11 research outputs found

    Dual Molecular Signals Mediate the Bacterial Response to Outer-Membrane Stress

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    In Gram-negative bacteria, outer-membrane integrity is essential for survival and is monitored by the σ[superscript E] stress-response system, which initiates damage-repair pathways. One activating signal is unassembled outer-membrane proteins. Using biochemical and genetic experiments in Escherichia coli, we found that off-pathway intermediates in lipopolysaccharide transport and assembly provided an additional required signal. These distinct signals, arising from disruptions in the transport and assembly of the major outer-membrane components, jointly determined the rate of proteolytic destruction of a negative regulator of the σ[superscript E] transcription factor, thereby modulating the expression of stress-response genes. This dual-signal system permits a rapid response to dysfunction in outer-membrane biogenesis, while buffering responses to transient fluctuations in individual components, and may represent a broad strategy for bacteria to monitor their interface with the environment.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant AI-16892)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM-36278

    Metabolism of long-chain fatty acids affects disulfide bond formation in Escherichia coli and activates envelope stress response pathways as a combat strategy.

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    The envelope of gram-negative bacteria serves as the first line of defense against environmental insults. Therefore, its integrity is continuously monitored and maintained by several envelope stress response (ESR) systems. Due to its oxidizing environment, the envelope represents an important site for disulfide bond formation. In Escherichia coli, the periplasmic oxidoreductase, DsbA introduces disulfide bonds in substrate proteins and transfers electrons to the inner membrane oxidoreductase, DsbB. Under aerobic conditions, the reduced form of DsbB is re-oxidized by ubiquinone, an electron carrier in the electron transport chain (ETC). Given the critical role of ubiquinone in transferring electrons derived from the oxidation of reduced cofactors, we were intrigued whether metabolic conditions that generate a large number of reduced cofactors render ubiquinone unavailable for disulfide bond formation. To test this, here we investigated the influence of metabolism of long-chain fatty acid (LCFA), an energy-rich carbon source, on the redox state of the envelope. We show that LCFA degradation increases electron flow in the ETC. Further, whereas cells metabolizing LCFAs exhibit characteristics of insufficient disulfide bond formation, these hallmarks are averted in cells exogenously provided with ubiquinone. Importantly, the ESR pathways, Cpx and σE, are activated by envelope signals generated during LCFA metabolism. Our results argue that Cpx is the primary ESR that senses and maintains envelope redox homeostasis. Amongst the two ESRs, Cpx is induced to a greater extent by LCFAs and senses redox-dependent signal. Further, ubiquinone accumulation during LCFA metabolism is prevented in cells lacking Cpx response, suggesting that Cpx activation helps maintain redox homeostasis by increasing the oxidizing power for disulfide bond formation. Taken together, our results demonstrate an intricate relationship between cellular metabolism and disulfide bond formation dictated by ETC and ESR, and provide the basis for examining whether similar mechanisms control envelope redox status in other gram-negative bacteria

    Interdomain interaction reconstitutes the functionality of PknA, a Eukaryotic type Ser/Thr kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Eukaryotic type Ser/Thr protein kinases have recently been shown to regulate a variety of cellular functions in bacteria. PknA, a transmembrane Ser/Thr protein kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, when constitutively expressed in Escherichia coli resulted in cell elongation and therefore has been thought to be regulating morphological changes associated with cell division. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that PknA has N-terminal catalytic, juxtamembrane, transmembrane, and C-terminal extracellular domains, like known eukaryotic type Ser/Thr protein kinases from other bacteria. To identify the minimum region capable of exhibiting phosphorylation activity of PknA, we created several deletion mutants. Surprisingly, we found that the catalytic domain itself was not sufficient for exhibiting phosphorylation ability of PknA. However, the juxtamembrane region together with the kinase domain was necessary for the enzymatic activity and thus constitutes the catalytic core of PknA. Utilizing this core, we deduce that the autophosphorylation of PknA is an intermolecular event. Interestingly, the core itself was unable to restore the cell elongation phenotype as manifested by the full-length protein in E. coli; however, its co-expression along with the C-terminal region of PknA can associate them in trans to reconstitute a functional protein in vivo. Therefore, these findings argue that the transmembrane and extracellular domains of PknA, although dispensable for phosphorylation activities, are crucial in responding to signals. Thus, our results for the first time establish the significance of different domains in a bacterial eukaryotic type Ser/Thr kinase for reconstitution of its functionality

    B-subunit of phosphate-specific transporter from Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a thermostable ATPase

