92 research outputs found
Integracja podmiotów edukacji w perspektywie aksjologicznej jako priorytetowe zadanie szkoły
The purpose of the study below is to show the essence of the integration of education entities around values. The basic problem is formulated by means of the following question: In what areas of school work is there an urgent need to integrate educational entities to fully fulfill the school’s functions, thereby building a space of an expanding axiological horizon. In the solution to the above problem, analytical and synthetic methods were used. The school should be perceived as an important subject of civic education. In this respect, the tasks undertaken by the school should focus on acquiring and transferring knowledge and civic skills to students through experience and practice of specific civic activities, or on solving social and local problems. An important task the school should undertake is cooperation with the socio-cultural environment. It should be done by inclusion of young people, inter alia, in the implementation of institutional programs or projects of socio-civic activity. The analysis shows the theoretical outline of social integration, paying attention to its types; showing priority tasks in the aspect of the integration of school entities. Three tasks were distinguished: integration around the implementation of the overarching goal of the school, integration for building an environmental school, integration supporting civic education.Celem poniżej przedstawionego opracowania jest ukazanie istoty integracji podmiotów edukacji wokół wartości. Podstawowy problem zawiera się w pytaniu: W jakich obszarach pracy szkoły, wyrasta pilna potrzeba integracji podmiotów edukacji, by pełniej realizować funkcje szkoły, a tym samym budować przestrzeń rozszerzającego horyzontu aksjologicznego? W rozwiązaniu tego problemu zastosowano metodę analityczno-syntetyczną. Szkoła winna być postrzegana jako ważny podmiot edukacji obywatelskiej. W tym zakresie podejmowane przez szkołę zadania powinny koncentrować na zdobywaniu i przekazywaniu wiedzy i umiejętności obywatelskich uczniom poprzez doświadczenia i praktykowanie określonych działań obywatelskich, czy też w rozwiązywaniu problemów społecznych i lokalnych. Ważnym zadaniem szkoły również będzie podejmowanie współpracy ze środowiskiem społeczno-kulturowym. Chodzić będzie o włączanie młodzieży między innymi w realizację programów instytucjonalnych, czy też projektów działalności społeczno-obywatelskiej. Wynikiem analiz jest ukazanie teoretycznego zarysu integracji społecznej, ze zwróceniem uwagi na jej rodzaje; ukazanie priorytetowych zadań w aspekcie integracji podmiotów szkoły. Wyróżniono trzy zadania: integrację wokół realizacji nadrzędnego celu szkoły, integrację na rzecz budowania szkoły środowiskowej, integrację wspomagającą edukację obywatelską.
Dentin dysplasia type I – a diagnostic challenge both for the dentist and paleodontologist
The last research of calcified tissue like bones and teeth has provided new information with regard to the genetic factors that control the formation of these tissues. The environmental factors like stress, different diet, long range mobility, and health of an individual can be also recorded in the skeleton and teeth. Dentin may be affected by morbid conditions present during development and, like enamel, may be affected by processes after eruption. Dentin dysplasia is one of the congenital disorders of mineralized tooth tissues. It is characterized by dentin abnormality. The pathological conditions affecting teeth have for reconstructing important aspects of the health of past human groups. The aim of the paper was to present the clinical manifestation of dentin dysplasia to get better acquainted with characteristic abnormalities in dentin which can be also used in paleodontology research. Despite many reports and descriptions of cases of patients with dentin dysplasia, etiology, diagnosis and treatment of this disease remain unclear so far but with a help of radiological characteristic image the correct differentiation and recognition is crucial. Another important point is proper and detailed documentation which can be also helpful in the future long term observation
Diastema today and yesterday
Diastema in dentistry is the space between teeth. The most characteristic is maxillary midline diastema between upper central incisors. The aim of the paper was to present the prevalence of diastema and the attractiveness of diastema in different cultures and countries from ancient till contemporary times. In anthropoid apes, diastemas were present in the maxilla between the lateral incisors and canines and in the mandible the pre- and post-canine regions in connection with large elongated canines. The prevalence of individuals with diastema from Late Antique and Early Medieval period was approximately 5% and nowadays it is between 3.7% to as much as 36.8%. The perception of diastema has been the same for ages – it is a symbol of attractiveness
An odontometric study of tooth dimension in diastematic dentition
Background: One of the causes of the maxillary midline diastema (MMD) may be discrepancy between teeth and maxilla dimension. That can relate to two situations: when teeth have correct size but maxilla is too large or maxilla bone is in the proper size but teeth have reduced dimensions (microdontia). The present study has been conducted to investigate the differences in the linear dimensions of upper central and lateral incisors and canines in diastematic dentition and to compare them with the control group without diastema.
