530 research outputs found

    Ritual mutilation in Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica

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    In Apoll. Rh., Arg. IV, 477-479 Jason mutilates the corpse of Apsyrtus. To date, there has been a great deal of scholarly disagreement concerning the motive of this μασχαλισμός: either the mutilation was intended as a cathartic appeasement sacrifice, or its goal was to avert the vengeance of the victim’s ghost. This article opens up a new perspective by examining the ritual within the broader context of the fourth book of the epic. The appeasement motive is generally considered to have originated with Apollonius. However, a contextual study shows that he meant to apply the vengeance motive. All the signs that indicate an appeasement sacrifice can be explained in other ways. Moreover, Apollonius more than once explicitly refers to the defilement of Medea and Jason. The conclusion is that Jason mutilated Apsyrtus in order to avert his vengeance, not to bring an offering of atonement.Dans Apoll. Rh., Arg. IV, 477-479, Jason mutile le corps d’Apsyrtos. Jusqu’à présent, le motif de ce μασχαλισμός a fait débat : ou bien la mutilation est vue comme une offrande expiatoire et cathartique, ou bien l’on considère que son objectif était d’éviter la vengeance de l’esprit de la victime. Cet article ouvre une nouvelle perspective en examinant le rite dans le contexte plus large de l’épopée d’Apollonios, qui semble être le point de départ du motif expiatoire. Néanmoins, une lecture contextuelle montre qu’il a plutôt tendu à appliquer le motif de la vengeance. Tous les signes indiquant un sacrifice expiatoire peuvent être expliqués d’une autre façon. En outre, Apollonios se réfère plusieurs fois explicitement à la souillure de Jason et Médée. Dès lors, il s’avère que Jason a mutilé Apsyrtos pour éviter sa vengeance et non pour offrir un sacrifice expiatoire

    “A Child in Zion”: The Scriptural Fabric of Armenian Colophons

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    A unique witness to the dynamism of a mediaeval Christian literature, the literary genre of the colophon in Armenia is notable for its reliance on biblical quotations, themes, and references. This essay provides a global overview of biblical materials found in Armenian colophons, emphasizing their significance as part of the Wirkungsgeschichte of the Bible in Armenia. Different levels of reception can be distinguished, from straightforward quotations to pervasive echoes and imitatio of biblical language. It is also shown that colophon authors did not refer to the Bible merely because it was customary to do so: they often used the Bible purposefully to stress salient points of their texts, and they eagerly related their personal experiences to biblical episodes. Translated excerpts of colophons illustrate each argument. As a whole, the paper casts a new light on the collective reception of the Bible in Armenian culture, particularly among lower-rank clerics, monastics, and literate laymen, who authored a majority of colophons

    Assessing forest soil CO(2) efflux: an in situ comparison of four techniques.

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    A dynamic, closed-chamber infrared gas analysis (IRGA) system (DC-1: CIRAS-1, PP-Systems, Hitchin, U.K.) was compared with three other systems for measuring soil CO(2) efflux: the soda lime technique (SL), the eddy correlation technique (EC), and another dynamic, closed-chamber IRGA system (DC-2: LI-6250, Li-Cor, Inc., Lincoln, NE). Among the four systems, the DC-1 systematically gave the highest flux rates. Relative to DC-1, SL, EC and DC-2 underestimated fluxes by 10, 36 and 46%, respectively. These large and systematic differences highlight uncertainties in comparing fluxes from different sites obtained with different techniques. Although the three chamber methods gave different results, the results were well correlated. The SL technique underestimated soil CO(2) fluxes compared with the DC-1 system, but both methods agreed well when the SL data were corrected for the underestimation at higher fluxes, indicating that inter-site comparisons are possible if techniques are properly crosscalibrated. The EC was the only system that was not well correlated with DC-1. Under low light conditions, EC values were similar to DC-1 estimates, but under high light conditions the EC system seriously underestimated soil fluxes. This was probably because of interference by the photosynthetic activity of a moss layer. Although below-canopy EC fluxes are not necessarily well suited for measuring soil CO(2) efflux in natural forest ecosystems, they provide valuable information about understory gas exchange when used in tandem with soil chambers

    An integrated decision support tool for the prediction and evaluation of efficiency, environmental impact and total social cost of forestry projects in the framework of the Kyoto Protocol

