23 research outputs found

    Seeking the factors to stimulate the users in coastal zones planning. Case study: Open discussions with mussel farmers in the Axios river (GR)

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    In the framework of an integrated coastal zone management, the involvement of users is required and “open discussions” is one of the techniques used for their participation. The authors used this technique during a project for the sustainable development of mussel-culture in the coastal zone of the Axios Delta. Open discussion contributed to the acceptance of the scientific results by the users of the aquatic environment (mussel-farmers) who addressed trade-offs in their own way. The majority of their arguments were incorporated in the formation of the management rules, presented in the final report of this project. The present paper summarizes this experience as well as the existing ways for the involvement of users in a decision planning process and demonstrates how open discussion is a prerequisite factor for the success of sustainable development planning in Greece

    Distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon and related parameters in the Thermaikos Gulf (Eastern Mediterranean)

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    Data on the distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon (measured as TCO2) and related parameters in the Thermaikos Gulf were obtained during May 1997. High TCO2 concentrations were recorded close to the bottom, especially in the northern part of the gulf, as a result of organic matter remineralisation. The positive relatively good correlation between TCO2 and both apparent oxygen utilisation (AOU) and phosphate at the last sampling depth confi rmed the regenerative origin of a large proportion of TCO2. The comparatively conservative behaviour of alkalinity, together with the relatively low value of the homogenous buffer factor β (β = ∂lnfCO2/∂lnTCO2) revealed that calcifi cation or carbonate dissolution takes place on a very small scale, simultaneously with the organic carbon production. The correlations between fCO2 and chlorophyll α, as well as AOU and the surface temperature, revealed that the carbon dioxide fi xation through the biological activity is the principal factor that modulates the variability of fCO2. A rough first estimate of the magnitude of the air-sea CO2 exchange and the potential role of the Thermaikos Gulf in the transfer of atmospheric CO2 was also obtained. The results showed that during May 1997, the Thermaikos Gulf acted as a weak sink for atmospheric CO2 at a rate of -0.60 - -1.43 mmol m-2 d-1, depending on which formula for the gas transfer velocity was used, and in accordance to recent reports regarding other temperate continental shelves. Extensive study of the dissolved inorganic carbon and related parameters, and continuous shipboard measurements of fCO2 a and fCO2 w during all seasons are necessary to safely quantify the role of the Thermaikos Gulf in the context of the coastal margins CO2 dynamics


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    Οι εδαφικές κινήσεις στην περιοχή του Καλοχωρίου μετρήθηκαν από το Γεωδυναμικό Ινστιτούτο του ΕΑΑ με χρήση τοπικού δικτύου GNSS. Το δίκτυο ιδρύθηκε τον Οκτώβριο του 2013 στο πλαίσιο του έργου INDES-MUSA και μετρήθηκε τέσσερις (4) φορές μεταξύ Οκτωβρίου 2013 - Απρίλιου του 2015.Τα σημεία του δικτύου είναι 18 και αποτελούν μπουλόνια σε δρόμους, πλατείες καθώς και καρφιά σε βάθρα της ΓΥΣ. Τα αποτελέσματα (στο σύστημα αναφοράς ITRF 2008) που προέκυψαν από επεξεργασία με το λογισμικό GAMIT δείχνουν κατακόρυφες μετατοπίσεις της τάξεως των σύν-πλήν 2 εκατοστών, εκτός από την περίμετρο του φράγματος του Καλοχωρίου το οποίο ανυψώθηκε από 2-5 εκατοστά. Οι οριζόντιες μετακινήσεις δεν δείχνουν κάποια συσχέτιση με τεκτονικές κινήσεις της ευρύτερης περιοχής.The ground motions in the Kalochori region (well known for its subsidence history during the 2nd half of 20th century) were investigated by NOA using a mobile GNSS (GPS) network, comprising 18 stations. The network was measured four (4) times during the period October 2013 - April 2015 under the framework of the research project INDES-MUSA. Our GPS measurements were processed with GAMIT software and show vertical (ITRF 2008) motions ranging from -2 cm to +2 cm (i.e. just above the margins of measurement error) with the exception of the Kalochori dam where an uplift of 2-5 cm was observed. We also found no evidence for local (non-tectonic) motions and/or interseismic strain

    The Kolumbo submarine volcano of Santorini island is a large pool of bacterial strains with antimicrobial activity

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    Microbes in hydrothermal vents with their unique secondary metabolism may represent an untapped potential source of new natural products. In this study, samples were collected from the hydrothermal field of Kolumbo submarine volcano in the Aegean Sea, in order to isolate bacteria with antimicrobial activity. Eight hundred and thirty-two aerobic heterotrophic bacteria were isolated and then differentiated through BOX-PCR analysis at the strain level into 230 genomic fingerprints, which were screened against 13 different type strains (pathogenic and nonpathogenic) of Gram-positive, Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. Forty-two out of 176 bioactive-producing genotypes (76 %) exhibited antimicrobial activity against at least four different type strains and were selected for 16S rDNA sequencing and screening for nonribosomal peptide (NRPS) and polyketide (PKS) synthases genes. The isolates were assigned to genus Bacillus and Proteobacteria, and 20 strains harbored either NRPS, PKS type I or both genes. This is the first report on the diversity of culturable mesophilic bacteria associated with antimicrobial activity from Kolumbo area; the extremely high proportion of antimicrobial-producing strains suggested that this unique environment may represent a potential reservoir of novel bioactive compounds

    A pre- and post-operative study of forty-six cases of slipped intervertebral disc

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    The results of operation on 46 cases of slipped disc have been studied. The age of the patient and the duration of pre-operative symptoms both influence the late results. Results were not usually satisfactory in cases with severe limitation of straight-leg raising. Severe pressure on the nerve-root produces permanent changes and symptoms do not always disappear after its relief. The presence of degenerative changes, visible on the radiograph, is associated with poor late results. Tears of the posterior longitudinal ligament are associated with satisfactory late results. In the majority of cases, the early and late results were similar