach was used to genotyping MAO-A, followed by single -stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) coupled with sequencing technique. The experimental animals were divided into two groups: control and treated groups. The uptake of heavy metals led to significantly increased MAO-A activity, amyloid -β deposition, H2O2 and cytokines levels in the treated group. However, the finding showed a significant decrease in antioxidant activity in the treated group. The results indicated that metals caused memory and learning impairments. PCR -SSCP genotyping showed many SNPs and haplotypes of the MAO-A exon 2 region, which showed the MAO-A gene polymorphism changes associated with Alzheimer's disease. The overall results indicated a role of metals to induce oxidative stress stimulating pathophysiological hallmarks in the hippocampus due to an increase in the influx of monoamine oxidase expression, which has been implicated in impaired memory, this study focused on the genetic variation of the exon 2 in monoamine oxidase-A gene and its relationship to Alzheimer's disease with the presence of several single nucleotide polymorphisms that may be related to Alzheimer's disease model in rats

    Efficacy of Nigella sativa oil to relieve effects of the lead monoxide toxicity on testicular efficiency and sexual behaviour disorders in albino rats

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    The prevalence of testicular toxicity induced via contamination with heavy metals is increasing worldwide, and a close connection between testicular toxicity and lead has recently been identified. The present study demonstrated the possible therapeutic and protection properties of Nigella sativa oil (NSO) against dangerous testicular toxicity and sexual behaviour disorders in rat models induced by lead monoxide (PbO) food poisoning. A total of 24 male rats were used and divided into four groups, consisting of Group 1: Control (1 mL of distilled water); Group 2: PbO (80 mg/kg); Group 3: NSO (0.5 mL/rat); and Group 4: (NSO+PbO) 0.5 mL/rat of NSO, followed by PbO (80 mg/kg/day) respectively for 60 days. The testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity (17β-HSD), sperm parameters, and sexual behaviour (copulation behaviour test) were measured. The results showed that sex hormone levels were significantly decreased (p<0.05) in rats exposed to PbO, while the levels of these hormones were significantly higher in rats exposed to NSO and NSO+PbO. The sperm parameters (numbers, concentrations, motilities, and abnormality) were lower in rats exposed to PbO compared to those in the control, NSO, and NSO+PbO groups that showed significant increases. Sperm abnormality and 17β-HSD activity showed a significant increase at p<0.05 in the group exposed to the PbO compared to those of the control, NSO, and NSO+PbO groups. The results also significantly suppressed sexual behaviour in rats exposed to PbO compared to those in the control, NSO, and NSO+PbO groups, rats were administered NSO+PbO showed improvement in sexual behaviour parameters compared to PbO groups. PbO toxicity was obvious in the reproductive tract through severe histopathological changes. The impact of lead on tissues was partially mitigated by NSO. The study showed protective effects of N. sativa oil against changes in sex hormones, sperm characteristics, and sexual behaviour in male rats exposed to lead monoxide-induced testicular toxicity

    Flax Seed (Linum usitatissimum): the Healthy Medicinala and Preventive Food

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    اشتهرت بذور الكتان منذ القدم لدى الإغريق والفراعنة بكونها أحد أهم أنواع البذور الطبية ذات الفوائد العديدة للجسم، تعتبر بذور الكتان بشكل أساسي من المحاصيل التي اكتسبت اهتماماً كبيراً كونها غذاءً صحياً فقد أُثبت دورها الفعال في مجال أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية وتقليل نسبة الدهون والسكر في الدم وكمواد مضادة لسرطان الثدي والقولون. كما ثبت أن بذور الكتان تمتلك خصائص&nbsp; مضادة للأكسدة ومضادة للالتهابات في الدراسات التجريبية على الحيوانات وكذلك البشر. أفاد الباحثون أن المنتجات الغذائية التي تحتوي على بذور الكتان يمكن أن تحظى بقبول جيد للمستهلك إلى جانب فوائدها الغذائية. تسلط هذه المقالة الضوء على الدور الفعال لبذور الكتان في علاج العديد من الامراض او الوقاية منها باعتبارها كغذاء طبي ووقائي وعلاجي.Flaxseeds have been known since ancient times to the Greeks and Pharaohs for being one of the most important types of medicinal seeds with many benefits for the body. Flaxseed is mainly considered as one of the oil crops that has gained great attention as a health food, as it has proven its effective role in the field of cardiovascular diseases, reducing&nbsp; the proportion of fat and sugar in the blood, and as an anti-cancer of the breast and colon. &nbsp;Flaxseeds have also been shown to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties&nbsp; in experimental studies in animals as well as humans. Researchers have reported that food products containing flaxseeds can have good consumer acceptance along with their nutritional benefits. This article highlights the effective role of flax seeds in the treatment or prevention of many diseases as a medicinal, preventive and curative food

    Effects of Voluntary Work on Psychological and Behavioral Treatment of Individuals in Society

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    العمل التطوعي هو ممارسة لسلوك ايجابي اجتماعي وشعور بالمسؤولية وأنتماء للمجتمع، يعبر عن طابع مميز وكبير واسع النطاق، مبني على قيم اجتماعية وسلوكيات حميدة مثل الصدق والثقة والتعأون، كونه من الاعمال التي يجد الأفراد فيها أنفسهم ويسعون فيها لتحقيق ذاتهم ومصالحهم. وفي هذه الدراسة تم التركيز على فئة الشباب فهم أفضل المراحل العمرية التي يمكن استقطابها للعمل التطوعي لما له من أبعاد ايجابية سلوكية على المستوى النفسي والروحي والاجتماعي , وتمكن المتطوع من اكتساب خبرات ومهارات جديدة يعود مردودها على سلوكه وشخصيته لتنعكس إيجاباً على مجتمعه.Voluntary work is a practice of positive social behavior, &nbsp;a sense of responsibility and belonging to society. It expresses a distinctive wide-range character, based on social values and benign behaviors such as honesty, trust and cooperation, in this work&nbsp; individuals find themselves and seek to achieve their own interests. In this study, focus&nbsp; on the youth groups are the best age that can be attracted to volunteer work because it has positive behavioral dimensions at the psychological, spiritual and social level. The volunteer is able to acquirement new skills and experiences that return to his behavior and personality to reflect positively on his society