20 research outputs found

    The Gervais-Neveu-Felder equation for the Jordanian quasi-Hopf U_{h;y}(sl(2)) algebra

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    Using a contraction procedure, we construct a twist operator that satisfies a shifted cocycle condition, and leads to the Jordanian quasi-Hopf U_{h;y}(sl(2)) algebra. The corresponding universal Rh(y){\cal R}_{h}(y) matrix obeys a Gervais-Neveu-Felder equation associated with the U_{h;y}(sl(2)) algebra. For a class of representations, the dynamical Yang-Baxter equation may be expressed as a compatibility condition for the algebra of the Lax operators.Comment: Latex, 9 pages, no figure

    h-deformation of GL(1|1)

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    h-deformation of (graded) Hopf algebra of functions on supergroup GL(1|1) is introduced via a contration of GL_q (1|1). The deformation parameter h is odd (grassmann). Related differential calculus on h-superplane is presented.Comment: latex file, 8 pages, minor change

    Irreducible decomposition for tensor prodect representations of Jordanian quantum algebras

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    Tensor products of irreducible representations of the Jordanian quantum algebras U_h(sl(2)) and U_h(su(1,1)) are considered. For both the highest weight finite dimensional representations of U_h(sl(2)) and lowest weight infinite dimensional ones of U_h(su(1,1)), it is shown that tensor product representations are reducible and that the decomposition rules to irreducible representations are exactly the same as those of corresponding Lie algebras.Comment: LaTeX, 14pages, no figur

    Degenerate Sklyanin Algebras

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    New trigonometric and rational solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation (QYBE) are obtained by applying some singular gauge transformations to the known Belavin-Drinfeld elliptic R-matrix for sl(2,C)sl(2,\mathbb{C}). These solutions are shown to be related to the standard ones by the quasi-Hopf twist. We demonstrate that the quantum algebras arising from these new R-matrices can be obtained as special limits of the Sklyanin algebra. A representation for these algebras by the difference operators is found. The sl(N,C)sl(N,\mathbb{C})-case is discussed.Comment: 12 page

    Three dimensional quantum algebras: a Cartan-like point of view

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    A perturbative quantization procedure for Lie bialgebras is introduced and used to classify all three dimensional complex quantum algebras compatible with a given coproduct. The role of elements of the quantum universal enveloping algebra that, analogously to generators in Lie algebras, have a distinguished type of coproduct is discussed, and the relevance of a symmetrical basis in the universal enveloping algebra stressed. New quantizations of three dimensional solvable algebras, relevant for possible physical applications for their simplicity, are obtained and all already known related results recovered. Our results give a quantization of all existing three dimensional Lie algebras and reproduce, in the classical limit, the most relevant sector of the complete classification for real three dimensional Lie bialgebra structures given by X. Gomez in J. Math. Phys. Vol. 41. (2000) 4939.Comment: LaTeX, 15 page

    Tensor Operators for Uh(sl(2))

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    Tensor operators for the Jordanian quantum algebra Uh(sl(2)) are considered. Some explicit examples of them, which are obtained in the boson or fermion realization, are given and their properties are studied. It is also shown that the Wigner-Eckart's theorem can be extended to Uh(sl(2)).Comment: 11pages, LaTeX, to be published in J. Phys.

    Jordanian Quantum Algebra Uh(sl(N)){\cal U}_{\sf h}(sl(N)) via Contraction Method and Mapping

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    Using the contraction procedure introduced by us in Ref. \cite{ACC2}, we construct, in the first part of the present letter, the Jordanian quantum Hopf algebra Uh(sl(3)){\cal U}_{\sf h}(sl(3)) which has a remarkably simple coalgebraic structure and contains the Jordanian Hopf algebra Uh(sl(2)){\cal U}_{\sf h}(sl(2)), obtained by Ohn, as a subalgebra. A nonlinear map between Uh(sl(3)){\cal U}_{\sf h}(sl(3)) and the classical sl(3)sl(3) algebra is then established. In the second part, we give the higher dimensional Jordanian algebras Uh(sl(N)){\cal U}_{\sf h}(sl(N)) for all NN. The Universal Rh{\cal R}_{\sf h}-matrix of Uh(sl(N)){\cal U}_{\sf h} (sl(N)) is also given.Comment: 17 pages, Late

    Superintegrability on sl(2)-coalgebra spaces

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    We review a recently introduced set of N-dimensional quasi-maximally superintegrable Hamiltonian systems describing geodesic motions, that can be used to generate "dynamically" a large family of curved spaces. From an algebraic viewpoint, such spaces are obtained through kinetic energy Hamiltonians defined on either the sl(2) Poisson coalgebra or a quantum deformation of it. Certain potentials on these spaces and endowed with the same underlying coalgebra symmetry have been also introduced in such a way that the superintegrability properties of the full system are preserved. Several new N=2 examples of this construction are explicitly given, and specific Hamiltonians leading to spaces of non-constant curvature are emphasized.Comment: 12 pages. Based on the contribution presented at the "XII International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics", Yerevan (Armenia), July 2006. To appear in Physics of Atomic Nucle

    Maps between Deformed and Ordinary Gauge Fields

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    In this paper, we introduce a map between the q-deformed gauge fields defined on the GLq(N)_{q}(N) -covariant quantum hyperplane and the ordinary gauge fields. Perturbative analysis of the q-deformed QED at the classical level is presented and gauge fixing aˋ\grave{a} la BRST is discussed. An other star product defined on the hybrid (q,h)(q,h) % -plane is explicitly constructed .Comment: 10 page

    A unified approach to Poisson-Hopf deformations of Lie-Hamilton systems based on sl(2)

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    Producción CientíficaBased on a recently developed procedure to construct Poisson-Hopf deformations of Lie–Hamilton systems, a novel unified approach to nonequivalent deformations of Lie–Hamilton systems on the real plane with a Vessiot–Guldberg Lie algebra isomorphic to sl(2) is proposed. This, in particular, allows us to define a notion of Poisson–Hopf systems in dependence of a parameterized family of Poisson algebra representations. Such an approach is explicitly illustrated by applying it to the three non-diffeomorphic classes of sl(2) Lie–Hamilton systems. Our results cover deformations of the Ermakov system, Milne–Pinney, Kummer–Schwarz and several Riccati equations as well as of the harmonic oscillator (all of them with t-dependent coefficients). Furthermore t-independent constants of motion are given as well. Our methods can be employed to generate other Lie–Hamilton systems and their deformations for other Vessiot–Guldberg Lie algebras and their deformations