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    The B-subunit of phosphate-specific transporter (PstB) is an ABC protein. pstB was polymerase chain reaction-amplified from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The overexpressed protein was found to be in inclusion bodies. The protein was solubilized using 1.5% N-lauroylsarcosine and was purified by gel permeation chromatography. The molecular mass of the protein was ∼31 kDa. The eluted protein showed ATP-binding ability and exhibited ATPase activity. Among different nucleotide triphosphates, ATP was found to be the preferred substrate for M. tuberculosis PstB-ATPase. The study of the kinetics of ATP hydrolysis yielded Km of ~72 μm and Vmax of ~0.12 μmol/min/mg of protein. Divalent cation like manganese was inhibitory to the ATPase activity. Magnesium or calcium, on the other hand, had no influence on the functionality of the enzyme. The classical ATPase inhibitors like sodium azide, sodium vanadate, and N-ethylmaleimide were without any effect but an ATP analogue, 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl adenosine, inhibited the ATPase function of the recombinant protein with a Ki of ~0.40 mm. Furthermore, there was hardly any ATP hydrolyzing ability of the PstB as a result of mutation of the conserved aspartic acid residue to lysine in the Walker motif B, confirming the recombinant protein is an ATPase. Interestingly, analysis of the recombinant PstB revealed that it is a thermostable ATPase; thus, our results highlight for the first time the presence of such an enzyme in any mesophilic bacteria

    Design principles of the proteolytic cascade governing the σ(E)-mediated envelope stress response in Escherichia coli: keys to graded, buffered, and rapid signal transduction

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    Proteolytic cascades often transduce signals between cellular compartments, but the features of these cascades that permit efficient conversion of a biological signal into a transcriptional output are not well elucidated. σ(E) mediates an envelope stress response in Escherichia coli, and its activity is controlled by regulated degradation of RseA, a membrane-spanning anti-σ factor. Examination of the individual steps in this protease cascade reveals that the initial, signal-sensing cleavage step is rate-limiting; that multiple ATP-dependent proteases degrade the cytoplasmic fragment of RseA and that dissociation of σ(E) from RseA is so slow that most free σ(E) must be generated by the active degradation of RseA. As a consequence, the degradation rate of RseA is set by the amount of inducing signal, and insulated from the “load” on and activity of the cytoplasmic proteases. Additionally, changes in RseA degradation rate are rapidly reflected in altered σ(E) activity. These design features are attractive as general components of signal transduction pathways governed by unstable negative regulators

    Signal integration by DegS and RseB governs the σE-mediated envelope stress response in Escherichia coli

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    In Escherichia coli, the σE transcription factor monitors and maintains outer membrane (OM) integrity by activating genes required for assembly of its two key components, outer membrane proteins (OMPs) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and by transcribing small RNAs to down-regulate excess unassembled OMPs. σE activity is governed by the rate of degradation of its membrane-spanning anti-σ factor, RseA. Importantly, the DegS protease can initiate RseA cleavage only when activated by binding to unassembled OMPs. The prevalent paradigm has been that the σE response is controlled by the amount of activated DegS. Here we demonstrate that inactivation of a second negative regulator, the periplasmic protein RseB, is also required for σE induction in vivo. Moreover, OMPs, previously known only to activate DegS, also generate a signal to antagonize RseB inhibition. This signal may be lipid related, as RseB is structurally similar to proteins that bind lipids. We propose that the use of an AND gate enables σE to sense and integrate multivariate signals from the envelope

    Fine-tuning of the Escherichia coli σ(E) envelope stress response relies on multiple mechanisms to inhibit signal-independent proteolysis of the transmembrane anti-sigma factor, RseA

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    Proteolytic cascades are widely implicated in signaling between cellular compartments. In Escherichia coli, accumulation of unassembled outer membrane porins (OMPs) in the envelope leads to expression of σ(E)-dependent genes in the cytoplasmic cellular compartment. A proteolytic cascade conveys the OMP signal by regulated proteolysis of RseA, a membrane-spanning anti-sigma factor whose cytoplasmic domain inhibits σ(E)-dependent transcription. Upon activation by OMP C termini, the membrane localized DegS protease cleaves RseA in its periplasmic domain, the membrane-embedded protease RseP (YaeL) cleaves RseA near the inner membrane, and the released cytoplasmic RseA fragment is further degraded. Initiation of RseA degradation by activated DegS makes the system sensitive to a wide range of OMP concentrations and unresponsive to variations in the levels of DegS and RseP proteases. These features rely on the inability of RseP to cleave intact RseA. In the present report, we demonstrate that RseB, which binds to the periplasmic face of RseA, and DegS each independently inhibits RseP cleavage of intact RseA. Thus, the function of RseB, widely conserved among bacteria using the σ(E) pathway, and the second role of DegS (in addition to RseA proteolysis initiation) is to improve the performance characteristics of this signal transduction system

    Selective ribosome profiling reveals the cotranslational chaperone action of trigger factor in vivo

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    SummaryAs nascent polypeptides exit ribosomes, they are engaged by a series of processing, targeting, and folding factors. Here, we present a selective ribosome profiling strategy that enables global monitoring of when these factors engage polypeptides in the complex cellular environment. Studies of the Escherichia coli chaperone trigger factor (TF) reveal that, though TF can interact with many polypeptides, β-barrel outer-membrane proteins are the most prominent substrates. Loss of TF leads to broad outer-membrane defects and premature, cotranslational protein translocation. Whereas in vitro studies suggested that TF is prebound to ribosomes waiting for polypeptides to emerge from the exit channel, we find that in vivo TF engages ribosomes only after ∼100 amino acids are translated. Moreover, excess TF interferes with cotranslational removal of the N-terminal formyl methionine. Our studies support a triaging model in which proper protein biogenesis relies on the fine-tuned, sequential engagement of processing, targeting, and folding factors.PaperCli