Materials and methods: The study was conducted on Caucasian individuals (n = 102) divided into two groups: study group with MMD (n = 50) and control group without MMD (n = 52). The following measurements were done by digital calliper on their plaster models: 1. Width in the widest mesiodistal portion for upper right and left central incisors, lateral incisors and canines. 2. Length in the longest apico-coronal portion for the same teeth.
Results: Statistical analysis showed that comparisons of widths of left canines were significant. In the study group widths of left canines were lower than in the control group. Statistically significant differences in the length were observed for central incisors and canines in both sides. All measurements were lower in the diastema group of patients.
Conclusions: Patients with diastema were characterised by incorrect tooth dimensions. The central incisors and upper canines were shorter in this group. Aesthetic closing of the diastema requires not only widening the crowns of the front teeth but also their elongation
Diastema size and type of upper lip midline frenulum attachment
Background: Diastema is a space between teeth. The most often is maxillary midline diastema between upper central incisors. One of the main causes of diastema is enlarged upper lip frenulum attachment. The aim of the study was to assess frenulum attachment in patients with diastema and investigate if type of upper lip frenulum attachment has an impact on the width of diastema.
Materials and methods: Upper lip frenulum attachment was assessed clinically in two groups of adult patients: study group with diastema and control group without diastema. Moreover the width of diastema was measured on plaster models of dentition. The results were statistically analysed.
Results: In study material the most often was diastema in range more than 2 mm. There were statistically significant differences between study and control group in upper lip frenulum attachment (p < 0.05). Normal frenulum attachment (mucosal or gingival) was typical for group without diastema, but enlarged frenulum (papillary or papilla penetrating) was characteristic for diastema group. Type of frenulum had significant (p < 0.05) impact to the width of diastema. Small diastema (≤ 2 mm) more often coexisted with normal frenulum. Oversized frenulum was observed in the big diastema (> 2 mm).
Conclusions: Patients with diastema have more often oversized upper lip frenulum attachment then patients without diastema. The most often type of frenulum in patients with diastema is papillary and papilla penetrating type. Type of upper lip frenulum attachment has an impact to the size of diastema
Edukacja aksjologiczna i wychowanie ku wartościom podstawą budowania szkoły jako wspólnoty życia, pracy i służby
Contemporary school is a subject of the process of structural and program changes. These changes imply searching for ways to build its culture. One of the elements of the school’s culture is community. Building a school as a community of life, work and service for another human being, smaller and larger communities and the Homeland becomes an important task. The basic condition for the implementation of this task is axiological education and upbringing towards values. The presented material will show the axiological determinants of building a school as a community. Particular attention will be paid to axiological education and upbringing towards values in the field of human qualities as a factor determining the building a school in the community dimension.Współczesna szkoła podlega procesowi zmian strukturalnych i programowych, które implikują poszukiwanie dróg budowania jej kultury. Jednym z elementów kultury szkoły jest wspólnotowość. Budowanie szkoły jako wspólnoty życia, pracy i służby drugiemu człowiekowi, społecznościom mniejszym i większym oraz Ojczyźnie staje się ważnym zadaniem. Podstawowym warunkiem realizacji tego zadania jest edukacja aksjologiczna i wychowanie ku wartościom. W opracowaniu ukazano aksjologiczne uwarunkowania budowania szkoły jako wspólnoty. Szczególnie uwagę zwrócono na edukację aksjologiczną i wychowanie ku wartościom w zakresie przymiotów osoby ludzkiej jako czynnika warunkującego budowanie szkoły w wymiarze wspólnotowym
Width of dental arches in patients with maxillary midline diastema
Background: The aims of the study were as follows: (1) to examine the width of the dental arches of patients with maxillary midline diastema and compare it with control group; (2) to investigate the impact of the width of upper dental arch on the width of diastema.
