56 research outputs found

    Craters Hosting Radar-Bright Deposits in Mercury's North Polar Region: Areas of Persistent Shadow Determined from MESSENGER Images

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    Radar-bright features near Mercury's poles were discovered in Earth-based radar images and proposed to be water ice present in permanently shadowed areas. Images from MESSENGER's one-year primary orbital mission provide the first nearly complete view of Mercury’s north polar region, as well as multiple images of the surface under a range of illumination conditions. We find that radar-bright features near Mercury's north pole are associated with locations persistently shadowed in MESSENGER images. Within 10 degrees of the pole, almost all craters larger than 10 km in diameter host radar-bright deposits. There are several craters located near Mercury's north pole with sufficiently large diameters to enable long-lived water ice to be thermally stable at the surface within regions of permanent shadow. Craters located farther south also host radar-bright deposits and show a preference for cold-pole longitudes; thermal models suggest that a thin insulating layer is required to cover these deposits if the radar-bright material consists predominantly of longlived water ice. Many small (less than 10 km diameter) and low-latitude (extending southward to 66 degrees N) craters host radar-bright material, and water ice may not be thermally stable in these craters for ~1 Gy, even beneath an insulating layer. The correlation of radar-bright features with persistently shadowed areas is consistent with the deposits being composed of water ice, and future thermal modeling of small and low-latitude craters has the potential to further constrain the nature, source, and timing of emplacement of the radar-bright material

    Mixing model of Phobos' bulk elemental composition for the determination of its origin: Multivariate analysis of MMX/MEGANE data

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    The formation process of the two Martian moons, Phobos and Deimos, is still debated with two main competing hypotheses: the capture of an asteroid or a giant impact onto Mars. In order to reveal their origin, the Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) plans to measure Phobos' elemental composition by a gamma-ray and neutron spectrometer called MEGANE. This study provides a model of Phobos' bulk elemental composition, assuming the two formation hypotheses. Using the mixing model, we established a MEGANE data analysis flow to discriminate between the formation hypotheses by multivariate analysis. The mixing model expresses the composition of Phobos in 6 key lithophile elements that will be measured by MEGANE (Fe, Si, O, Ca, Mg, and Th) as a linear mixing of two mixing components: material from Mars and material from an asteroid as represented by primitive meteorite compositions. The inversion calculation includes consideration of MEGANE's measurement errors (EPE_P) and derives the mixing ratio for a given Phobos composition, based on which the formation hypotheses are judged. For at least 65\% of the modeled compositions, MEGANE measurements will determine the origin uniquely (EPE_P = 30\%), and this increases from 74 to 87\% as EPE_P decreases from 20 to 10\%. Although the discrimination performance depends on EPE_P, the current operation plan for MEGANE predicts an instrument performance for EPE_P of 20--30\%, resulting in ~70\% discrimination between the original hypotheses. MEGANE observations can also enable the determination of the asteroid type of the captured body or the impactor. The addition of other measurements, such as MEGANE's measurements of the volatile element K, as well as observations by other MMX remote sensing instruments, will also contribute to the MMX mission's goal to constrain the origin of Phobos.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Icaru

    Comparison of Areas in Shadow from Imaging and Altimetry in the North Polar Region of Mercury and Implications for Polar Ice Deposits

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    Earth-based radar observations and results from the MESSENGER mission have provided strong evidence that permanently shadowed regions near Mercury's poles host deposits of water ice. MESSENGER's complete orbital image and topographic datasets enable Mercury's surface to be observed and modeled under an extensive range of illumination conditions. The shadowed regions of Mercury's north polar region from 65 deg N to 90 deg N were mapped by analyzing Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS) images and by modeling illumination with Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) topographic data. The two independent methods produced strong agreement in identifying shadowed areas. All large radar-bright deposits, those hosted within impact craters greater than or equal to 6 km in diameter, collocate with regions of shadow identified by both methods. However, only approximately 46% of the persistently shadowed areas determined from images and approximately 43% of the permanently shadowed areas derived from altimetry host radar-bright materials. Some sizable regions of shadow that do not host radar-bright deposits experience thermal conditions similar to those that do. The shadowed craters that lack radar-bright materials show a relation with longitude that is not related to the thermal environment, suggesting that the Earth-based radar observations of these locations may have been limited by viewing geometry, but it is also possible that water ice in these locations is insulated by anomalously thick lag deposits or that these shadowed regions do not host water ice

    The case for landed Mercury science

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    In this White Paper, submitted to ESA in response to the Voyage 2050 Call, we advocate for establishing key scientific priorities for the future of Mercury exploration, including the development of specific science goals for a landed mission. We support the Mercury science community in fostering closer collaboration with ongoing and planned exoplanet investigations. The continued exploration of Mercury should be conceived as a multi-mission, multi-generational effort, and the landed exploration of Mercury should be a high scientific priority in the coming decades