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    For the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, governments of annex I countries need to develop strategies and policies for greenhouse gas reduction. Land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) offer CO2 emission reduction opportunities both home and abroad. Selection of effective forestry opportunities is a complex decision process based on multiple information concerning the greenhouse gas emission reduction potential, the environmental impacts and the cost efficiency of potential scenarios. In this paper, a decision support framework to evaluate forestry scenarios for greenhouse gas emission reduction was presented and tested on five different scenarios (existing and new multifunctional forest in Flanders, Belgium, energy crop with short rotation poplar, energy crop with annually harvested Miscanthus, forest plantation in the subtropics, and conservation of tropical rainforest). The framework is organized as a serial connection of a carbon accounting module, an environmental module and an economic module. Modules include a combination of models and quantitative assessments procedures. In order to make scenarios comparable, the environmental and economic modules calculate their outputs on a functional unit basis of 1 ton CO2 emission reduction. The framework is universally applicable, straightforward, transparent and quantitative. Data requirements are medium, but applicability is fairly complex due to the interdisciplinary character of the tool. Further developments would require automated data flows between models and a user interface. As to the results of the scenario analysis, the only attractive possibility for sinks in Flanders is the establishment of new multifunctional forests. This even yields a net benefit because it replaces the generally loss-making agriculture and, in addition, yields other environmental and recreational benefits. The establishment of bioenergy plantations is a very efficient way of reducing CO2 as far as land occupation and environmental impacts are concerned. However, it also turns out to be a very expensive option. Plantation forestry in the tropics is advantageous when evaluated over longer periods of time. Conservation of tropical forest does not come into consideration as a CDM project, but is nevertheless economically attractive for Flanders since the cost per ton CO2 emission reduction is in the neighborhood of the world market price.CO2 emission reduction, carbon balance, Life Cycle Assessment, Land use impact, Cost benefit analysis

    Detecting natural canopy gaps in Amazonian rainforest

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    En établissant des conditions particulières, les chablis contribuent au maintien de la richesse spécifique des forêts. L'étude présentée sur les chablis dans les forêts de Guyane française s'appuie sur des images Spot de 20 m de résolution, qui ont permis de détecter les trouées dans la canopée, sur une large échelle. Les structures et l'écologie de onze trouées sont analysées sur le terrain, au sol et dans la canopée: la repousse à l'intérieur du chablis, les indices foliaires, les espèces d'arbres concernées par la chute ainsi que la topographie du site. À partir de ces données, chaque chablis est cartographié et localisé finement grâce au Gps (Global positioning system). Un filtre d'image binaire, comprenant trois bandes spectrales (visible, proche infra rouge, infrarouge à courtes longueurs d'onde), différencie les chablis de leurs environnements forestiers. Les résultats montrent que la trouée doit potentiellement occuper 25 à 50% du pixel pour être détectée. La vigueur de la repousse (hauteur et densité) empêche la détection des chablis trop anciens, en cours de fermeture. Les variations topographiques, les ombres et la position relative du chablis dans le pixel influencent également la qualité de la détection. Cette étude nécessite d'autres développements pour améliorer la résolution de l'image satellitaire ainsi que le filtre de détection, afin de pouvoir étudier, à l'échelle du paysage, ce processus caractéristique de la dynamique des forêts tropicales. (Résumé d'auteur

    Reinitialised versus continuous regional climate simulations using ALARO-0 coupled to the land surface model SURFEXv5

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    Dynamical downscaling in a continuous approach using initial and boundary conditions from a reanalysis or a global climate model is a common method for simulating the regional climate. The simulation potential can be improved by applying an alternative approach of reinitialising the atmosphere, combined with either a daily reinitialised or a continuous land surface. We evaluated the dependence of the simulation potential on the running mode of the regional climate model ALARO coupled to the land surface model Meteo-France SURFace EXternalisee (SUR-FEX), and driven by the ERA-Interim reanalysis. Three types of downscaling simulations were carried out for a 10-year period from 1991 to 2000, over a western European domain at 20 km horizontal resolution: (1) a continuous simulation of both the atmosphere and the land surface, (2) a simulation with daily reinitialisations for both the atmosphere and the land surface and (3) a simulation with daily reinitialisations of the atmosphere while the land surface is kept continuous. The results showed that the daily reinitialisation of the atmosphere improved the simulation of the 2m temperature for all seasons. It revealed a neutral impact on the daily precipitation totals during winter, but the results were improved for the summer when the land surface was kept continuous. The behaviour of the three model configurations varied among different climatic regimes. Their seasonal cycle for the 2m temperature and daily precipitation totals was very similar for a Mediterranean climate, but more variable for temperate and continental climate regimes. Commonly, the summer climate is characterised by strong interactions between the atmosphere and the land surface. The results for summer demonstrated that the use of a daily reinitialised atmosphere improved the representation of the partitioning of the surface energy fluxes. Therefore, we recommend using the alternative approach of the daily reinitialisation of the atmosphere for the simulation of the regional climate

    Carbon and water vapor fluxes over four forests in two contrasting climatic zones