Materials and methods: Diagnostic orthodontic plaster models of 102 patients with permanent dentition were studied. Patients were divided into two groups: study group with diastema and control group without diastema. Patients with severe malocclusion, craniofacial diseases, hypodontia and microdontia and patients with periodontal disease were excluded. The transpalatal width of palate, premolar and molar arch widths in Pont’s points of upper and lower jaw were measured using digital calliper. The results were statistically analysed.
Results: Analysis showed a significant correlation between presence of diastema and premolar and molar width of the dental arches for both upper and lower jaw. Studied widths were larger in patients with diastema compared to the group without diastema. Analysis of the transpalatal width showed statistically significant differences between the study group and the control group. Analysis of widths of diastema and transpalatal widths showed that there was not statistically significant correlation.
Conclusions: Patients with diastema had increased in size in both the premolar and molar width of the dental arches. Increase the width affect to both upper and lower dental arch. Patients with diastema also were characterised by often occurrence of normal or increased of the transpalatal width but the width of the diastema did not correlate with the width of the palate. (Folia Morphol 2018; 77, 2: 340–344
Calcium and Potassium Saliva Concentration in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Svrha: Ovom se studijom željelo procijeniti kolika je koncentracija kalcija i kalija u slini pacijenata s multiplom sklerozom. Ispitanici i postupci: Ispitano je 86 pacijenata s multiplom sklerozom (MS-om) i 54 zdrave osobe. Koncentracije kalcija i kalija bile su određene kolorimetrijski. Nakon toga su dobiveni podaci statitički obrađeni testovima t-student i hi-kvadrat. Rezultati: Razine kalcija u slini pacijenata s MS-om bile su statistički znatno niže od onih kod zdravih osoba, a koncentracije kalija mnogo manje. Zaključak: Ustanovljeni poremećaj u koncentraciji elektrolita može se povezati s neurološkim i imunološkm poremećajima svojstvenima multiploj sklerozi.Objective: The aim of the study was an assessment of the calcium and potassium saliva concentration in patients with multiple sclerosis. Material and Methods: 86 patients with multiple sclerosis and 54 healthy persons were examined. Saliva levels of calcium and potassium were estimated with the use of the colorimetric method. The obtained data were statistically analyzed using t-Student and Chi-square tests. Results: Calcium levels in the saliva of MS patients were statistically lower than in healthy persons. Potassium saliva concentrations of MS patients were statistically higher than in the control group. Conclusion: The observed electrolytes disorders can be associated with the neurological and immunological disturbances which are characteristic for multiple sclerosis
The impact of type 1 diabetes on the development of the craniofacial mineralised tissues (bones and teeth): literature review
Background: There are many reports on the impact of diabetes on periodontium as well as the state of organs in diabetics; however, there is little research on the impact of the disease on morphological and anatomical changes in the mineralised tissues like teeth and craniofacial bones. The aim of this study was to present a review of literature on morphological and anatomical changes of mineralised tissues in the course of type 1 diabetes.
Materials and methods: A review of PubMed database was made using the keywords: morphological changes, anatomical changes, enamel hypoplasia, type 1 diabetes, induced diabetes and the names of individual anatomical and morphological structures of the teeth.
Results: The analysis of experimental studies have shown that in induced type 1 diabetes in rats there is a substantial reduction in the thickness of the enamel and dentin, compared with the control group. The changes in the content of individual minerals in the tissues of the tooth have been shown — a decrease in the concentration of calcium and fluoride ions and an increase in the concentration of magnesium. In a study conducted on embryos of rats born of diabetic dams, defects were observed in enamel organ, which can cause delayed enamel hypoplasia. Literature analysis revealed morphological disorders also in some clinical cases of patients with type 1 diabetes.
Conclusions: Type 1 diabetes mellitus as a metabolic disorder may affect changes in the structure of mineralised tissues, thereby increasing their susceptibility to caries development and orthognathic disorders
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