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    AbstractThe inter- and seasonal patterns of water vapor and canopy carbon fluxes were compared for four forest ecosystems in two contrasting climatic zones in Europe. The eddy covariance and ancillary data were taken from the Carboeurope and FLUXNET databases and a linear modeling statistical analysis was made. The four sites were a high-density poplar (Populus spp.) short rotation coppice plantation (in Lochristi, Belgium) and a mature Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest (in Brasschaat, Belgium) in the Temperate climate versus a fast-growing Eucalypt (Eucalyptus) plantation (in Espirra, Portugal) and a Holm oak (Quercus ilex) forest (in Puechabon, France) in the Mediterranean climate.•The Eucalypt stand showed an efficient stomatal control in response to changes in vapor pressure deficit (VPD), suggesting an ideal adaptation of this species to the severe Mediterranean climate.•The fast-growing poplar stand did not show a similar stomatal control under conditions of moderate water stress. But during an intensive dry period a decrease in the development of the leaf area index (LAI) was observed.•The Holm oak stand showed a low GPP, which is typical for a low productive species with a long rotation cycle. The GPP showed low diurnal variability, even under high solar radiation. This behavior suggested a strong stomatal control caused by the severe water stress, a mechanism that allowed this stand to cope with diurnal and seasonal water deficits.•The mature Scots pine forest in the Temperate climate showed no variation in the GPP – radiation relationship. In this forest no water stress was observed, probably because the trees always had access to the water table. Irrespective of the climate the evapotranspiration of the Scots pine forest presented a tight coupling with the atmosphere, i.e. a low decoupling factor, Ω, comparable with the Holm oak and the Eucalypt forests.The high Ω values of the young poplar plantation were not typical for forest canopies. These values confirmed the strong influence of solar radiation and available energy on evapotranspiration and on the dynamics of this fast-developing canopy. At all four sites the forests showed their capacity to react to the environmental drivers, characteristic from their respective climatic types. However, drastic climatic changes – such as heat waves or long drought spells – may compromise the productivity of fast-growing plantations such as the Eucalypt and poplar stands. The response of the poplars to these events is mainly achieved through LAI control in contrast to the stomatal control in the Eucalypts

    The involvement of the phytohormone ethylene in the adaptation of Arabidopsis rosettes to enhanced atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations

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    Atmospheric CO2 levels are rising rapidly due to anthropogenic activities. Although plants require CO2 to fuel photosynthesis, the relationship between CO2 and plant growth is complex. In phytotrons elevated CO2 was shown to stimulate growth of Arabidopsis thaliana. In nature, there is, however, a constant variation in temperature, the availability of sunlight, nutrients and water, in addition to biotic stresses. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of elevated CO2 on rosette growth and transcriptome profiles in Arabidopsis plants grown under natural radiation and air temperature. Because of its regulatory function in cell elongation, photosynthesis, stomatal closure and leaf senescence, the importance of ethylene for the response to elevated CO2 was investigated in wild-type plants (Col-0), and in plants with constitutive or reduced ethylene signaling (ctr1-1 and ein2-5, respectively). Rosette area measurements indicated that increased atmospheric CO2 did not increase vegetative growth in any of the genotypes. Moreover, both Col-0 and ein2-5 plants grown at elevated CO2 exhibited an increase in stress responsive gene expression compared to those grown at ambient CO2. A downregulation of photosynthesis and an upregulation of metabolism were, apart from the overrepresentation of stress genes, the most important responses to elevated CO2 in both wild-type and ethylene-insensitive plants. However, whereas in Col-0 starch biosynthesis and turnover were more strongly activated, lipid metabolism was enhanced in ein2-5. Through stomatal closure, sugar and lipid metabolism and leaf senescence, ethylene could be involved in the adaption of Arabidopsis rosettes to elevated CO2

    No Detectable Maternal Effects of Elevated CO2 on Arabidopsis thaliana Over 15 Generations

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    Maternal environment has been demonstrated to produce considerable impact on offspring growth. However, few studies have been carried out to investigate multi-generational maternal effects of elevated CO2 on plant growth and development. Here we present the first report on the responses of plant reproductive, photosynthetic, and cellular characteristics to elevated CO2 over 15 generations using Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system. We found that within an individual generation, elevated CO2 significantly advanced plant flowering, increased photosynthetic rate, increased the size and number of starch grains per chloroplast, reduced stomatal density, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate, and resulted in a higher reproductive mass. Elevated CO2 did not significantly influence silique length and number of seeds per silique. Across 15 generations grown at elevated CO2 concentrations, however, there were no significant differences in these traits. In addition, a reciprocal sowing experiment demonstrated that elevated CO2 did not produce detectable maternal effects on the offspring after fifteen generations. Taken together, these results suggested that the maternal effects of elevated CO2 failed to extend to the offspring due to the potential lack of genetic variation for CO2 responsiveness, and future plants may not evolve specific adaptations to elevated CO2 concentrations